Borbeno vozilo Inžinjerije ili ti Combat engineering vehicle.


Borbeno vozilo Inžinjerije ili ti Combat engineering vehicle.

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25852

Novi sukobi uz primenu novih sredstava,tehnologija i sa novim doktrinama su nametnuli nama neke do sada nepoznate potrebe u stvaranju NOVIH BORBENIH SREDSTAVA koja bi odgovarala današnjici.
Tako se polako na javnu scenu pojavljuje sve veći broj do sada ne zabeleženih sredstava koja u sebi uklapaju i po nekoliko ranijih u jednu celinu.
Budući da se većina tih novih Borbenih Oklopnih sredstava koristi za:
Izradu i uklanjanje raznih prepreka ili fortifikacijskih objekata na bojnom polju.
Izrada prolaza ili potpuno uklanjanje minskih polja.
Izrada kolonskih puteva za bezbedan prolaz kroz kontaminirana/slabo nosiva tla i sl.
U borbi omogućava jedinicama za napad brzo kretanje kroz prepreke pre nego li neprijatelj uspostavi odbranu.
Gro tih novih sredstava sam imenovao po engleskom nazivu
Combat engineering vehicle kao Borbeno Vozilo Inžinjerije .
Neki predstavnici bi bili:
Ruski UBIM, amerski:Grizli i M728 CEV,Inglišov CET ,Germansko/Švajcarski Kodiak i.........
Ima gi pa i stariju familiju Sovjetsko Ruskog IMRa1/3

Za početak u otvaranju teme da se vlasi ne dosete krenuću od Germansko/Švajcarski Kodiaka

The Pionerpanzer 3 Kodiak combat engineering vehicle was developed from 2002 by Rheinmetall of Germany and RUAG of Switzerland as a private venture to meet the operational requirements of the Swiss Army. The first prototype was revealed in 2003. In 2007 the Swiss Army awarded a contract for 12 Kodiaks. First production vehicles were delivered to the Swiss Army in 2009. Currently other operators of the Kodiak are the Netherlands (10) and Sweden (6). These vehicles will be delivered until 2012.

Main tasks of this combat engineering vehicle is building and removing obstacles on the battlefield and clearing pathways through minefields, creating safe lanes for other vehicles to pass. It allows assault units to move rapidly through obstacles, before enemy forces establish defenses.
The Kodiak combat engineering vehicle is based on a modified Leopard 2 MBT chassis. It is worth mentioning that Kodiaks are built on refurbished Leopard 2 hulls from surplus army stocks.

This military engineering vehicle is fitted with a hinged excavator arm, two capstan winches, a full-length dozer blade or mine plough at the front.

The mine plough is used for clearing lanes through minefields. The Kodiak is also fitted with a safe lane marking system. This engineering vehicle may be also fitted with electromagnetic detonator device.
The mine plough can be field reconfigured to a full-length dozer blade. It is used for clearing obstacles and earthmoving works. These include as preparation of firing positions, covering up of ditches, self-entrenching and so on. The dozer blade is also used to stabilize the vehicle during operations with excavator arm.
A large bucket of the hinged excavator system can be replaced with universal gripper, concrete cutter and earth-drill.
This engineering vehicle is equipped with two 9 t capstan winches. Each has a cable length of 200 m. With the help of pulley blocks maximum traction force is up to 62 t. These winches are used for self-recovery, also for recovery of damaged, stuck, sunken and overturned vehicles, or for cargo handling operations.

The Kodiak has a required level of protection to operate alongside the frontline units. Front arc withstands small-caliber projectile hits, while all-round protection is against heavy machine gun fire and artillery shell splinters. This combat engineering vehicle has the same level of protection against landmines as the Leopard 2 main battle tank. Vehicle is fitted with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems.

The Kodiak is equipped with remotely controlled weapon station armed with 12.7 mm heavy machine gun for self-defense. Alternatively a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher might be fitted, depending on customer requirement.

This combat engineering vehicle has a crew of three, including commander, driver and operator. Multiple all-round cameras allow efficient operation under armor, without leaving the vehicle.

The Kodiak is powered by MTU turbocharged diesel engine, developing 1 500 hp. This engine is identical to that of the Leopard 2 main battle tank.

Entered service 2009
Crew 3 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight ~ 55 t
Length 10.2 m
Width 3.54 m
Height 2.3 m
Machine guns 1 x 12.7 mm
Engine MTU MB-837 Ka501 diesel
Engine power 1 500 hp
Maximum road speed ~ 70 km/h
Range ~ 550 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 30%
Vertical step ~ 1 m
Trench ~ 3 m
Fording ~ 1 m
Još malo praktičnog rada i idemo na ARBAIT...

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25852

The Wisent 2 AEV
Još jedan primerak AEVa iz Germanije ..
The Wisent 2 armored engineer vehicle was developed by FFG of Germany. This vehicle was aimed to meet requirements of current operations and deployment scenarios in hotspot areas such as Afghanistan and Iraq. The FFG company has considerable experience in the upgrade and overhaul of various armored vehicles. The Wisent 2 is based on the Leopard 2 main battle tank. Development was completed somewhere in 2009. In 2012 Canadian armed forces ordered a total of 12 Wisent 2 combat vehicles with an option for five more. Other operators are Qatar, Norway, the United Arab Emirates, and possibly Saudi Arabia.

The Wisent 2 AEV/ARV is in service with Canadian armed forces
Country of origin Germany
Entered service 2012 (?)
Crew 3 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight (AEV/ARV/ 60 / 57 t
Length 9.26 / 10.5 m
Width 3.54 m
Height 2.78 / 3.1 m
Bucket capacity 1.3 m³
Dig depth 4.4 m
Lifting capacity 32 t
Winch capacity 40 t
Towed load ~ 62 t
Earth working capacity (dozer) 400 m³/h
Earth working capacity (excavator arm) 260-300 m³/h
Machine guns 1 x 12.7 mm (optional)
Engine MTU MB 873 Ka501 diesel
Engine power 1 500 hp
Maximum road speed 68 km/h
Range ~ 650 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 30%
Vertical step 1.15 m
Trench 3 m
Fording 1 m

The Wisent 2 is an unusual multi-purpose vehicle. It can be reconfigured from Armored Engineer Vehicle (AEV) to Armored Recovery Vehicle (ARV) in less than 5 hours. The whole concept behind this vehicle is a modular platform, that can be fitted with various add-on and interchangeable equipment.

Once configured as an armored engineer vehicle the Wisent 2 can build and remove obstacles on the battlefield. It can also prepare firing positions, cover up ditches and so on.

The Wisent 2 has a hinged excavator arm with a 1.3 m³ capacity bucket. It has a 260-300 m³/h earthmoving capacity. The excavator arm with bucket can lift loads of up to 4 000 kg. The Wisent 2 is also fitted with a 3.5 m wide high-performance dozer blade. Once fitted with extension, it has a width of 4.1 m. The dozer blade has an earthmoving capacity of 400 m³/h.

The dozer blade can be replaced by a mine plough for clearing pathways through mine fields. For this role the vehicle can be also fitted with a safe lane marking system. It allows assault units to move rapidly through obstacles, before enemy forces establish defenses.

In the ARV role the Wisent 2 can recover damaged, stuck, swamped or overturned combat vehicles on the battlefield. It also tows them to the nearest shelter, or maintenance unit. Vehicle can also provide maintenance service in the field. Crew of the Wisent 2 operate from under armor protection.

Once configured as an armored recovery vehicle, the Wisent 2 can lift loads up to 32 000 kg with a crane. It can be used to lift turrets or powerpacks of main battle tanks, or for other load-lifting work. If repairs are required to a vehicle's suspension, the crane raises the front of back of the vehicle to allow access to the damaged system. When not required the crane lays along the right side of the hull. The Wisent 2 also has a 40 t capacity main winch with 160 m of cable. It is used for recovery of damaged, stuck, sunken and overturned vehicles. There is also auxiliary winch with a 3 t capacity and 280 m of cable. Vehicle can carry a spare powerpack for field replacement.

This AEV/ARV has a level of protection, similar to that of the Leopard 2 main battle tank. Add-on passive, or reactive explosive armor can be fitted for even higher level of protection. This combat vehicle also has a high level of protection against landmines and improvised explosive devices. It withstands blasts equivalent to 10 kg of TNT under any track location or anywhere under the hull. Interior is lined with a spall liner. Vehicle is also fitted with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems.

There is also a Wisent 1, developed by FFG. It is based on the Leopard 1 main battle tank.

This multi-purpose vehicle can be fitted with remotely-controlled weapon station, armed with a 12.7 mm machine gun for self-defense. This weapon station is optional.

The Wisent 2 is powered by an MTU MB 873 Ka 501 turbocharged diesel engine. It is a 46.7-liter unit, developing 1 500 hp. This engine has a 47.6-liter displacement. It is mated to a Renk electro-hydraulic transmission with 4 forward and 2 reverse gears. It seems that the Wisent 2 can be fitted with a deep wading kit and ford water obstacles about 2 m deep.

Jedan malo stariji snimak u radu našeg Wisenta

I jedan friškiji snimak..

Idemo dalje sutra je novi dan a ja pre podne radim...

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25852

Na kraju dođosmo i do prvog germanskog borbenog vozila inžinjerije na bazi Leoparda pod nazivom Wisent 1

U pokušaju da nađem snimke sa neta sam naišao na zid a evo i TTpodatake..
Crew 3 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight 47 t
Length 8.2 m
Width 3.5 m
Height ~ 3 m
Bucket capacity 1.3 m³
Dig depth ~ 4.4 m
Lifting capacity 30 t
Winch capacity 35 t
Towed load ~ 50 t
Earth working capacity (dozer) ~ 300 m³/h
Earth working capacity (excavator arm) 300 m³/h
Machine guns 1 x 12.7 mm (optional)
Engine MTU MB 838 Ca M500 diesel
Engine power 960 hp
Maximum road speed 65 km/h
Range ~ 600 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 30%
Vertical step 0.7 m
Trench 2.5 m
Fording 1.2 m

The Wisent 1 or Bergepanzer Wisent was developed by a German FFG company as a private venture. It is intended mainly for export. It is worth noting that FFG company has considerable experience in the upgrade and overhaul of various armored vehicles. The Wisent 1 evolved from a vehicle, known as the Armored Recovery Vehicle 2000 or ARV 2000. Essentially it is an upgraded version of the Leopard 1 armored recovery vehicle. The ARV 2000 has been exported to Belgium (20) and Chile (7). Later the ARV 2000 evolved into a more capable Wisent, that can be used for various roles. The Wisent 1 is in service with Denmark (5 units), and possibly some other countries. Danish vehicles entered service in 2008 and have seen action during combat operations in Afghanistan.

Wisent 1 is based on the Leopard 1 tank chassis. Basically it is identical to the original Leopard 1 ARV, which was developed in the 1960s. It is worth noting that the German Army operated both Leopard 1 armored recovery vehicle and Leopard 1 armored engineer vehicle. Both of these vehicles have much in common. The Wisent 1 combines features of both. The whole concept behind this multi-purpose vehicle is a modular platform, that can be fitted with various add-on and interchangeable equipment. The Wisent 1 can be reconfigured from armored recovery vehicle to armored engineer vehicle in less than 5 hours in field conditions. A single vehicle can be used for various missions. It is intended to support Leopard 2 tanks. Yet it is a cheaper alternative to the Bergepanzer 3 Bufffel, based on the Leopard 2.

The Wisent 1 has a number of the older subsystems removed and replaced by commercially available systems. It has new hydraulic components. The whole hydraulic system has been upgraded. As a result the Wisent 1 is much more capable vehicle than its predecessor.

In the ARV role the Wisent 1 can recover damaged, stuck, swamped or overturned combat vehicles on the battlefield. It also tows them to the nearest shelter, or maintenance unit. Vehicle can also provide maintenance service in the field. Crew of the Wisent 1 operate from under armor protection.

Vehicle is fitted with a crane and can lift loads with a maximum weight of up to 30 t. The crane is used to lift turrets or powerpacks of main battle tanks, or for other load-lifting work. If repairs are required to a vehicle's suspension, the crane raises the front of back of the vehicle to allow access to the damaged system. When not required the crane lays along the right side of the hull.

Vehicle also has a 35 t capacity main winch with 90 meters of cable. It is used for recovery of damaged, stuck, sunken and overturned vehicles. There is also an auxiliary winch.

This vehicle has a front-mounted dozer blade. It can be used to clear obstacles and for earthmowing operations. It is also used as an earth anchor to stabilize the vehicle during craning, winching and excavating operations.

Wisent 1 has a cargo platform over the engine compartment. It can carry a spare powerpack for field replacement. It can be a Leopard 1, Leopard 2, or other unit. Vehicle is fitted with integrated welding and cutting equipment for field repairs.

Once configured as an armored engineer vehicle the Wisent 1 can build and remove obstacles on the battlefield. It can also prepare firing positions, cover up ditches and so on.

For the armored engineer vehicle role the Wisent 1 is fitted with a newly developed excavator arm. It is based on commercial high-end excavator system. It is fitted with a 1.3 m³ capacity bucket. Earthmoving capacity is up to 300 m³/h. The excavator arm can also lift loads with a maximum weight of about 4.5 t.

The Wisent 1 can be also reconfigured for mine clearing role. It can clear pathways through minefields, allowing assault units to pass, before enemy establishes defenses. For this role it can be fitted with a full-width mine plough and a safe lane marking system.

This multi-purpose combat vehicle has a level of protection, similar to that of the Leopard 1 main battle tank. Add-on passive, or reactive explosive armor can be fitted for even higher level of protection. Vehicle withstands blasts equivalent to 8 kg of TNT anywhere under the hull or under any track location. Interior is lined with a spall liner. Vehicle is also fitted with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems.

For self-defense the Wisent 1 can be armed with remotely-controlled 12.7 mm machine gun.

Powerpack has been upgraded. Vehicle is powered by an MTU MB 838 Ca M500 turbocharged diesel engine, developing 960 hp. It is worth noting that Leopard 1 tank is powered by an engine, developing 830 hp. Vehicle also has a flexible hydropneumatic suspension. It seems that the Wisent 1 can be fitted with a deep wading kit and ford water obstacles about 2 m deep.

Later the FFG company developed a Wisent 2, based on the Leopard 2 main battle tank. It is also a multi-purpose vehicle, that can be reconfigured from AEV to ARV. Canadian armed forces ordered 12 of these combat machines with an option for five more.

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25852

Na bazi Leopard 1 je i ovaj Norveški Ingeniorpanservogn
Combat engineering vehicle

The Ingeniorpanservogn was developed bu Alvis Moelv specially for Norwegian Army
Country of origin Norway
Entered service 1999
Crew 2 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight 46 t
Length 10 m
Width 3.6 m
Height 3 m
Bucket capacity 1 m³
Maximum reach 8 m
Maximum dig depth 4 m
Bucket earth working capacity 170 m³/h
Hydraulic arm load capacity 15 t
Dozer earth working capacity 270 m³/h
Winch capacity 60 t
Machine guns 1 x 12.7 mm
Engine MTU MB 838 Ca M500 diesel
Engine power 830 hp
Maximum road speed ~ 60 km/h
Range ~ 450 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 30%
Vertical step 1.3 m
Trench 2.5 m
Fording ~ 1.2 m
Fording (with preparation) 2.2 m / 4 m
Pade mi na pamet da naglasim da su ova Borbena vozila Inžinjerije skoro kod svih armija nastala ne direktno iz matičnog baznog borbenog tenka već na osnovu tenka za izvlačenje/evakuaciju na bojištu koja se pokazala kao usko specijalizovano sredstvo pa su iste nadogradnjom doveli ovde di su.
Ovo naglašavam stoga jer sam na nekoliko slika kod Germanskih a i kod drugih modela primetio isto sredstvo uz odsustvo kašike i sl sa grane a što je naj češće bila ta polazna baza.
A sad na ovog skrljah jezik sa imenom Ingeniorspanservogn

In 1995 Alvis Moelv was awarded a contract by the Norwegian Army to produce a total of 22 combat engineering vehicles. These were converted from Leopard 1 main battle tanks. First production vehicles were delivered in 1999. All vehicles were delivered by 2001. In Norwegian Army service this combat engineering vehicle is known as Ingeniorpanservogn on IngPv.

The Alvis Moelv company closed in 2004. Furthermore Norwegian Army retired its fleet of Leopard 1 main battle tanks. Last Leopard 1A5 tanks were retired in 2011. These were replaced by Leopard 2 tanks. However combat engineering vehicles, armored recovery vehicles and bridgelayers, based on the Leopard 1 chassis, remain in service.

In concept the Ingenionrpanservogn is similar to the German Pioneerpanzer 2 Dachs combat engineering vehicle. It can build or remove obstacles on the battlefield.

This combat engineering vehicle has hydraulic arm, fitted with a 1 m³ capacity bucket. It is mounted on a turntable at the centre front of the vehicle. It is used for excavation. It can reach 8 m and has a dig depth of 4 m. It can move up to 170 m³ of soil per hour. The arm has a load capacity of 15 t and can be also used for other tasks. If required bucket can be replaced with a soil drill. When not in use, the arm is traversed to the rear.

This vehicle is also fitted with a dozer blade at the front. The dozer blade is 3.6 m wide. It can be tilted, elevated and skewed thanks to a unique hydraulic design.

The main use of the blade is for digging and removing obstacles. It has a maximum earthworking capacity of 270 m³/h. It can clear or destroy roads. The Ingeniorpanservogn can prepare firing positions, cover up ditches and so on. The blade can also be used as a soil anchor when operating recovery winches or excavating.

Also there are two winches for recovery of damaged, swamped, stuck and overturned main battle tanks. These can be also used for self-recovery. Winches have a maximum pulling power of up to 60 000 kg. Each winch as 200 m of cable.

This armored engineer vehicle can be also fitted with a Mineclearing Line Charge (MICLIC). It is carried and launched from the roof of the Ingeniorpanservogn.

This vehicle weights 46 000 kg, however weight depends on armor configuration. It has a required level of protection to operate alongside the frontline units. Protection against mine blasts has been improved. Interior is lined with a spall liner. Vehicle is fitted with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems.

The Alvis Moelv armored engineer vehicle is armed with remotely controlled 12.7 mm machine gun for self-defense.

This machine is operated by a crew of two, including commander and driver. Crew members use a number of periscopes. Crew can operate entirely from the inside of the vehicle under armor protection. So excavation can be carried out under enemy fire.

This combat engineering vehicle uses the same engine as Leopard 1 tank. It is powered by MTU MB 838 Ca M500 turbocharged diesel, developing 830 hp. It is a multi-fuel engine, which can run un any grade of petrol, diesel, kerosene and jet fuel. With a deep fording kit installed this combat engineering vehicle can ford water obstacles up to 4 m deep.

Besides the combat engineering vehicle, Norwegian Army also awarded a contract to Alvis Moelv to develop mineclearing vehicle based on the Leopard 1. Later this programme was cancelled. Also Alvis Moelv developed a Hippo beach recovery vehicle, also based on the Leopard 1. It was introduced in 2003. Four of these machines were delivered to United Kingdom.

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25852

O Sovjetskom a potom i Ruskom IMRu se dosta zna pa bi ja samo na brzaka poređao modele.
I malo da pređemo sa engleskog u Ruski .

Тактико-технические характеристики инженерной машины разграждения ИМР-1

Длина 8,95 м, ширина 3,65 м, высота 3,36 м
Экипаж 2 чел
Масса 37,5 т
Дизельный двигатель В-55У, мощностью 620 л.с. (456 кВт) при 2000 об/мин
Запас хода 500 км
Максимальная транспортная скорость 50 км/час
Производительность: в сплошном лесном завале 200-300 м/час, в кустарнике 300-400 м/час,
в городских завалах 160-200 м/час
Производительность земляных работ: экскаваторные работы 20 м3/час,
бульдозерные работы 200 м3/час
Грузоподъемность крана 2 т
Преодолеваемое препятствие: угол подъема 42°, угол входа в воду 15°, угол выхода из воды 15°

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-1

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-1 предназначена для прокладывания путей передвижения по пересеченной местности, в лесу, в городских завалах, а также для отрывки и засыпки котлованов. Машина может использоваться в местах применения оружия массового поражения.

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-1 разработана на базе танка Т-55 со снятой башней и вооружением. Машина принята на вооружение в 1969 году.

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-1 снабжена бульдозерным отвалом, установленным спереди корпуса машины и способным работать в двухотвальном, бульдозерном или грейдерном положении. Спереди отвала имеется лыжа, позволяющая регулировать степень его заглубления в грунт. Ширина захвата отвала в бульдозерном положении 4,15 м, в грейдерном - 3,4 м, в двухотвальном - 3,5 м. Производительность машины разграждения ИМР-1 в сплошных лесных завалах 200-300 м/час, в городских завалах - 160-200 м/час.

Машина также имеет телескопическую стрелу с манипулятором-захватом для удаления с пути посторонних тяжелых предметов. Максимальный вылет стрелы 8,8 м, грузоподъемность 2 тонны, максимальная высота подъема крюка 11 м. Также стрела может использоваться в качестве экскаваторного оборудования, для этого имеется специальный ковш объемом 0,4 м3. Производительность в экскаваторном режиме 20 м3/час грунта.

В транспортном положении инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-1 выглядит очень компактно. Бульдозерный отвал забрасывается на крышу машины, а телескопическая стрела сдвигается сама в себя и устанавливается положением назад. Имея гусеничный ход и малое удельное давление на грунт, машина может успешно использоваться на труднопроходимых участках.

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-2

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-2 предназначена для прокладывания путей передвижения по пересеченной местности и в различных завалах. Машина может использоваться в местах применения оружия массового поражения.

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-2 разработана на доработанном шасси танка Т-72 со снятой башней и вооружением. Машина принята на вооружение в 1980 году.

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-2 снабжена бульдозерным отвалом, установленным спереди корпуса машины и способным работать в двухотвальном, бульдозерном или грейдерном положении, аналогично машине первой модификации. Спереди отвала может устанавливаться лыжа, позволяющая регулировать степень его заглубления в грунт. Производительность машины ИМР-2 при устройстве проходов 300-450 м/час, при прокладке дорог - 6-10 км/час, при использовании бульдозерного оборудования - 230-300 м3/час.

Машина ИМР-2 также имеет телескопическую стрелу с манипулятором-захватом для удаления с пути посторонних тяжелых предметов. Стрела устанавливается в поворотной башне, максимальный вылет стрелы 8,8 м, грузоподъемность 2 тонны, максимальная высота подъема крюка 11 м. Стрела имеет универсальную систему крепления рабочих органов: рыхлителя, грейфера, захвата и экскаваторного оборудования. Емкость экскаваторного ковша - 0,5 м3. Производительность машины в экскаваторном режиме 25 м3/час грунта.

Спереди инженерной машины разграждения установлен колейный ножевой минный трал, а в последующих вариантах - с электромагнитной приставкой, для самостоятельного проделывания проходов в минных полях, оснащенных противотанковыми штыревыми, донными и магнитными минами. Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-2 имеет вооружение в виде 7,62-мм пулемета ПКТ и установку удлиненного заряда разминирования.

В транспортном положении инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-2 забрасывает на крышу бульдозерный отвал, поднимает минный трал и сдвигает сама в себя стрелу, укладывая ее назад. Машина способна работать в труднопроходимых местах.

Još malo o modelima i razlikama...

Тактико-технические характеристики инженерной машины разграждения ИМР-2

Длина 9,55 м, длина в рабочем положении 15,7 м; ширина 3,68 м, ширина в рабочем положении 4,35 м; высота 3,68 м
Экипаж 2 чел
Масса 45,7 т
Дизельный двигатель В-84-1, мощностью 840 л.с. (618 кВт) при 2000 об/мин
Запас хода 500 км
Емкость топливных баков 1200 л
Максимальная транспортная скорость 60 км/час
Производительность: при устройстве проходов 300-450 м/час, при прокладке дорог - 6-10 км/час
Производительность земляных работ: экскаваторные работы 25 м3/час, бульдозерные работы 230-300 м3/час
Грузоподъемность крана 2 т
Вооружение: 7,62-мм пулемет ПКТ
Коэффициент ослабления радиоактивного излучения 40

Версии инженерной машины разграждения ИМР-2:

ИМР-2Д - доработанная машина разграждения с усиленной защитой от радиации. Имеет вооружение в виде 7,62-мм пулемета ПКТ.
ИМР-2М1 - машина разграждения без установок удлиненного заряда разминирования, дальномера и пулемета ПКТ. Масса машины - 44,5 т. Принята на вооружение в 1987 году.
ИМР-2М2 - машина разграждения, оснащенная вместо захвата-манипулятора универсальным рабочим оборудованием. Масса машины - 44,3 т, принята на вооружение в 1990 году. Вооружения не имеет.
ИМР-2МА - машина разграждения, разработанная на шасси танка Т-90 и имеющая электромагнитную приставку ЭМТ. Серия машина выпущена с 1996 года.
Клин-1 - инженерный роботизированный комплекс, созданный на базе ИМР-2 для выполнения работы в зоне аварии Чернобыльской АЭС. Создана в едином варианте в 1986 году.
Клин-1 - машина управления, созданная на шасси танка Т-72. Экипаж - 2 человека - водитель и оператор.

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-3 предназначена для прокладывания колонных путей передвижения по пересеченной местности, в лесах, в городских завалах, а также для отрывки и засыпки котлованов и погрузочно-разгрузочных работ. Машина может использоваться в местах применения оружия массового поражения.

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-3 разработана на шасси танка Т-72 или Т-90. Машина принята на вооружение в 1999 году. ИМР-3 вооружена дистанционно управляемым 12,7-мм пулеметом НСВТ.

Машина имеет бульдозерный отвал, установленный спереди корпуса и способный работать в двухотвальном, бульдозерном или грейдерном положении. Регулировка отвала осуществляется гидросистемой без выхода экипажа из машины. Спереди отвала может устанавливаться лыжа, позволяющая регулировать степень его заглубления в грунт. Производительность машины разграждения ИМР-3 в сплошных лесных завалах 350-400 м/час, в городских завалах - 300-350 м/час, при работе бульдозерного оборудования 250-350 м3/час грунта. Машина имеет возможность самоокапывания. Время самоокапывания 12-30 мин.

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-3 оборудована телескопической стрелой с универсальным креплением рабочих органов в виде захвата, грейфера, рыхлителя и экскаваторного ковша объемом 0,35 м3. Стрела закреплена в специальной поворотной башне. Производительность в экскаваторном режиме - 20 м3/час грунта.

Инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-3 способна самостоятельно преодолевать минные поля, начиненные противотанковыми штыревыми, донными и магнитными минами. Для этого спереди машины устанавливается колейный ножевой минный трал с электромагнитной приставкой.

Экипаж машины состоит из 2 человек, способных выполнять боевые задачи в течение трех суток не выходя из машины. Для этой цели машина разграждения ИМР-3 снабжена системой жизнеобеспечения экипажа, включающей в себя устройство кипячения воды и разогрева пищи, а также сбора отходов жизнедеятельности.

Машина разграждения ИМР-3 оснащена системой защиты от оружия массового поражения (ОМП), противопожарной системой и системой дымопуска. Броня машины имеет систему защиты, которая 6-кратно ослабляет воздействие проникающей радиации ядерного взрыва и 120-кратно ослабляет гамма-излучение зараженной местности.

В транспортном положении инженерная машина разграждения ИМР-3 укладывает бульдозерный отвал на крышу, телескопическую стрелу назад, а колейный ножевой минный трал подымает вверх.

Тактико-технические характеристики инженерной машины разграждения ИМР-3

Длина 9,34 м, ширина 3,53 м, высота 3,53 м
Экипаж 2 чел
Масса 50,8 т
Дизельный двигатель В-84, мощностью 750 л.с. (552 кВт)
Запас хода 500 км
Максимальная транспортная скорость 50 км/час
Производительность: при устройстве проходов 300-400 м/час, при прокладке дорог - 10 - 12 км/час
Производительность земляных работ: экскаваторные работы 20 м3/час, бульдозерные работы 300-400 м3/час
Грузоподъемность крана 2 т
Вооружение: 12,7-мм пулемет НСВТ
Максимальный вылет стрелы 8 м

Существует версия инженерной машины разграждения ИМР-3М на шасси танка Т-90 и модернизированным дизельным двигателем В-84МС.

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25852

Armored engineer vehicle
UBIM je novo Rusko Borbeno Inžinjerijsko Vozilo(Mašina) a oznaka UBIM je skraćeni naziv od Univerzalna Borbena Inžinjerijska Mašina.
Dizajniran je da zadovolji sve zahteve inžinjerijske vojske u izvođenju velikog spektra zadataka na čemu treba da zameni:
ИМР-2, ИМР-2М, ИМР-3, ИМР-3М, Б/АТ-1, БАТ-1М, БАТ-2.
U dobrom delu zadataka može da zameni i paletu BREM kao i namenska inžinjerijska vozila za izradu prolaza u minskim poljima iz familije BMR-1/2/3 i 3M.
Novi UBIM je prvi put javno predstavljen 2018.g i veoma podseća na novija zapadna rešenja poput Kodiaka,Wisent1/Wisent-2,Ingenionrpanservogn.

Country of origin Russia
Entered service ?
Crew 2 + 3 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight 55 t
Length ~ 8 m
Width ~ 4 m
Height ~ 2.3 m
Earth working capacity 200 ~ 250 m³/h
Machine guns 1 x 12.7 mm (1 200 rounds)
Engine V-92S2F diesel
Engine power 1 130 hp
Maximum road speed 60 km/h
Range 500 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 30%
Vertical step ~ 0.8 m
Trench ~ 2.85 m
Fording ~ 1.2 m

The UBIM is based on a T-90A main battle tank chassis. It has an armored superstructure instead of turret. Main role of this machine is various route opening and route clearing operations. It can be also used for other roles. The UBIM can dig and fill ditches, remove obstacles, create safe passages through minefields, recover stuck tanks and so on. Even though this machine is very versatile, it can not fulfill most roles as good as specialized machines.

The UBIM has a multi-purpose arm, which can be used for digging and obstacle removing operations. In travelling order this arm is traversed to the rear.

There is a large front-mounted dozer blade. It can be used in a V-shaped or straight configuration. In bulldozer mode the blade is 4.5 m wide. It is used for earthmoving operations, grading, road clearing, filling ditches and obstacle removal. It can follow terrain contours. During earth working operations the dozed blade has a capacity of around 200-250 m³/h capacity. When not in use the blade is folded upwards.

This armored vehicle is well protected and can operate on the battlefield under enemy fire. Add-on armor kit can be fitted for a higher level for protection. Vehicle is equipped with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems. Also there are smoke grenade dischargers. Russian armored engineer vehicles, including older ones, were specially designed to operate in contaminated environment and areas hit by nuclear weapons.

There is a powerful hydraulic jackhammer at the rear of the hull. It can be used to break up concrete. This jackhammer can be removed and replaced with other hydraulic equipment.

The UBIM is fitted with recovery winch. This machine can be used to recover damaged, swamped, stuck, immobilized and overturned tanks and other combat vehicles.

This armored engineer vehicle can be also equipped with mine clearing plough.

The UBIM has a remotely-controlled weapon station with a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun with 1 200 rounds of ammunition. This weapon is used for self-defense. It is effective against lightly armored vehicles and can also engage helicopters.

This engineer vehicle is operated by a crew of 2, including driver and vehicle commander/operator. It can carry 3 additional engineers, sappers or dismounts.

The UBIM uses the same V-92S2F multi-fuel engine, as the T-90M tank. It develops 1 130 hp.

Odličan prikaz u vidoju dole na

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25852

Sa druge strane bare razvijan je ali ne vem dali će ući u veću seriju OVAJ
Combat engineering vehicle
Na temi o minočistačima stoji podatak da je serijska izrada stopirana u korist ABVa
Assault Breacher Vehicle
Minefield breaching vehicle

Entered service -
Crew 2 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight ~ 50 t
Length 10.62 m
Width 3.66 m
Width (with dozer blade) 5.55 m
Height 3.6 m
Earth working capacity 300 m³/h
Machine guns 1 x 12.7 mm
Engine Honeywell AGT1500 gas turbine
Engine power 1 500 hp
Maximum road speed 66 km/h
Range 420 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 30%
Vertical step 1 m
Trench ~ 2.7 m
Fording ~ 1.2 m
Fording (with preparation) 2.28 m
Meni deluje da je OK i da bi im vako šta valjalo ali???
The Grizzly Combat Mobility Vehicle (CMV) was designed in the 1990s for the US Army. This combat engineering vehicle, initially designated the Breacher, was specially developed to breach enemy obstacles and clear pathways through minefields, creating safe lanes for other vehicles. It allows assault units to move rapidly through obstacles, before enemy forces establish defenses. The first prototypes were delivered in 1995. The US Army planned to acquire 366 of these breeching vehicles. However in 2001 the program was cancelled due to relocating of funds, as the Army could not afford a complicated, maintenance-heavy vehicles for this purpose. The Grizzly combat mobility vehicle never reached production. In 2008 the US Marine corps adopted a similar engineering vehicle, the Assault Breacher Vehicle. Some sources claim, that the US Army ordered 187 of these new vehicles, instead of the cancelled Grizzly.

The Grizzly is equipped with a huge dozer blade, which is 4.5 m wide. It is able to dig one meter into the ground at a swipe and excavate 300 m³ per hour. The dozer blade is heavily armored and can withstand mine damage.

It's telescopic arm with bucket for obstacle reduction and digging. It is able to reach 10 meters and can excavate 80 m³ per hour. The bucket can lift about 6.3 tonnes.

The Grizzly could breach an 600 meter obstacle with mines, berms, wire, rubble in 21 minutes, creating a lane for vehicles to follow. It could also breach an anti-tank trench in 5 minutes. This Combat engineering vehicle could breach natural obstacles as well.

Protection of the Grizzly is comparable to that of the main battle tanks. It can withstand mine damage. Vehicle was fitted with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems.

The Grizzly is fitted with a remotely controlled weapon station, armed with 12.7 mm machine gun, or 40 mm automatic grenade launcher.

The Grizzly is fitted with a remotely controlled weapon station, armed with 12.7 mm machine gun, or 40 mm automatic grenade launcher.

The Grizzly employed many components from the Abrams family of main battle tanks. This combat engineering vehicle is powered by Honeywell AGT1500 gas turbine engine, developing 1 500 hp. It is a multi-fuel engine, which can run on kerosene, diesel, petrol or aviation fuel. It has servicing intervals significantly longer than of diesel engines, however it is troublesome to maintain and has very high fuel consumption comparing with diesels. Vehicle is fitted with auxiliary power unit, which powers all systems and engineering equipment, when the main engine is turned off. Mobility of the Grizzly was comparable to the Abrams main battle tank. This breacher vehicle was capable of keeping pace with maneuver force. It also had a deep fording capability.

Šta je pravi razlog zastoja u nabavci Grizlija za mene ostaje misterija jer je on od AVB kud i kamo univerzalniji i još pruža ++ usluga koje u AVB nema .Pade mi na pamet da im u armadi još nije izanđan ni ovaj prastai M728 CEV koga ću po dole da prikazuvam..

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25852

Jedno prelazno rešnje sa TZI ka Inžinjerijskom sredstvu gde je ostala kupola sa dodacima za uništavanje prepreka iz cevi poput starih merzera ..poznat i kao

M728 CEV
Combat engineer vehicle

The M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle saw service in Vietnam and was used during the Gulf War
Country of origin United States
Entered service 1965
Crew 4 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight 52.2 t
Length 8.97 m
Width 3.71 m
Height 3.23 m
Demolition gun 165 mm
Machine guns 1 x 12.7 mm, 1 x 7.62 mm
Engine Continental AVDS-1790-A2 diesel
Engine power 750 hp
Maximum road speed 50 km/h
Range 450 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 30%
Vertical step 0.8 m
Trench 2.5 m
Fording 1.2 m
Fording (with preparation) 2.4 m
Po nekim podacima povučen u potpunosti a negde se tvrdi da ga ima još u jedinicama nekih Nacionalnih Gardi..???

The M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle (CEV) was developed as for breaching or removal of enemy roadblocks and obstacles, filing anti-tank ditches, construction of obstacles. Production commenced in 1965 and ceased in 1972. A total of 312 of these armored engineer vehicles were produced. This engineer vehicle saw service in Vietnam and was used during the Gulf War

The M728 CEV is based on a modified M60A1 main battle tank chassis. Some combat engineer vehicles were converted from the M60A2 Starship MBTs, that were withdrawn from service. It is equipped with a hydraulically operated dozer blade. A winch and retractable A-frame crane are mounted on the turret for lifting, carrying and winching operations. It is also used for vehicle recovery.

The dozer blade is used for clearing the way, filling depressions, leveling ground and for other purposes. The dozer blade can be replaced with a mine plough.

The M728 is armed with a 165-mm turret-mounted short-barreled demolition gun. It is a license-produced version of the British Centurion AVRE gun. This demolition gun fires High Explosive Plastic (HEP) rounds. This round is very effective against bunkers, concrete, masonry targets or field fortifications. It can demolish barriers and knock down walls. It is also capable of breeching natural obstacles. This gun can be used at various ranges, however it is accurate only at short ranges. Maximum effective range is over 900 m. This gun is loaded manually. A total of 30 rounds are carried for this gun. There is a also a coaxial 7.62-mm machine gun, and cupola mounted 12.7-mm machine gun. During the Vietnam War the M728 CEV was commonly used for direct assault of fortified positions.

This combat support vehicle is also used for a variety of pioneering operations, such as clearing, leveling sites and digging defense positions.

The M728 CEV has a cast homogenous steel armor hull and turret. It is fitted with NBC protection system.

This armored engineer vehicle has a crew of four, including commander, gunner, loader and driver.

Vehicle is powered by Continental AVDS-1790-A2 turbocharged diesel engine, developing 750 hp. The M728 can ford water obstacles up to 2.4 m deep, after fitting it with fording kit.

E a na kraju kažu da je i ovaj super deka POVUČEN brez ZAMENE??'
Tu je trebalo da uskoči GRIZLI.

In 2000 the Combat Engineer Vehicle was withdrawn from the US Army service, as it was unable to keep pace with Abrams series main battle tanks during combat operations. During Operation Desert Storm many maneuver units simply left the M728 engineer vehicles behind, instead of slowing down their advance. The CEV was retired from service without replacement.

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25852

U Pustinjskoj oluji debi je imao ovaj za nas malo neobični koncept sa dozersko utovarnom alatkom..
Armored earthmover

The M9 ACE performed exceptionally well in Operation Desert Storm
Country of origin United States
Entered service 1986
Crew 1 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight 25 t
Length 6.24 m
Width 3.2 m
Height 2.66 m
Engine Cummins V903C diesel
Engine power 295 hp
Maximum road speed 48 km/h
Amphibious speed on water 4.8 km/h
Range 368 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 40%
Vertical step ~ 0.6 m
Trench ~ 2.6 m
Fording 0.9 m
Fording (with preparation) Amphibious

The M9 Armored Combat Earthmover (ACE) is a US Army engineering vehicle, intended for battlefield preparation. First operational vehicles were delivered in 1986. The US Army acquired a total of 448 of these engineering vehicles. It is also in service with US Marine Corps. The M9 ACE performed exceptionally well in Operation Desert Storm.

Tasks of this combat engineering vehicle include digging positions for armored vehicles and field artillery systems, to increase their survivability. It also breaches berms, prepares anti-tank trenches, barriers, repairs roads, clears obstacles, prepares riverbanks for vehicle crossing.

Front of the M9 ACE features a 6.7 m³ capacity bowl, apron and dozer blade. This engineering vehicle has a unique hydropneumatic suspension, which allows the front of the vehicle to be, lowered, raised, or tilted. It permits dozing, excavating, grading and ditching functions. In earthmoving operations the apron and blade are lowered for digging. Also by raising it's dozer blade and using it's scrapper blade, the M9 fills itself with ballast to improve earth working efficiency. It can also dump it out as a front-end loader.

This combat engineering vehicle has a welded and bolted aluminum hull structure with selected steel and aramid-laminated plates. Hull of the M9 ACE provides protection against small arms fire and artillery shell fragments. There is also an NBC protection system for the operator.

This armored earthmover carries no defensive armament. During combat operations the M9 ACE is usually protected by an M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle.
The M9 ACE is operated by a single engineer.

This armored earthmover is powered by a Cummins V903C turbocharged diesel engine, developing 295 hp. Engine and transmission are located in the rear of the hull. With short preparation this combat engineer vehicle is fully amphibious. On water it is propelled by it's tracks. However later amphibious mission of the ACE was deleted and the swim related components are no longer maintained.

The M9 can be airlifted by the C-130 Hercules, or larger military cargo aircraft.

All operational M9 combat earthmovers were constantly upgraded to improve their performance, reliability, durability and readiness. Improved machines might look the same from the outside, however these are completely overhauled.

Sad mi sinu da su OVAJ M9ACE neki poput Turaka kopirali pa me čudi kako sam to prevideo kada sam taj Turski okačio na temi o inžinjerijskim vozilima...

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25852

Ovog super dekicu na steroidima sam do sada poprilično spominjao a odnosi se na CATov D9
koga su uveli u opremu još poodavno ali mu se svako malo dodaju novi i novi zadaci pa bi ga ja nadam se sa pravom uvrstio ovde i to kao Izraelsko/amersku kreaciju što ova mašina i jeste..
Caterpillar D9
Armored bulldozer

The armored Caterpillar D9 dozer proved to be effective in urban warfare
Caterpillar D9R
Entered service ?
Crew 2 men
Dimensions and weight
Weight ~ 55 t
Length ~ 8.1 m
Width ~ 4 m
Height ~ 4 m
Earth working capacity ?
Towed load over 70 t
Machine guns 1 x 7.62 mm (optional)
Engine Caterpillar 3408C diesel
Engine power 474 hp
Maximum road speed 15 km/h
The Caterpillar D9 bulldozer is a commercial design, which is produced since 1955. It was designed and built in the United States. Since its introduction it has been constantly improved. The Caterpillar does not manufacture any special militarized version of this bulldozer. However this versatile earthmoving machine is employed for military applications. The US Army used Caterpillar D9 bulldozers during Vietnam War. These were used to clear forests. After the war these machines replaced with smaller Caterpillar D7G bulldozers.

Israeli Defense Forces acquired a number of these bulldozers. Previously the D9L and D9N versions were used by Israeli Engineering Corps. Operational experience of these machines in combat areas revealed, that protection from small arms fire and artillery shell splinters was required. Also Israeli Defense Forces were concerned that chemical attacks were possible. An add-on passive armor kit for the Caterpillar D9 bulldozers has been designed by Israeli Military Industries. Currently about 100 D9R armored bulldozers are in service with Israel. It seems that Israel also operates a newer D9T version. In 2003 US Army and Marine Corps acquired a total of 14 D9R armored bulldozers from Israeli army stocks for deployment in Iraq.

New armored cab was mounted on the vehicle's frame. This add-on armor kit requires no modification to vehicle structure. Ergonomically positioned armored glass provides maximum ballistic protection with high visibility in all directions. Engine compartment is also armored. Large dozer blade acts as additional armor. It is claimed that overall weight of the machine increased by 6 000 kg, but it has no effect on the overall performance.

Armored cab provides protection against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters. Some sources claimed that IDF bulldozers withstood massive IED explosives and even deflected RPG rounds. Slat armor can be fitted for a higher level of protection against RPG rounds. The cab is sealed so vehicle can operate in areas contaminated with NBC agents. Optionally vehicle can be fitted with smoke grenade dischargers.

Armored Caterpillar D9 dozers can be used for a number of engineering tasks, including explosive ordnance disposal, clearing of booby-trapped areas, demolition of fortifications, route opening, recovery of stuck armored vehicles and construction of sand mounds and various obstacles, preparing defensive positions. The Israeli also use these armored bulldozers in the offensive in urban warfare. Previously these bulldozers were used under enemy fire to demolish houses. Also these machines were effective against dug in positions. The use of these machines in urban warfare proved to be effective and allowed to reduce Israeli casualties. These dozers can be also used for disaster relief operations. These machines proved to be suitable for low intensity conflicts, as well as full-scale combat.

This combat engineering vehicle is equipped with a detachable large blade and rear ripper attachment. All functions of the armored dozer, including its dozer blade and ripper can be operated remotely from the vehicle from a portable control panel.

The Caterpillar D9 dozer can easily tow main battle tanks and other combat vehicles that weight more than 70 t.

This armored bulldozer is operated by driver and commander. There are two entry doors at the front of the cab. Also there is emergency exit door at the rear. Also there is a roof hatch for observation. A 7.62 mm machine gun can be mounted on the roof for self-defense. It is operated by the vehicle commander.

This machine is powered by Caterpillar 3408C 18-liter turbocharged diesel engine, developing 474 hp. Vehicle has three forward and three reverse gears.

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