Slike vazdušnog napada Izraelske avijacije na Bejrut


Slike vazdušnog napada Izraelske avijacije na Bejrut

  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 871
  • Gde živiš: Skopje

Evo kako se uspostavlja demokratija u 21.Veku Evil or Very Mad

Он.нет Три недели војна

Thanks to @Mixelotti !!

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • SkY  Male
  • Boondock Saint
  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 1058
  • Gde živiš: Vozdovac (MyCity South Side)

Hm, Bejrut je bio lep grad Sad Ne opravdavam toliko civilnih zrtava, al' da su zasluzili, zasluzili su. Hezbolah pravi sranja po Bliskom istoku vec 14 godina. Vreme je bilo da se iskoreni taj shljam. Zasto kazem shljam? Zato sto svaka grupacija koja se koristi teroristickim napadima, ukljucujuci i regrutaciju dece, je shljam najgore vrste.

  • Pridružio: 21 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 1170
  • Gde živiš: Niš

"Ne opravdavam toliko civilnih zrtava, al' da su zasluzili, zasluzili su."

Hoces da kazes da su i Srbi braneci Kosovo i Metohiju od shiptara i njihovih NATO prijatelja zasluzili kasetne bombe po civilnoj populaciji u Nisu, putnicki voz u Grdelickoj klisuri, autobus NisExpresa pun putnika, Aleksinac, Milicu Rakic ......
Ajde shvatam ja da si relativno mlad i podlozan uticaju mass medija ali prouci malo istoriju pre nego sto iznosis ovako tvrde stavove....

Malo istorije :

Hezbolah je nastao kao pokret otpora protiv Izraelske okupacije Libana. Nastao je 1982 godine nakon sto su oruzane snage Izraela usle i okupilrale juzni deo drzave Liban. Do povlacenja Izraelaca iz Libana 2000. godine aktivno su se borili protiv njih....
U svom postojanju su se bavili svim aktivnostima....

Citiram :
"According to CNN: "Hezbollah did everything that a government should do, from collecting the garbage to running hospitals and repairing schools.
In 1996’s “The Electoral Program of Hizbullah,” the organization declared its wish to improve educational and health system.
Then on May 2006 as UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs published: "Hezbollah not only has armed and political wings - it also boasts an extensive social development programme. The group currently operates at least four hospitals, 12 clinics, 12 schools and two agricultural centres that provide farmers with technical assistance and training. It also has an environmental department and an extensive social assistance programme. Medical care is also cheaper than in most of the country's private hospitals and free for Hezbollah members."

U sustini ljudi su stvarali drzavu jer njihova vlast je bila za to nesposobna.
Al Kaidu smatraju smrtnim neprijateljem muslimanskog sveta...
Sto se tice nacina borbe oni sprovode jedinu taktiku koja je moguca protiv takvog neprijatelja. Izrael je ipak 4 vojna sila na planeti i protiv nje u direktnoj konfrontaciji znaju da nemaju sta da traze... Zato im i preostaje gerilski nacin ratovanja..
Neznam sta podrazumevas pod regrutacijom dece.
Bio bih ti jako zahvalan ako bi mogao da mi das neki konkretan dokaz da su koristili decu kao vojnike ili bombase samoubice jer ja za to nisam cuo.
Ako si raspolozen za dalje prosirivanje vidika :

Sve ovo gore sam ti izneo da bi malo bolje sagledao stvari i, eventualno, sagledao stvari u svetu onakvim kakve jesu a ne onakvim kako ih predstavlja CNN i ostali medijski SHLJAM.
Od mrznje prema drugim ljudima profitirali su samo politicari.
Svi ostali smo na gubitku.

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 35853
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Nemojte da ova tema kao i ona o Hezbolahu bude zaključana ako previše ode u politiku - molim pripazite !!!

Pogledajte video dejstva izraelske avijacije na raketne položaje hezbolaha...veoma jasno se vide položaji VBR-ova (višecevnih bacača raketa) u dejstvu kao i pogodak jedne "kaćuše" laserskom bombom....

  • Pridružio: 06 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 403
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Nacin na koji se veliki bore protiv malih vodi samo ka totalnom unistenju zdrave pameti.
I kada se prestane sa ovim ratom u Libanu,nece doci do trajnog primirja,jer kako objasniti roditeljim,braci,sestrama.. onih skoro cetrdesetoro dece da su ta deca bila kolateralna steta ka bilo kom cilju.

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 35853
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Sajt sa gomilom video i foto materijala Liban-Izrael - obavezno pogledati....

Dopuna: 07 Avg 2006 21:49

Pogledajte ovaj interesantan video zaplenjenog oružja pripadnika hezbolaha - pogledajte snimak i nećete se moći oteti utisku da ste slične snimke gledali nekoć davno 1998 kada su naše snage bezbednosti na KiM zaplenjivale isto ovako slično oružje....

Video (2 Mb.)

  • Pridružio: 21 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 1170
  • Gde živiš: Niš

Ron Jeremy ::
Pogledajte ovaj interesantan video zaplenjenog oružja pripadnika hezbolaha - pogledajte snimak i nećete se moći oteti utisku da ste slične snimke gledali nekoć davno 1998 kada su naše snage bezbednosti na KiM zaplenjivale isto ovako slično oružje....

Mislim da su nase trupe zarobljivale malo ozbiljnije naoruzanje nego sto je ovo prikazano na video snimku...
Sem ako Izraelci nisu izvrsili prepad na Libanski Lovacki Savez Very Happy

BTW zna li se nesto vise o pretnji Hezbolaha da ce lansirati rakete veceg dometa i koje je naoruzanje u pitanju?? Da li je vodjeno ili nevodjeno ??

  • Pridružio: 07 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 849
  • Gde živiš: my city, preko puta tri kaputa

Yellow Pinky ::[
Mislim da su nase trupe zarobljivale malo ozbiljnije naoruzanje nego sto je ovo prikazano na video snimku...
Sem ako Izraelci nisu izvrsili prepad na Libanski Lovacki Savez Very Happy

BTW zna li se nesto vise o pretnji Hezbolaha da ce lansirati rakete veceg dometa i koje je naoruzanje u pitanju?? Da li je vodjeno ili nevodjeno ??

xaxaxxax lovački savez

kao da gledam 1999 i naše iskustvo :-(

  • Pridružio: 27 Jun 2006
  • Poruke: 283

Citat:Zato sto svaka grupacija koja se koristi teroristickim napadima, ukljucujuci i regrutaciju dece, je shljam najgore vrste.

Ajde proveri ti to malo bolje. Hezbolah nije s namerom ubio jednog civila jos od pocetka 90-ih. Ove rakete sada su samo odgovor na bombardovanje Libanona. Hezbolah je teroristicka organizacija samo zato jer se bori protiv Izraela. Sto se pravog terorizma tice oni bi mogli puno toga da nauce od Hagane, grupe Stern, Irguna i Mosada ...

"We Created Terror Among the Arabs"
The Deir Yassin Massacre

On April 9, 1948, members of the underground Jewish terrorist group, the Irgun, or IZL, led by Menachem Begin, who was to become the Israeli prime minister in 1977, entered the peaceful Arab village of Deir Yassin, massacred 250 men, women, children and the elderly, and stuffed many of the bodies down wells. There were also reports of rapes and mutilations. The Irgun was joined by the Jewish terrorist group, the Stern Gang, led by Yitzhak Shamir, who subsequently succeeded Begin as prime minister of Israel in the early '80s, and also by the Haganah, the militia under the control of David Ben Gurian. The Irgun, the Stern Gang and the Haganah later joined to form the Israeli Defense Force. Their tactics have not changed ..

  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 871
  • Gde živiš: Skopje

[b]Understanding Hezbollah Of Lebanon

By Sam Hamod, PhD
It is time America understood Hezbollah for what it really is, not what the Israelis and their Zionist friends say it is. Unfortunately, our President, Bush, and Conde Rice, misunderstand, or prefer to remain ignorant of, the truth about Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is a social, political, educational, medical and military organization based primarily among the Shi'a of Lebanon. In addition, Hezbollah also includes many Sunni and even Christians who ally themselves with Hezbollah because of the good this organization does in Lebanon. Many of the doctors who work in their centers, as well as teachers in their schools are Christian and Druze.

As the Christian President of Lebanon, Emile Lahoud said of Hezbollah, when it was under attack by Presiden Bush, "Hezbollah is an integral part of the Lebanese government, it is also part of our military, it part of our social order." This was echoed by the late, beloved, Prime Minister, Rafik Harriri.

This is the truth about Hezbollah; not what Bush and his Zionist cronies, and the uneducated Conde Rice has to say about the organization.

Let us look at what Hezbollah has done in Lebanon: it has set up over 50 hospitals; it has set up over 100 schools (secular schools primarily) and many libraries; it has participated in the governing of Lebanon in the parliament and in the life of the country; it has driven the Israelis out of southern Lebanon and kept them out-to this day, it is the force that stands guard against another Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Many of us who witnessed that, and Robert Fisk, the esteemed, award-winning columnist for the Independent of the United Kingdom, will back me up on this, we saw Hezbollah fighters, armed with small arms, mines, bazookas chase the Israeli tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, armored cars and troops out of Lebanon. It was an amazing sight to behold; this is fact. Even with planes and helicopters, the Israelis could not sustain themselves in Lebanon; they were defeated by the Hezbollah. They have sought political revenge ever since.

Thus, at this point, Israel is the biggest campaigner to have Hezbollah labeled a "terrorist organization" by the world-but all that Hezbollah did was to kick the Israelis out of Lebanese land-to kick the occupying Israeli IDF off of Lebanese soil This was defensive action; not offensive action.

Hezbollah has never invaded Israel, nor has Hezbollah ever attacked Americans-though the U.S. media said it has.This is nothing but a lie. True, some of the Shi'a did fight back, as Amal, against the Americans when the American troops were siding with the Falangist Gemeyal family in attacking the Muslims, especially the Shi'a-but it was not then Hezbollah and every honest historian knows this. But there is no end to lies that the Zionists will go to because of their shame at being beaten by Hezbollah.

So why is Hezbollah labeled as a "terrorist organization"-it's pure and simple, because it is a strong nationalist Lebanese force that refuses to bow to Israel or America or the Falangists.

Remember in America the patriots who fought against the British; Hezbollah is like those American patriots-just fighting for their land, their country. As an American, I am all for that. Any decent, educated and moral human being is for that.

We must call those who label as liars those who call Hezbollah a "terrorist organization" because they have no facts to back up their assertions. That Hezbollah defeated the Israelis is a fact, that the Israelis were an illegal occupying force in southern Lebanon (the area of the Shi'a) is a fact, that Hezbollah is now part of the Lebanese defense forces is a fact, that Hezbollah ever attacked American troops is an out and out lie.

It is time the world, especially the American people, knew the truth about Hezbollah and its charitable work, its social work, its medical work, its educational work and its standing in the hearts of most Lebanese and its standing in the Lebanese government. The lies of President Bush and his mistress of state, Conde Rice, must be undone. Tell your friends the truth; perhaps in that way, the truth will prevail over the propaganda Bush and Rice are putting out in the world.


Professor Sam Hamod is an expert on the Middle East and has written extensively on the Arab world, Islam and other parts of the Third World; he is the founder and editor of 3rd World News and 3rd World News Service in Wash, DC (retired); Director of The Islamic Center of Wash, DC (retired) and has taught at Princeton, Michigan & Iowa; he may be reached at Dr. Hamod also edits[/b]

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