Gallant Knights

Gallant Knights

  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2007
  • Poruke: 8631

Gallant Knights - Vitezovi

Photo by: Dimitrije Ostojić

The story begins in 1987.

The former Air Force & Air Defence Force of Yugoslavia (Jugoslovensko Ratno Vazduhoplovstvo i Protiv-Vazdušna Obrana, "JRV i PVO") purchased a total of 14 MiG-29s and two MiG-29UBs from the USSR, in 1987.

MiG-29s were taken into service with the 127. Lovačka Avijacijska Eskadrila (127.LAE, Fighter Air Squadron), known as "Vitezovi" (Knights), part of the 204. Lovački Avijacijski Puk (204.LAP, Fighter Air Regiment) based at Batajnica AB, west of Belgrade, in what is today Republic of Serbia.

In service with the JRV i PVO the aircraft was designated "L-18", with L standing for "Lovac" (Hunter) and 18 being the type designation.

Air Force Monthly - Mark Nixon

Pilot's experience from NATO aggression during 1999.

Serbian MiG-29s after MLU (Mid-Life Update)

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