Poslao: 13 Sep 2015 10:00
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 100972
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Armenia violates ceasefire with Azerbaijan 95 times within 24 hours
Citat:Armenian armed forces have broken the ceasefire with Azerbaijan 95 times in various parts of the contact line between Azerbaijani and Armenian armies in the last 24 hours, Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said Sept.13.
Armenian military used mortars and large-caliber machine guns to shell Azerbaijani troops’ positions.
Armenian armed forces located in the villages of Barekamavan and Doveh of Armenia’s Noyemberyan district, opened fire at the positions of Azerbaijani armed forces located in the villages of Gaymagli and Kemerli of Gazakh district.
Poslao: 26 Sep 2015 17:12
- Pridružio: 18 Feb 2007
- Poruke: 1088
- Gde živiš: Republika Srpska,Banja Luka
Амери отварају нови фронт Русима због Сирије, тек ће се ово распламсати.
Добро је што се у сиријски сукоб укључују Кинези, сада ћемо моћи видјети по први пут каква је то организована супер сила.
Poslao: 27 Sep 2015 12:18
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 100972
Nastavlja se....
Armenian Troops Ordered To Use Artillery
Citat:The Armenian military pledged on Saturday to use heavier artillery against Azerbaijani troops after accusing them of firing howitzer shells at Armenian soldiers for the first time since a Russian-brokered truce stopped the war in Nagorno-Karabakh in 1994.
Four of those soldiers were killed and as many as 16 others wounded in northeastern Karabakh on Friday evening.
According to Armenia’s Defense Ministry, they were struck by Azerbaijani artillery fire several kilometers away from the Armenian-Azerbaijani “line of contact” around the disputed territory. A ministry statement said the Azerbaijani army used Russian-made D-30 howitzers in the attack.
The 122-milimeter artillery systems have a firing range of 15 kilometers. Karabakh’s Armenian-backed army claimed that the Azerbaijani side fired a total of 30 D-30 rounds on Friday and early Saturday.
Poslao: 09 Dec 2015 19:15
- Pridružio: 01 Okt 2012
- Poruke: 4066
Ovo bih voleo da vidim da se jednom za svagda zavrsi sa Turskom,jer su vec poceli da smaraju.Jermenija je u ODKB,sa jedne strane ce ih udariti Kurdi sa jedne Iran,a sa ostalih Rusija i ostale clanice ODKB-a.
Clan 5 ne vazi jer je Turska pokrenila ofanzivu.
enigma je ovaj , turski premijer-oglu velicanstveni, kako razmilsja, nije mi jasno:
ima par hiljada ruskih vojnika u "102" bazu na jermensku teritoriju, plus u 3624 rusku vazdusnu bazu na aerodromu Erebuni cekaju 18 Mig29 ( 426-й авиагруппы.. ) VVS Rusije
a tu su i 5 bataljona S-300 .
a on ce u juris.
dvaes miliona kurda kod kuce, rusi jedva cekaju da ef -sesnaest turske avijacije predje pola centimetara preko granice,a oni ce napadati zemlje tek tako, eto sada, dosla Armenija na red .
.pa, - nek naHpadne .