U.S. Army Weapons Systems 2010

U.S. Army Weapons Systems 2010

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12133
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Our mission, in its broadest terms, is to equip and sustain the world?s most capable, powerful, and respected Army. Our top priority is to provide Warfighters with the decisive edge.

This handbook describes how we are accomplishing our mission. It is designed to promote greater understanding of our major acquisition programs. It describes what each is designed to achieve; summarizes program schedules; and offers information regarding contractors, teaming arrangements, technical maturity, international sales, and critical interdependencies with other systems. It augments several key publications which characterize the strategic context for the work we do, which include our Army Posture Statement, our Modernization Strategy, and our Science and Technology Master Plan.
As you review this guide and these documents, and visit our organizations and displays, you will see firsthand the strategic relevance, complexity, innovation, and interconnectedness of the products and systems that we are delivering. As the Army recapitalizes and modernizes its capabilities?while simultaneously investing in new technologies and improving our acquisition processes to better support our Warfighters?we will continue to depend upon the support and cooperation which results from strong relationships with the Department of Defense, the Congress, and vital strategic partners such as the U.S. Army Materiel Command and its subordinate commands.

By providing our Warfighters with the most technologically advanced and sustainable platforms and systems, as you will see in this guide, we are underwriting their ability to meet current and emerging threats with confidence. We will continue to demonstrate the leadership, managerial excellence, innovation, and commitment to continuous improvement needed to meet this challenge.
Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing 2010 | 370 Pages |


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