Rat u Siriji, 2019. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2019. godina

  • Stručljak-Penal
  • Pridružio: 27 Avg 2018
  • Poruke: 10919


Šta ti je ironija. Pre sto godine čukun i pradede ovih Kurda su za račun čukun i pradeda ovih Turaka tamanile Jermene i Asirce na tom istom prostoru.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2016
  • Poruke: 1492

Lijepo vidimo šta su to interesi u politici. Kad nekom ne trebaš više, odma ideš u drugi plan. Nikog ne interesuje sudbina kudskih civila, patnja. Pa koga na zapadu interesuju kurdi? Izbeglice...??

Kolko ja vidim Erdo ne priča ništa bez veze. Pa bi bilo evropi bolje da zašuti, dok ne bude kasno. Jer jasno je da je pao velik dil. U trikotu Rusija, Amerika i Turčija. Svako če nešto dobiti, a izgubiti če samo kurdi. A kurdi, a kurdi su opet kao kaže onaj "Džejmi Šej, koleteralna šteta".

  • ljs 
  • Građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 286

vathra ::Мало је оптимистичан овај текст, да Курди имају пуно ПОВР и да РПГ може да погоди тенк са километар.
Ako sam dobro pročitao govore o SPG 9 I RPG 7 a ovaj prvi je bestrzajni top sovjetske proizvodnje maksimalnog dometa 1200 m. Možda ste krivo razumjeli tekst. Lično bih volio vidjeti efikasnost takvog koncepta po borbe. Laka pješadija protiv oklopa. Hezbolah je svojevremeno dokazao da je moguće I efiksno. Istina je da Kurdi nisu Hezbolah ali ni Turci nisu IDF!

  • Pridružio: 01 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 2467

ljs ::
Ako sam dobro pročitao govore o SPG 9 I RPG 7 a ovaj prvi je bestrzajni top sovjetske proizvodnje maksimalnog dometa 1200 m. Možda ste krivo razumjeli tekst. Lično bih volio vidjeti efikasnost takvog koncepta po borbe. Laka pješadija protiv oklopa. Hezbolah je svojevremeno dokazao da je moguće I efiksno. Istina je da Kurdi nisu Hezbolah ali ni Turci nisu IDF!

Turci su ozbiljna armija i ima da guraju i stite zelene proksi ispred oklopa tako da Kurdi mogu da pakuju spg, rpg i sve povr za Hasku. Posto su na zapadu prikazani kao heroji koji su uz Amere pobedili ID jedina sansa da sacuvaju obraz je da Ameri posreduju da Turska uzme granicni pojas sto bezbolnije bez vojnog ponizenja Kurda. Vidjeno u Siriji, vidjeno u Kirkuku, vifecemo i ovde

  • Pridružio: 11 Jan 2018
  • Poruke: 450

Pa ja ne vidim razliku izmedju Zelenih i Crnih....Doduše Crni su bar pošteniji, iskreniji....A Kurdi ko Kurdi...stvarno nemam komentar, žao mi je ipak tog nesretnog naroda....

  • Pridružio: 19 Maj 2019
  • Poruke: 408

(Nepotvrdjeno) SAA se priprema za preuzumanje kontrole nad Manbijom


  • Gama  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 4389

A.R.Chafee.Jr. ::
I dobiju time šta?

Tampon zonu, da bi odvojili svoje Kurde i od drugih Kurda. To je i Baba Hafiz radio.

Da se nadovežem na ovo.

Pisao januara i februara prošle godine o "razmeni" stanovništa. Optužiše me da se zalažem za stav da Rusi žele genocid i etničko čišćenje Kurda. Sve izbeglice iz Turske, dolaze u severnu Siriju. To će trajno rešiti kurdsko pitanje u Siriji.

Ne žele Rusi etničko čišćenje Kurda niti genocid nad njima, žele samo Siriju u kojoj će vlast u Damasku da ima kontrolu nad celom teritorijom Sirije. Svi koji nisu za to moraju da se uklone.

Turci i Rusi će uraditi ono što Abu Hafez nije mogao. Počeo je, ali nije dalo rezultata, pa batalio. Ako se dobro sećam, za vreme ove politike stvaranja "arapskog kordona" premijer Sirije bio je Kurd.

Nije mi jasno samo što se toliko kuka nad sudbinom Kurda? Šteta je za narod, tačno. Ali se plaćaju ambicije koje prevazilaze mogućnosti. Nisam to ja smislio već je razvoj ljudskog društva u prošlosti to potvrdio.
Odabrali su Kurdi saveznike ali je predstavljeno to kranje romantičarski jer tako ne funkcioniše savez. Saveznici postoje dok imaju isti interes. Kada toga nema, nema ni saveza.

Meni je vrlo zanimljivo jedan paradoks na forumu:

Kuka se nad Kurdima, koje podržavaju Ameri, koje mi ne volimo jer su nas bombardovali. U isto vreme, podržava se formacija koja je devedesetih ratovala na Balkanu, a koju podržava teokratska država koja želi da napravi atomsku bombu i sarađuje sa drugom totalitarnom zemljom u razmeni raketne tehnologije koju pojedinci kuju u zvezde, a niko ne želi da živi u toj totalitarističkoj zemlji već bi svi da zapale za Nemačku.

  • Pridružio: 14 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 1400

So, I've been getting a lot of messages from concerned friends regarding the situation in northern Syria asking me to shed some light on what's going on there. I don't have access to any special information, but I suspect the question is generated by the usual racket: Chaos, confusion, misinformation, selective information and the well-intentioned sentiment amounting to "we gotta do something" that never ends particularly well for anyone.

Those of you who have followed my sporadic writings on the crisis in Syria for some years will know certain things by now: I don't call it a "civil war". And I only consider the government of president Bashar al-Assad in Damascus to be the only legitimate representative of the Syrian nation and the Syrian Arab Army (and its allies) the only legitimate military of that country. This isn't opinion. These are the recognized actors according to the UN.

This means that any other outfit in the country fall within the category of armed criminals. Very simply put. Now, there is varying scale of evil between these outfits, but the one thing they have in common is that they are all illegal organizations. No other country would accept anything else and neither does Syria, nor should it. It is from this framing I will write the rest of my (already lengthy) commentary.

The development surrounding the so-called "SDF", the much advertised "withdrawal" of American forces stationed illegally on Syrian soil and the announced invasion across Syrian territorial borders by Turkey is nothing short of bizarre and predictable. Put very simply, the Kurds foolishly allowed themselves to be tricked by a very basic "good cop, bad cop" stratagem. They were warned not to do this - It would invite the mendacious Americans into Syrian soil, where they have no right to be, no authorization from the US Congress, let alone a mandate from the United Nations Security Council.

And thanks to the perennial threat of the big, bad Turk on the horizon, the Kurds would be ever-so-inclined to make room for a permanent American presence in Syria. The "SDF" has no such authorization and the so-called "Rojava" has no legal standing, let alone recognition anywhere.

The Kurds may cry betrayal, but in all actuality, they betrayed the Syrian state in exchange for vapid promises from foreigners who had no right to make them in the first place. Now the Kurds have to eat the dish they have made. What they have done is immensely foolish. Anyone with good sense on how the political relationships in the Middle East operate knew from the onset that if America has to choose between the Turks or the Kurds, 10 out of 10 times, America will pick the Turks and the Turks would make absolutely sure of that.

The rest is rhetoric. Including the nonsense that "America is leaving". America has no intention of leaving Syria and at best engages in cosmetic shuffling of troops in the wider region. And America has no intention of seeing Syria at peace, unless it is turned into a pliant puppet state of its own choosing or destroying Syria and leaving it in such disarray that it can mockingly congratulate itself on the notion of the Syrians being unable to govern themselves. The media has made it easy for the planners at the Pentagon to butter their own bread, because whosoever is president can make an empty proclamation of withdrawal, cause a ruckus and instead result in a 180 degree reversal.

For instance, remember that one time (out of a handful) Donald Trump proclaimed America was getting the fuck out of Syria? Instead of that, America launched 59 Tomahawks at Shayrat Airbase and from there on, its troops remained in Syria for two more years and six months, still counting. Another bullshit tweet followed in December 2018, but good luck keeping the score. Me, I don't particularly care for rhetoric.

And I really urge people not to get distracted, because in terms of policy it doesn't matter who sits at the White House. Nothing has changed. America doesn't care about casualties - It is complicit in the ongoing genocide and organized mass-starvation in Yemen which created less than a fraction of the ripple effect in the mainstream media, yet are always given the benefit of the doubt. This same America rained thousands of tonnes of high explosives over peoples' heads in Baghdad almost 17 years ago and called it "shock and awe". They are not the good guys. What is it people are trying to appeal to? Some imagined humaneness?

The media more quickly jumped at the missile and drone attacks on Abqaiq refinery complex in Saudi Arabia, revealing that oil is more important than civilian lives and always was the case, in what must be described as a moment of total frankness from the journalistic prostitutes. 4 years of an unbelievably nightmarish and barbaric aggression upon the Yemeni people goes under a media blackout. Bombing a bus with 30 little schoolchildren was relegated into a footnote because America for some reason doesn't like the government in Sana'a and happily sells billions of dollars of "beautiful weapons" to Saudi Arabia. Mangled and disfigured bodies of emaciated kids isn't good PR for the industry of death.

Now, some European states loudly advertise that they have imposed an embargo on arms sales to Turkey, but behind their backs they sell weapons to Saudi Arabia. So clearly, the selective moral outrage and the calculated virtue signaling from the mass media doesn't impress me at all. I think it is completely disingenuous. The rest of NATO uses Turkey as a scarecrow so that the former can pat themselves on the back for being "civilized" when they actually are fully on board with the good cop, bad cop routine. In reality, they can't do without Turkey.

Add to it the pure nonsense ascribed to the Kurdish YPG in Syria as "feminist", "socialist" and whatever sociological jargon is thrown into the mix, portraying them as a haven for "noble, progressive Western values", along with a blatant forgery of Kurds being "our buddies" during World War 1. More smoke and more mirrors to confuse the puppy-eyed youngsters who really just engage in Oriental fetishizing. The truth is, the Kurds of Anatolia were the enlisted Ottoman muscle in the East, enthusiastically carrying out all sorts of massacre and genocide against the Armenians and the Assyrians. To a great deal of people, Kurdish suffering at the hands of the Turks is nothing short of karmic. Kurds wistfully say "No friends, but the mountains" in conspiratorial self-pity, but others would reply "that's your own fault for burning all your bridges" and then proceed to blow raspberries.

Now, this bizarre trifecta of outlaws, the Americans, the Turks and the Kurds and their theatrical convergence along the Syrian-Turkish border region serves one goal: The creation of a "no-fly zone". NATO parlance for Disneyland and airspace electric boogaloo. For Syria, this translates into America wielding a dagger pointed at Damascus' throat at all times while being condemned to fight a perennial, imposed war set by the conditions of Washington DC. This is completely unacceptable and a sickening violation of Syrian sovereignty. It cannot and it will not stand.

The Kurds clearly feel betrayed. This begs the following question: Are they going to grovel before the Americans, the same Americans who clearly exploited them and used them as a vehicle to advertise the "war against ISIS" (Another American creation and pawn in causing and maintaining latent chaos in the region) only to so visibly discard them and leave them to the wolves? If they do, then the Kurds are truly stupid and deserve all their misfortune. They don't even have anything to offer. The Americans will go to incredible lengths to preserve NATO, simply because Turkey is indispensable, geographically valuable, allows stationing of nuclear weapons through NATO nuclear sharing and provides the second greatest pool of manpower in the whole alliance. The Kurds have absolutely nothing to offer on the table and they are not authorized to do anything either.

In fact, we shouldn't even say "Kurds" because on the other side in northern Iraq, the Kurdish federal capital city of Erbil happily engages with the Turks as if nothing has happened. So much for gullibly chanting "Biji Kurdistan". What a farce.

If the Kurds in Syria, supposedly represented by the SDF or the YPG possess any sense of self-preservation and political cleverness, now is a good time to broker an arrangement with president Bashar al-Assad and to unite the country. This is the best chance the Kurds have to earn their seats at the table when all the dust has settled. They can become part of the country's solution and give their constituency a future, instead of remaining one of Syria's many ongoing problems. It would also remove whatever cause Turkey has to breach Syria's border and force them back into the provisions of the Astana Peace Process and more importantly, leave the Americans friendless in a region where they have fully earned well-deserved enmity. They would truly have to pack up their shit and leave. And that would truly be an achievement of worth.

Until that happens, I am going to continue putting my lot with president Bashar al-Assad as I have done from the very beginning. I urge the Kurdish factions in Syria to do the same if they have any sense of self-preservation left.

Amir Askari Yahyavi

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9416

А у какав говор Асада од пре неколико година, прука Курдима шта им се спрема...

са прводом

Већина медија на западу извештава о масакрима Курда и турским терористима. Сви су против трампа па се као згрожавају.

Syrian Arab Fighters Backed by Turkey Kill Two Kurdish Prisoners

Редовно преносе о нападима и на Амере, турци на танком леду. Европљани уводе санкције, обустављају испоруке наоружања, могући даљи кораци ако Турци наставе са инвазијом и етничким чишћењем. Амери као нешто спремају али ћуте. Руси подржавају Турске терористе и настављају да о јаду забављају НАТО гамад.

U.S. forces say Turkey was deliberately ‘bracketing’ American troops with artillery fire in Syria
Citat:Two US officials with knowledge of the incident confirm to me that the Turkish attack on American forces near Kobani was not a mistake - they knew US troops were there.

“They are trying to push us out,” said one US official. We have now re-occupied the position.

Да је САА не дај боже испалила гранату на амере код Даера бомбардовало би их 20 бомбардера...

  • liman 
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Okt 2018
  • Poruke: 963

Kurdi nisu većina na svim teritorijama koje Turci stavljaju pod svoju šapu ovih dana. Ako pogledate malo videćete da od Eufrata na istok nekih 150 km većina su Arapi. Sasvim dovoljno prostora da se izgrade kampovi za Sirijce koji su izbegli.

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