Poslao: 25 Apr 2021 15:16
- Cigi
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 2872
- Gde živiš: Novo mesto
Napisano: 23 Apr 2021 10:10
New Zealand’s stance on China has deep implications for the Five Eyes alliance
Citat:At a joint press conference with her Australian counterpart Marise Payne on Thursday she was more explicit still. Mahuta said: “The Five Eyes arrangement is about a security and intelligence framework. It’s not necessary, all the time on every issue, to invoke Five Eyes as your first port of call in terms of creating a coalition of support around particular issues in the human rights space.”
Nova ministrica Nove Zelandije je bila eksplicitna na konferenciji sa ministricom Australije, da je savez pet očiju u vezi sigurnosti i podela obaveštajnih podataka, a ne koalicija u vezi nekih događaja i ljudskih prava.
Dopuna: 25 Apr 2021 15:16
Japan troops won’t get involved if China invades Taiwan, PM Yoshihide Suga says
Citat:A recent statement by Suga and Biden calling for ‘peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait’ raised questions about possible Japanese military involvement
Analysts say Suga’s latest comments were Tokyo’s way of drawing a line under suggestions the government could use a different interpretation of the constitution to give it freer reign to dispatch the military
Citat:In response to a question from an opposition politician in the Diet on Tuesday about the details of Japan’s commitment to Taiwan, Suga replied that the statement “does not presuppose military involvement at all”.
Analysts say Japan’s constitution would block the military from taking part in combat in the event China attempted to take Taiwan by force, although Japan could provide a range of logistical and rear-echelon support to the United States.
Nema vojne intervencije sa strane Japanu u vezi Tajvana. Logistika za USA može.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 26 Apr 2021 15:31
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 100509
Citat:The firing of Chinese HQ-9 long-range anti-aircraft missile systems stationed on the Woody (Yongxingdao) artificial reef of the Spratly Archipelago in the South China Sea.
Poslao: 28 Apr 2021 15:46
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 100509
Kinezi upozoravaju Filipine
China doubles down on ownership claim on WPS, tells Philippines to ‘respect’ it
Citat:China doubled down on its claim to own the West Philippine Sea, demanding that the Philippines “respect” Chinese sovereignty over the area.
The demand from Beijing came as the Philippines stepped up patrols in the said waters
Poslao: 07 Maj 2021 11:45
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 100509
Kinezi obnavljaju i produzuju pistu
China Wants To Revive A Strategically Located Airfield Deep In The Pacific: Report
Citat:he Chinese government reportedly has plans to refurbish and expand an airstrip on the island of Kanton, also spelled Canton, part of the archipelago nation of Kiribati in the central Pacific Ocean. If true, this could give Beijing an airbase in an incredibly strategical location, between North America and New Zealand, potentially giving China's military much greater reach throughout a critical and increasingly tense region.
Reuters first reported on Chinese developments in Kiribati, which also included improvements to a bridge associated with the airstrip, on May 5, 2021, based on information from I-Kiribati politician Tessie Lambourne. The site currently has a single usable runway, officially measuring 6,230 feet in length, although the total unimproved length is closer to 8,000 feet, based on satellite imagery. The ribbon-shaped island, which has a total area of only around 15 square miles and a population of approximately 20, is part of Kiribati's wider Phoenix Islands group, none of the others of which are inhabited.
Poslao: 19 Maj 2021 16:15
- Pridružio: 24 Jun 2015
- Poruke: 733
Ponovo provokacija i oštre izjave:
Кина је данас изразила снажно противљење због проласка разарача САД кроз Тајвански мореуз, што сматра за потез који угрожава регионални мир и стабилност.
"Кина је пажљиво пратила кретање америчког ратног брода кроз Тајвански мореуз и спремна је да се носи са свим претњама и провокацијама", поручио је портпарол Команде Источне војне области кинеске војске пуковник Џанг Чунхуи у саопштењу објављеном данас, преноси Ројтерс.
Он је навео и да овакве америчке акције шаљу погрешне сигнале тајванским снагама које заговарају независност и намерно угрожавају мир и стабилност у Тајванском мореузу."