Rat u Siriji, 2018. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2018. godina

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9416

Слатка слобода стигла у Африн.

"Вери најс"
- Реноје

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 12 Nov 2016
  • Poruke: 590

Game over:

  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2016
  • Poruke: 1492

powSrb ::Слатка слобода стигла у Африн.

"Вери најс"
- Реноје

Kurdi su odabrali stranu. Sami su odabrali, sami če snosit konsekvence svojih odluka.

Isto tako mogli su se bar organizirano povuči sa teritorija za kojeg je bilo jasno, da ga neče moči odbraniti.

Pa i to ne.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9416

Ти си исто тако одабрао да ти напредовање Ал Каида буде вери најс.

Ето ти их уживај.

Повукли су се организовано немој да измишљаш. Један заробљеник није неорганизовано повлачење. А и знајући те твоје кољаче, вероватно је у питању цивил.

Citat:The deployment of the Turkish occupation forces in the city of Afrin

Citat:PYD traitors preferred the city’s occupation & displacement of its inhabitants than handing over to Syria|n Government.

  • Pridružio: 19 Jan 2015
  • Poruke: 1206

Pre bi sam da popijem bojni otrov, nego da padnem ovoj stoki u ruke.

Naravno nijedna od ovih slika nece veceras na BBC. Umesto njih ici se neki govor one americke k*rve u UN, ili neki govor onog smrdljivog baboj*bca francuza ili one koze engleske, u ocekivanju scenarija hemikalijama...

Znam da rusi igraju pametno, ali ipak daj bar neku francusku ili englesku jedinicu, onako greskom kalibrom ili dva.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9416

Изгледа да је САА пустила КУрде у Манбиџ. Цивили су још северно од Алепа.
Citat: As SRO reported in details yesterday, YPG high command and Afrin administration already left city and canton toward Manbij yesterday. For data update, SRO can confirm 470 000 left Afrin canton, most of them stationned between Basute and Nubl - Zahra. https://twitter.com/Syria_Rebel_Obs/status/975346332578836481

powSrb ::

Ево и Јуша јављда са је пола Сабке и Кафра заузето. Док зелени кажу да је цео град Кафр пао.

По пола од ова 2 града која сам уоквирио црвеном.

јављају да је САбка цела заузета, остао је још овај део Кафра(црно).
Ево инфраред приказ из сателита, да се види где су ливаде и поља. САА ће их можда испресецати.
САА треба да се пробије и да заузме један део од овог џепа, да ли кроз средину да ју север или југ, ови ће се вероватно после тога предати.

  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2016
  • Poruke: 1492


"Aldar Khalil, član Pokreta za demokratsko društvo, nekakve “krovne organizacije” sastavljene od šest političkih stranaka i institucija civilnog društva, uključujući Stranku demokratske unije (PYD), političko krilo YPG snaga, rekao je novinarima da će braniti Afrin i nikada regiju neće predati sirijskom režimu. Sada će je predati Turcima, što je za lokalno civilno stanovništvo puno gora opcija.

“Rusi su nam rekli da bismo bili sigurni od turskih napada ako predamo Afrin sirijskom režimu, ali mi to potpuno odbijamo i mi ćemo se braniti”, rekao je Aldar Khalil.

Bahjat Abdo, viši zapovjednik u sirijskih kurdskih YPG milicija i čelnik nadležne službe za obranu Afrina izjavio je u ranijem ekskluzivnom intervjuu za Kurdistan24 “kako nikad neće dopustiti sirijskom režimu da se vrati u Afrin”."

Međutim, izjavom se potvrđuje da se cijela ova katastrofalna situacija mogla izbjeći da su YPG snage jednostavno upravu nad regijom predali središnjim vlastima.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9416

Ако ти је та изјава глупих курдских лидера разлог да подржаваш Ал Каиду/кољаче у Африну требало би добро да размилиш докле си стигао.

Citat:YPG and PYD handed Afrin over to Turkey upon US order, that's what happened, because we didn't see any fighting what so ever, did u ? https://twitter.com/WithinSyriaBlog/status/975352309231357957

'ISIS' in Afrîn

Зелени објавили ову фотку као доказ да су оборили Су24.

Citat: MAP | IMPORTANT - TURKEY STRATEGY AGAINST NORTHERN FEDERATION AND ITS COLONIAL GOALS - Next Turkish invasion targets are now Tal Abyad (Gire Spi), Manbij, Ras al-Ayn (Serekaniye). Turkey strategy to cut Kobane from Heseke and continue Turkmens relocation.

Шарени снајпери у Дари

  • Pridružio: 13 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2269

Stija zmija ::Da....baš tako...sami su odabrali svoju sudbinu...Rusi su jedan period držali svoje posmatrače i instruktore u Afrinu...Ali njihovi Sad prijatelji su ih posavetovali i na kraju ostavili same... Mogli su mnogo više od onog šta su dobili, a to je NIŠTA... Cijeli svijet gleda Oluja dva scenario .... bez političkih konatacija ....

Kurdima je sudbina i bila da tu teritoriju izgube. Oni bi to NISTA dobili i ovako i onako, jedino ne bi mozda ginuli toliko - i to samo mozda. Njih tamo u okolini ne voli niko, i bez obzira dal drze stranu ovima il onima oni uvek pre ili kasnije nagrabuse.

a kurde u afrinu su prodali rusi.

nisu se ameri povukli sa kurdskih teritorija pre turskih napada (pa da ih sad prozivamo) nego su to bili rusi.
lepo su se tu turci i rusi istrgovali, bilo je i slika sa rusko turskih sastanaka po netu. ova teritorija vama, ona nama a kurde niko nista naravno nije ni pitao. a oni uslovi sto su posle rusi dali kurdima su bili takvi da ce ih sigurno odbiti. ruski dil sa turcima je pao i to ni jedna strana ne bi prekrsila zbog tamo nekih kurda koji su totalno beznacajni (mnogo su tu vece igre od afrina i kurda).

a amere je za ove kurde bas briga. daleko su oni od njih da bi imali ikakav uticaj tamo.
a kad amer nema uticaj i interes taj ce cutati i gledati svoja posla.

jedino ne razumem zasto zapadni mediji ne razvace po medijima turke zbog ovoga sto se desava.
nisu turci u toliko dobrom odnosu sa zapadom pa da ih ne prozivaju po medijima malo.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9416

Једна анализица шта би могло да се деси са територијама које су узели Турци.

Citat:Though the Turkish government may have concluded, as many other outside observers have, that the opposition can no longer win the war, the Turkish government is not prepared to simply drop its anti-Assad stance wholesale. The governing AKP – an Islamist party – is bound both ideologically, as well as by their past statements, and cannot simply 'turn over a new leaf' with the Syrians, even if they were inclined to do so.

The Turks look poised to occupy most of the former Afrin region. There are also increasing reports of Turkish activity throughout Idlib, with a reasonable conclusion being that the Turks intend to cleave off the entirety of the rebel-held north. This may not even come as much of a surprise to any of the major actors, given that there were rumors many months back of a Russian-Turkish-Iranian understanding that would result in exactly this situation.

Politically, the Turkish government cannot simply hand Afrin back to the regime that they spent years condemning and working actively to undermine. Even in contemporary Turkey, where freedom of the press and the ordinary democratic process have been largely extinguished, the AKP can not afford the degree of alienation that such a move would generate amongst their largely-Islamist base.

Pragmatically, returning Afrin and Idlib would likely require Turkey to absorb any remaining rebel cadres and their supporters – hardly a pleasant thought, when most are hardened veterans with little ability or inclination to return to civilian life – as well as permanently accept hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Syrian refugees currently in-country, who will refuse to return to living under the Assad state. This would be economically costly, and would again likely produce political peril by offending domestic nativist sentiments.

A likely solution is the creation of a pro-Turkish microstate, along the lines of Israeli occupied South Lebanon (1985-2000), or the DNR / LNR in the Ukraine. Such a state would have nominal political independence, but would be diplomatically and economically dependent on the Turkish state. The advantage of such an arrangement, apart from maintaining a semblance of ideological consistency, would be that Syrian refugees within Turkey could be safely 'returned' to said state without accusations of cooperation with the Assad regime, while Turkey would not be obliged to accept existing rebel forces. As with Russia in the DNR / LNR, Turkish forces could act to 'correct' any destabilizing actions by rebel leaders, helping to establish a semblance of peace with regime-held Syria.

It almost goes without saying that, if the above situation were realized, the large-scale ethnic cleansing of the Kurdish population – who would be 'encouraged' to leave by rebel and TFSA forces – is quite likely, assuming it is not already a fact. The departing Kurds would open up territory to be colonized by 'returned' Syrian refugees.

With Turkish military backing, the short- and medium-term survival of the microstate would be guaranteed. Long-term prospects are less clear; the Israeli-sponsored state in South Lebanon, after all, collapsed after Israelis decided it was no longer worth the expenditure in blood and treasure. Future economic or political changes in Turkey could make the microstate non-viable; conversely, future political or cultural developments in Syria might invalidate the enclave, after a period of division.

In the present, the Syrian regime may not even be particularly unhappy about losing the trans-Idlib region. While doubtlessly a blow to national pride, and any concept of territorial integrity, there is, from the regime's standpoint, a silver lining. Syria would lose a region with few resources, but jam-packed with inconvenient dissidents and religious extremists. In an ad-hoc population swap, Assad would lose hundreds of thousands of, even in defeat, dubiously loyal devout Sunnis, and gain a smaller number of more dependable moderate Kurds. Especially in concert with any future effort to restore sovereignty over the eastern oil fields – perhaps resulting from arranged Turkish pressure on the US – such an outcome would be about as ideal as Assad could hope for: a depopulated Syrian state, largely free of internal threats and relieved of pre-war demographic pressures, able to more effectively utilize (or alternatively, knowing the regime, simply dump into private hands) the limited natural resources present in Syrian territory.

Заузет и Кафр у Гути у потпуности.
Syrian Army liberates Saqba and KafrBatna.

Курдски лидери терају по своме.
Citat:BREAKING: Press conference now by military leadership and local authorities in Afrin
BREAKING: Afrin official says Russia actively participated in opening airspace for Turkey to 'exterminate our people with all kinds of weapons and sacrificed our people for their interests in Syria, and under international silence, of the coalition, and EU" Afrin(2)

BREAKING: Afrin canton: "We decided to remove civilians from the city to avoid a more terrible humanitarian catastrophe." (3)

BREAKING: Kurdish authorities say war is being changed instead of direct confrontation into hit-and-run tactics/insurgency to avoid killing of more civilians, striking enemy (4)

BREAKING: Afrin canton calls on UN/UN Security Council to pressure Turkey to stop cultural/political genocide against 'our society' and to ensure return of 'our people to their places with int guarantee' (5)

BREAKING: Statement says in total 500 civilians were killed, 1030 civilians injured, and 820 fighters of the SDF were killed in the historical struggle (6)

BREAKING: One English translated part of the statement. "we would like to declare that our war against the Turkish occupation and the Takfiri forces called the Free Army has entered a new stage, the transition from direct confrontation war to hit-and-run tactics." (7)


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