Poslao: 13 Dec 2015 02:38
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2015
- Poruke: 152
Greetings first of all. I'm an Azerbaijani so I hope it's not too weird for me to post here (and the use of English).
From what I can understand, the posters here argue that Armenia has the full backing of Russia against Azerbaijan, and are thus at a advantage. Of course everything is not so simple, and Azerbaijan has actually quite good relations with Russia, particularly in the military field.
Items which Azerbaijan has contracted in Russia in the past 4-5 years, worth about $5 billion:
2S31 Vena
2S12 Sani & 2B24 mortars
There are more contracts planned.
The Russian-Armenian military-technical cooperation on the other hand is on a much smaller scale (obviously because of Armenia's limited resources), and is based on second-hand supplies. Recently Armenia acquired a credit of $200 million from Russia for the purpose of arms acquisitions for the 2015-2017 period, but it's still a small amount, even with discounted prices for CSTO members.
I'm well aware that Russia and Armenia are allies in CSTO etc, and that Russia maintains a base there, but it's not quite as black and white.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 13 Dec 2015 14:30
- Cufo
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2012
- Poruke: 911
- Gde živiš: Whitecity
Qarasu ::Greetings first of all. I'm an Azerbaijani so I hope it's not too weird for me to post here (and the use of English).
From what I can understand, the posters here argue that Armenia has the full backing of Russia against Azerbaijan, and are thus at a advantage. Of course everything is not so simple, and Azerbaijan has actually quite good relations with Russia, particularly in the military field.
Items which Azerbaijan has contracted in Russia in the past 4-5 years, worth about $5 billion:
2S31 Vena
2S12 Sani & 2B24 mortars
There are more contracts in the works.
The Russian-Armenian military-technical cooperation on the other hand is on a much smaller scale (öbviously because of Armenia's limited resources), and is based on second-hand supplies. Recently Armenia acquired a credit of $200 million from Russia for the purpose of arms acquisitions for the 2015-2017 period, but it's still a small amount, even with discounted prices for CSTO members.
I'm well aware that Russia and Armenia are allies in CSTO etc, and that Russia maintains a base there, but it's not as black and white.
Welcome, sir.
It is good for you to stay in good relations with Russia-and even improve them further 'cause that would help you emensly. You should enter russian-lead organisations and forget about being some sort of turkish enclave on the Caspian.
With Russia as closest friend, you would prospere like never before because Russia has absolutely everything you need in any aspect.
But if you refuse, Russia will put you under pressure. Real hard, mate. It will hurt your country emensly. So, be smart and use the chance to prospere that God gave you, everything else is just an ilusion!
Poslao: 13 Dec 2015 15:17
- Pridružio: 11 Maj 2015
- Poruke: 62
Cufo ::Qarasu ::Greetings first of all. I'm an Azerbaijani so I hope it's not too weird for me to post here (and the use of English).
From what I can understand, the posters here argue that Armenia has the full backing of Russia against Azerbaijan, and are thus at a advantage. Of course everything is not so simple, and Azerbaijan has actually quite good relations with Russia, particularly in the military field.
Items which Azerbaijan has contracted in Russia in the past 4-5 years, worth about $5 billion:
2S31 Vena
2S12 Sani & 2B24 mortars
There are more contracts in the works.
The Russian-Armenian military-technical cooperation on the other hand is on a much smaller scale (öbviously because of Armenia's limited resources), and is based on second-hand supplies. Recently Armenia acquired a credit of $200 million from Russia for the purpose of arms acquisitions for the 2015-2017 period, but it's still a small amount, even with discounted prices for CSTO members.
I'm well aware that Russia and Armenia are allies in CSTO etc, and that Russia maintains a base there, but it's not as black and white.
Welcome, sir.
It is good for you to stay in good relations with Russia-and even improve them further 'cause that would help you emensly. You should enter russian-lead organisations and forget about being some sort of turkish enclave on the Caspian.
With Russia as closest friend, you would prospere like never before because Russia has absolutely everything you need in any aspect.
But if you refuse, Russia will put you under pressure. Real hard, mate. It will hurt your country emensly. So, be smart and use the chance to prospere that God gave you, everything else is just an ilusion!
ahahahhahahhahahah cufo ahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahha ti pricas liku iz Azerbejdzana sta treba da rade a oni bili deo ruske imperije i saveza ahahhahahahhahah ovde stvarno ljudi sebi daju za pravo svasta...
Poslao: 13 Dec 2015 15:28
- Pridružio: 01 Okt 2012
- Poruke: 4066
u, bre Miloje,
potrosio si sva slova "a" i "h" ,
pa forum je, diskusije, ovo, ono..
Poslao: 13 Dec 2015 16:07
- Cufo
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2012
- Poruke: 911
- Gde živiš: Whitecity
Miloje ::
ahahahhahahhahahah cufo ahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahha ti pricas liku iz Azerbejdzana sta treba da rade a oni bili deo ruske imperije i saveza ahahhahahahhahah ovde stvarno ljudi sebi daju za pravo svasta...
Dobro, slažem se da je trebalo da se makar ogradim i predstavim sve kao samo svoje lično mišljenje...
Ali elementarna logika je jasna za zemlju okruženu Rusijom, Jermenijom, Gruzijom i Iranom: kao karika između moćne Rusije i mnogo jakog Irana profitirali bi maximalno... Rusi im sede na glavi i geografski i geopolitički, imaju set alata da im kad god zatreba zagorčaju život do nepodnošljivosti a oni nek' se uzdaju u Tursku/Zapad kol'ko 'oće...
Ali, oni su Kavkasci... balkanski mentalitet... tako da mudre odluke ne treba očekivati sa previše nade...
Poslao: 13 Dec 2015 17:43
- Pridružio: 28 Jan 2015
- Poruke: 74
- Gde živiš: Srbija
Cufo ::Ali, oni su Kavkasci... balkanski mentalitet...
Да цитирам Торбицу Драгана: Шта ти причаш дечко?!
Poslao: 14 Dec 2015 17:48
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2015
- Poruke: 152
Azerbaijan is by no means anti-Russian, and I'm not sure if there is anything pro-western about Azerbaijan's foreign policy.
Regarding the energy policy of Azerbaijan: the oil trade has zero relevance to Russia. As for the upcoming natural gas exports from Azerbaijan to Europe from the newly developed Shah Deniz field, it's not really a direct competitor to Russian natural gas exports. The target countries for Azerbaijani natural gas exports are outside of main Russian natural gas exports.
The economic relations and trade between Azerbaijan and Russia has grown significantly in the last few years, and the two countries describe each other as "strategic partners". So Azerbaijan still maintains good relations with Russia despite the fact that Russia is a political-military ally of Armenia.
As for the worsening Turkish-Russian relations, I doubt that it would affect the Azerbaijani-Russian relations. There is no reason for it anyway, and I doubt that Turkey would expect such a thing either. Yes Turkey is the closest nation to Azerbaijan, but in this case Azerbaijan has to consider the geopolitical realities. Azerbaijan continued to have good relations with Israel despite the deterioration of Turkish-Israeli relations.
Poslao: 14 Dec 2015 18:18
- Cufo
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2012
- Poruke: 911
- Gde živiš: Whitecity
Qarasu ::Azerbaijan is by no means anti-Russian, and I'm not sure if there is anything pro-western about Azerbaijan's foreign policy, at least in its current form. EU has been increasingly pressuring Azerbaijani government.
Regarding the energy policy of Azerbaijan: the oil trade has zero relevance to Russia. As for the upcoming natural gas exports from Azerbaijan to Europe from the newly developed Shah Deniz field, it's not really a direct competitor to Russian natural gas exports. The target countries for Azerbaijani natural gas exports are outside of main Russian natural gas exports.
The economic relations and trade between Azerbaijan and Russia has grown significantly in the last few years, and the two countries describe each other as "strategic partners". So Azerbaijan still maintains good relations with Russia despite the fact that Russia is a political-military ally of Armenia.
As for the worsening of Turkish-Russian relations, I doubt that it would affect the Azerbaijani-Russian relations. There is no reason for it anyway, and I doubt that Turkey would expect such a thing either. Yes Turkey is the closest nation to Azerbaijan, but in this case Azerbaijan has to consider the geopolitical realities. Azerbaijan continued to have good relations with Israel despite the deterioration of Turkish-Israeli relations.
Bravo. Your country has wonderfull strategic position to be linchpin between Russia and Iran and proffit from it emensly. Also, Russia has already built and is building huge network of oil and gas pipes across central and east Asia so you could join Russia's, Central Asia country's and China's great energetic and trade scheme to become economic miracle.
Love Turks, they are your cousins, but tie yourselves to Russia, Iran and others to prosper beyond wildest dreams. 'Cause you got the potential for it!
That is, of course, just my oppinion/advice to your people, but you are smart enough to think for yourselves and know what is best for you.
Poslao: 19 Dec 2015 12:04
- Pridružio: 10 Maj 2015
- Poruke: 141
- Gde živiš: Podgorica
Izvor: Evroazijska unija (Facebook)
NOVO ŽARIŠTE: Nekoliko vojnih logora koji pripadaju vojsci Azerbejdžana uništeni su artiljerijskom vatrom vojske Jermenije. Snimke uništenja preneo je portal „Rusko proleće“.
Ni Azerbejdžan ni Jermenija nisu se oglasile povodom ovog događaja, ali „Rusko proleće“ navodi da su se napadi desili u poslednjih nekoliko dana. Jermenija je ranije tvrdila da se u u Azerbejdžanskim pograničnim vojnim logorima nalaze diverzanti koji stalno upadaju u Jermeniju.
Jermenija i Azerbejdžan vodili su rat za Nagorno Karabah od 1988. do 1994. godine koji je završen pobedom Jermenije. Uprkos okončanju sukoba povremeno se dešavaju incidenti između vojske dve države.