


  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 833

Predsjednici u Americi, o tome da li će i kada napasti neku zemlju, se pitaju isto koliko i ja. Američki predsjednici su PR menadžeri, glasnogovornici industrijalaca i internacionalnih bankara. Predsjednički izbori u Americi su farsa. Koji god kandidat da pobijedi, kada uđe u Bjelu kuću na stolu ga čeka plan, šta, kako i kada treba da radi.

"Postoji nešto iza trona veće od samog kralja."
Sir William Pitt – Dom Lordova 1970. god.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 02 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 183

Kaćuša ::Koliko god bilo očito da se Iranci podosta hvale (koji put možda i neutemeljeno), posve je jasno da su oni najozbiljniji (i najjači) nenuklearni protivnik kojeg su SAD imale još od II. svijetskog rata.... Bebee Dol

Nebih se slozio da je Iran tezi protivnik od Vijetnama.

  • ruso  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • sta stignem
  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 1919
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

Pentagon 'prepared': US set for Operation Iranian Freedom?

  • Pridružio: 27 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1288

Zbog napetosti s Iranom zapovjednik američke vojske, general Martin Dempsey, stigao u Izrael na razgovore

Citat:Zbog sve napetije situacije između bliskih saveznika, zapovjednik američke vojske, general Martin Dempsey otputovao je u Izrael na razgovore s tamošnjim dužnosnicima (čitaj: svojim gazdama Bebee Dol ) , prenosi MSNBC.
Vijest dolazi nekoliko dana nakon odgode velike zajedničke vojne vježbe, ali također u vrijeme kada u SAD-u mnogi sumnjaju kako iza najnovijeg ubojstva iranskog znanstvenika stoji Izrael, tj. izraelski agenti.

SAD je također zabrinut da bi Izrael mogao ishitreno izvesti tzv. "preventivni napad" na Iran što bi dovelo do eskalacije u nestabilnoj regiji.
O nezadovoljstvu SAD-a izraelskom vanjskom politikom spekulira se već neko vrijeme - te priče proteklih dana postaju sve glasnije.
Reuters ističe kako je upravo to najvjerojatniji razlog posjete generala Martin Dempsey-a. Nastojat će se javnosti prikazati kako su SAD i Izrael još uvijek potpuno komplementarni po svom stavu glede Irana i iranskog nuklearnog programa.

Unatoč naizgled snažnom i apsolutnom partnerstvu između Izraela i SAD-a, očito je kako aktualna američka administracija pokušava izbjeći otvoreni sukob s Iranom. Činjenica da je ovo izborna godina svakako ide u prilog toj tezi.

Izraelski list Jerusalem Post javlja kako američki general Martin Dempsey dolazi u Izrael kako bi uvjerio izraelske vlasti da po pitanju iranskog nuklearnog programa "daju vremena i priliku diplomaciji i sankcijama".
Jerusalem Post također ističe kako očito postoje znatne "razlike u stajalištima" kako reagirati po pitanju Irana, unatoč činjenici da obje države imaju iste obavještajne informacije o aktualnom statusu iranskog nuklearnog program


Meni samo nije jasno, jesu li ti Židovi na visokim pozicijama svjesni da bi u slučaju tog zločinačkog napada na Iran i oni pojeli koji Iranski projektil?

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 833

Salehi: Opasna pozicija je biti uz SAD

„Mi hoćemo mir u regionu. Međutim, neke zemlje iz regiona se okreću drugim zemljama koje su 12.000 milja daleko odavde“
Iranski šef diplomatije upozorio je arapske susjede da sebe ne dovode u „opasnu poziciju“ približavajući se suviše Sjedinjenim Državama u eskalirajućem sukobu oko nuklearnih aktivnosti Teherana.

"Napolju pokazuju mišiće, a nas mole za razgovor"

On je dodao da SAD treba da jasno stave do znanja da su otvorene za pregovore sa Teheranom bez uslova.
„Napolju pokazuju mišiće, ali nas iza zatvorenih vrata mole da sjednemo i razgovaramo“, kazao je aludirajući na pismo čiji sadržaj nije objavljen, a koje je predsjednik Barak Obama uputio iranskim zvaničnicima u vezi sa situacijom u Hormuškom moreuzu.

Opširnije -

  • nelsa  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1118

Napisano: 19 Jan 2012 21:55

Citat:Nebih se slozio da je Iran tezi protivnik od Vijetnama.

Težak protivnik su bili oni koji su cjelo vrjeme stojali uz Vjetnam i snadbjevali ih sa "state of the art" oružijem tog vremena. Wink

Planning on attacking Iran? "Better pack a lunch," advises my friend, retired Lt. Col. Terry Daly, who knows a lot about war. His point was that airstrikes alone against Iranian nuclear facilities wouldn't do much. If you are going to attack Iran, you need to hit its ability to retaliate, and that means that pretty soon you have a big fat war on your hands.

I can't believe we are discussing this. I am hearing lots of depressing talk that there is a good chance that Israel will attack Iran sometime this year and that we will get sucked into the ensuing mess. In some ways, there already is a kind of shadow war under way with Iran -- Stuxnet, the drone intrusions, the recent explosions and assassinations, the sanctions.

But for all that, I just can't see Obama getting us involved in another Middle Eastern war. The American people certainly have no appetite for it. I think he almost certainly would lose reelection if a war broke out, because his base would fall apart and the left would go into opposition.

At any rate, an article by my CNAS colleague Colin Kahl that went up last night on the website of Foreign Affairs argues well that the "containment vs. attack" mindset is a false dilemma. In fact, he says, even if you attacked Iran, you'd still have to contain it afterward. So a series of airstrikes is not a substitute for containment, but a prelude to it.

Russia retains the right to provide Iran with its S-300 PMU-1 (also known as the SA-20 Gargoyle) long-range surface-to-air missile system, as its self-imposed embargo doesn’t fall under current UN sanctions, RIA Novosti quoted Igor Korotchenko, a Defense Ministry’s public council member and editor of National Defense magazine, as saying on Tuesday. Russia signed a contract to provide five divisions of the system to Iran in 2007 for some $800 million, but later in 2010 declined to deliver the system under a self imposed moratorium.

“In any case, the air defense system does not fall under UN Security Council sanctions, as was official confirmed at the time by the US State Department, so, roughly speaking, we introduced the sanctions against these defensive weapons systems and so we can cancel them.”

Moscow, Jan 18, IRNA – Member of board of directors of Social Council of Russian Defense Ministry and a well-known military expert said delivering S-300 missile system to Iran is possible.
Analyst: Delivering S-300 system to Iran is possible
Igor Korotchenko, in a round table meeting in Ria-Novesti on Tuesday, said that Russia has the right to reverse prohibition of selling S-300 system to Iran, because the sale is not included in the UN Security Council resolution.
He said that Russia can revise its decision about sale of S-300 system to Iran and Moscow will take decision upon its own national interests and the outlook of exporting weapons to Iran.
Korotchenko, who heads Russian world arsenal trade center, added that S-300 system is not included in the UN Security Council sanction and the US State Department had already confirmed the reality and that Russia, which had imposed sanction to sell the weapons to Iran, is able to reverse the decision, too.
He said that voluntary cancellation of sanctions of selling S-300 system to Iran is an internal issue, but it is clear that until May 2012, when the new president takes office in Moscow, it runs upon current policy.
Iran signed an agreement with Russia to buy S-300 system in 2005, but two years ago, President Medvedev prohibited delivering the missile system to Iran.

WASHINGTON: Iran's growing military arsenal is about to get a little bigger in the coming months, the country's defense chief said this week.

A new Iranian-built spy plane and satellite are slated to go operational next month, Defense Minister Brig. Gen. Ahmad Vahidi told the official Iranian news agency IRNA yesterday. The new "maritime patrol aircraft" will be outfitted with upgradable optical and radar surveillance systems to keep tabs on the country's coastlines, according to news reports. Vahidi did not comment on the aircraft itself, except to say the spy plane was designed and manufactured by Iranian engineers. Tehran claims to have gleaned reams of information on U.S. aerial surveillance systems from the top secret RQ-170 drone captured by Iranian forces in December.

The new satellite, dubbed "Fajr" which means Dawn in Farsi, will be the first of three different satellites Iran plans to launch over the next few years. Vahidi did not say when the next two satellites, named "Navid" and "Tolou", would be launched. The 110-pound Navid-class satellite is rumored to be able to take low-resolution images of specific targets from upwards of 200 miles above the earth. Iran's first satellite entered orbit in 2009, making it only the ninth country to have such a capability, according to Iranian media.

Tehran plans to unveil the new systems on February 1st, to commemorate the 34-year anniversary of the 1978 Iranian Revolution, Vahidi said. Their scheduled arrival also comes when tensions between Iran and the United States are at an all-time high.

Earlier this month, Iran infuriated Western leaders by threatening to shut down the Straits of Hormuz, the main waterway entering into the Persian Gulf. Weeks of diplomatic saber-rattling between Tehran and Washington forced Iran to back off, but not before it banned U.S. Navy warships from entering the Straits. But the Pentagon's announcement last week that two carrier strike groups were headed to the region put forces on both sides back on high alert. Iran has also begun a new round of naval exercises focused on defending the Straits from an attack, according to reports from Tehran.

However, Vahidi reiterated these new systems would be used for peaceful means. The new satellites are intended to help Tehran's space program "probe the cosmos and unravel the mysteries of the universe," he said. The new spy plane, he added, would only fly missions to protect protecting Iran's shores from potential threats. The addition of these new intelligence systems is only the latest effort by Iran to strengthen their military forces. In November, Iranian military leaders rolled out a new class of mini-submarines. Those subs are a small part of a larger effort to expand Iran's naval forces. That expanded force could be able to control regional waterways spanning from the Indian Ocean to the Straits of Malacca.

  • Pridružio: 27 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1288

Svaka cast S-300 sustavima (koji se zapravo nikad nisu dokazali u sukobu), ali vec polako postaje naporno to dizanje "u nebesa" i stavljanje istog skoro u kontekst "nepobjedivog". Dostavili im Rusi te sisteme ili ne (da pritom niti ne spominjemo sramotno ponasanje istih zbog nepostivanja dogovora), ne vjerujem da ce to na bilo koji nacin sprijeciti napad imperijalista na Iran...

  • ruso  Male
  • Elitni građanin
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  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 1919
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

Ma kad udare imperijalisti bice pakao a tu ni par sistema s-300 nece nista promjeniti. Sta oni mogu protiv 1000 aviona

  • Pridružio: 02 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 1469

Ако С300 дође у Иран па не да га неће напсти него од помисли нема ништа.

С300 уз квалитетну одбрану је немогуће уништи,не постоји оружеје које то може да изведе осим нуклаерке. Ниједна ракета ниједан авион не може га уништити,ако се квалитено чува.

Иран поседује радаре великог домета,иран поседује Тор М1,модернизоване системе америчке производње, неке своје ситеме,Куб,БУК,велику количину ПВО топова разних врста,С200..... Ако ће мо реално имају све да заштите С200/300 још ако имају и довољан број ракета око 5000 ракета за све системе које посдују и које ће поседовати НАТО може да пошаље сву своју авијацију и да буде лепо приземљена.

С200/300;ПВО топови;Панцир С1;ТОр М1;HAWK;ТОр М1;;БУК;КУБ;Нева Панцир С1;ПВО топови и још са шта све иран раполаже би створило одличну заштиту коју неби могла конвеционално да се пробије.

  • Pridružio: 29 Avg 2007
  • Poruke: 737

Citat:Ако С300 дође у Иран па не да га неће напсти него од помисли нема ништа.

С300 уз квалитетну одбрану је немогуће уништи,не постоји оружеје које то може да изведе осим нуклаерке. Ниједна ракета ниједан авион не може га уништити,ако се квалитено чува.

Ajoj... Bebee Dol

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