Trupna PVO


Trupna PVO

  • Pridružio: 19 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 1993

Je ovo Zbrojovka pored PAT-a ? Vz-37 ?

Ne mogu da nađem sliku Zbrojovke 15mm iz naoružanja KJV a navodno se dobro pokazala u odbrani Beograda aprila 41-e.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 26 Avg 2012
  • Poruke: 1219
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Napisano: 17 Jan 2016 21:12

Rekao bih da jeste, ako nije neka licenca.

Dopuna: 19 Jan 2016 15:53

Flakpanzer 68

Panzer 68 je baziran na modelu Panzer 61. Prvi prototip se pojavio 1957. sa topom 90mm (verovatno se radilo o topu ( PzK 58- 8.4cm). Dve godine nakon pojave prototipa pocinje predserijska proizvodnja. 1961. kalibar topa je povecan na 105mm, a serijska proizvodnja pocinje 1964. Vec 1968. pojavljuje se modernizovana verzija sa stabilizacijom topa. Prve serije modernizovanog topa ulaze u proizvodnju 1971. Druga serija pocinje da se proizvodi 1977. a treca i cetvrata u periodu 1978-1983.(sa povecanom kupolom Pz 68 AA3 ili AA4 Pz 68/75). 1992. je usledila nova modernizacija koja se ogledala u savremenijem SUV koji je bio na nivou danasnjih sa Panzer 87 (Leopard 2) koji je u sluzbi i danas.
U prvim godinama novog milenijuma model 68 je povucen iz upotrebe u vecini zapadnih zemalja. Uradjen je i jedan primerak ovog sredstva za kupolom od ,,Geparda" ali nikad nije usao u proizvodnju jer je krajnji izbor pao na sistem Rapier. Jedan od ovih prototipova se i danas nalazi u otvorenom delu muzeja u Thun-u. U prizvodnju ovog sredstva su bile ukljucene kompanije Contraves, Bührle, K+W Thun, Siemens. Posadu su cinila 3 clana, komandir, nisandzija i vozac.

Dimenzije vozila:
Duzina vozila sa topom: 7480mm
Duzina vozila bez topa: 7100mm
Sirina vozila: 3330mm
Visina vozila sa spustenom antenom: 3140mm
Visina vozila sa podignutom antenom: 4300mm
Masa vozila: 46000kg
Masa kupole: 14600kg
Pritisak na podlogu na putu / terenu: 14.65 /0.98kg/cm2
Specificna snaga: 14.34 ks/t
Max.brzina na putu / terenu: 53 / 30km/h
Rezervoar: 710l
El. instalacija: 24V (4 baterije po 6V ukupne snage 189Aha)
Sredstvo veze: 1 radio stanica SE-412 i jedan interkom sistem

Glavni motor: MTU MB 837 Ba-500, 8 cilindara u V rasporedu pod uglom od 90 stepeni , cetvorotaktni dizel sa 4 ventila po cilindru , zapremine 29900ccm i snage 660ks pri 2600 o/min, uz obrtni moment od 2206Nm pri 1750 o/min.
Pomocni motor: Mercedes Benz OM 636 VI E , cetvorotaktni dizel sa 4 cilinra u liniji i 2 ventila po cilindru zapremine 1767ccm , snage 38ks pri 2800 o/min.
Menjac: hidrostaticki, koji omogucava kretanje , upravljenje i kocenje sa 6 stepeni za hod napred i 2 za nazad

Naoruzanje: 2 topa 35 mm Oerlikon KDA
Borbeni komplet: 2X320 rasprskavajucih granata i 2X20 pancirnih
Sredstva za zastitu: 2X3 lansera dimnih kutija 8cm + 12 u rezervi

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 19719

victoria ::...
Ne mogu da nađem sliku Zbrojovke 15mm iz naoružanja KJV a navodno se dobro pokazala u odbrani Beograda aprila 41-e.


  • Pridružio: 19 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 1993

Napisano: 19 Jan 2016 18:26

Vauuuu,kakav stroj !!! Merci Ziveli
Jedina slika koju sam nalazio je bila sa 15mm "spremna za marš" i na kojoj se nije video kraj cevi.Kakva je ovo zver bila !!!
Nije čudo što su je Englezi stavili na tanketu.

Dopuna: 20 Jan 2016 14:25

Zanemarili smo Francuze na ovoj temi a njihov Krotal je već dugo u upotrebi a pristižu i njegovi naslednici.
Najpre Crotal NG
"Crotale NG (Next Generation) is an all-weather short-range air defence system developed by Thales Air Defense (formerly Thomson-CSF Airsys) based at Bagneux in France.

The missions of the system are in front-line armoured brigade defence, permanent or semi-permanent site defence and area defence against air threats, such as fixed-wing aircraft, attack helicopters, cruise missiles, tactical missiles and saturation attacks with stand-off weapons released from aircraft and helicopters.

The Crotale NG system provides air situation and threat assessment, extended detection range, identification friend or foe (IFF), multi-target detection plus automated acquisition, tracking and engagement and all weather operation.

"Crotale NG is an all-weather short-range air defence missile system."
Crotale NG entered production in 1990 and is in service with the Finnish Army (20 systems), and the French Air Force (12 shelter-mounted systems) and Navy.

Thales signed a contract with Greece in June 1999 for 11 Crotale NG systems, nine for the air force and two for the navy. The system has also been sold to Saudi Arabia and Oman.

In February 2000, Thales and Samsung were jointly awarded the contract for the Republic of Korea Pegasus (Chun Ma) K-SAM (Korean Surface-to-Air Missile) programme. The contract called for the production of 48 Crotale NG surveillance and fire control systems. Samsung Thales was awarded a follow-on contract in December 2003.

Thales is developing the Crotale mk3 system. With the new Shikra 3D multibeam surveillance radar (derived from the Thales Netherlands SMART-S mk2 search radar), Crotale mk3 forms Thales's multishield system designed to protect sensitive sites and theatres of operation. Crotale mk3 began flight testing in January 2008.

A data exchange capability provides integration of the Crotale NG into a global air defence scheme. A platoon of four Crotale NG units can be operated in coordinated mode using the automated computer-to-computer data exchange. According to the threat assessment and the relative positions of the four units, the target is engaged by the unit in the best position.

Crotale mk3 long range air defence missile system

Thales is developing the Crotale mk3, a new long-range variant of the Crotale NG. The Crotale mk3 has a maximum effective range of 16,000m and altitude of 9,000m. With the new Shikra 3D multibeam surveillance radar (derived from the Thales Netherlands SMART-S Mk2 search radar), Crotale mk3 forms Thales's Multishield system designed to protect sensitive sites and theatres of operation.

The Crotale mk3 was first test fired in February 2007 at the DGA Centre d'Essais des Landes (CELM) missile launch range at Biscarrosse in South West France. The mk3 intercepted and destroyed the target at a range of more than 14,000m.

In January 2008, the mk3 missile system successfully intercepted and destroyed a Banshee target drone at altitude 970m and range 8,000m in an 11 seconds engagement. In a second test firing Crotale mk3 destroyed the target flying at an altitude of 500m and range of 15,000m.

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Crotale NG VT1 missile

The Crotale NG VT1 missile features a high level of manoeuvrability with load factors up to 35g up to 8km with the airframe capable of withstanding 50g. Speed is Mach 3.5, using a solid propellant rocket motor. The VT1 has an effective range of about 11km and ceiling of over 6,000m. In March 2001, Thales Air Defence (formerly Shorts Missile Systems) were awarded a contract for the manufacture of the VT1 missile.

The Command to Line-Of-Sight (CLOS) guidance uses radar and electro-optical sensors. The missile is armed with a focused blast and fragmentation warhead, initiated by an RF proximity fuse. The warhead provides a lethal blast radius of 8m. Typical interception time from firing to airborne target destruction at a distance of 8km is 10.3s.

Fire control and surveillance

The Crotale NG is equipped with a multi-sensor suite, including passive electro-optics and radar with built-in Electronic Counter Countermeasures (ECCM) to engage airborne targets under adverse conditions of dense electronic warfare and hostile battlefield environments of nuclear, biological and chemical warfare (NBC) and smoke and dust screens. The elements of the sensor suite are:

S-band pulse doppler surveillance radar – with sectored surveillance, search-on-the-move and built-in IFF antenna. The ECCM features are low side lobes, frequency agility, pulse compression, CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) and strobe on jam. The range is 20km with altitude coverage from 0m to 5,000m.

"The Crotale NG system provides air situation and threat assessment."
Ku-band TWT (travelling wave tube) single pulse doppler tracking radar – with a beam width of 1.20°. The ECCM features are low side lobes, frequency agility, pulse compression, CFAR, and jammer tracking. The range is up to 30km.

Thermal camera – with dual field of view and electronic magnification providing 8.1 or 2.7° in azimuth and 5.4 or 1.8° in elevation. The range is up to 19km.

Daylight CCD camera – with field of view 2.4° in azimuth and 1.8° in elevation. The range is up to 15km.

Infrared (IR) localiser – mounted below the CCD camera for missile gathering.

All functions from target detection to target tracking are automated to achieve reduced reaction times. The reaction time is typically six seconds between first detection and launch of the missile. Once the missile is fired, the operational software selects the best missile tracking sensor according to data being supplied from all sensors. The operator has the option of overriding the sensor automatically selected by the operational software."

vučna verzija


isproban i novi super brzi projektil VT-1

-Korejanci napravili svoju verziju,CHUNMA ili K-SAM ili Pegasus kako ga već sve ne nazivaju.
"Description: The Chunma, also known as K-SAM or 'Pegasus' in English, is a self-propelled short-range supersonic surface-to-air missile system. It was designed to engage airborne threats flying at altitudes of 5,000 meters and ranges of 9-10 kilometers using Command-to-Line-Of-Sight (CLOS) guidance. This air defense system is intended for protection of industrial facilities, infrastructures, mobile military units, ports and airports in the mountainous terrain found in the Republic of Korea (RoK). RoK launched the K-SAM program in 1989. In 1999, the Republic of Korea Army (RoKA) ordered the first batch of 48 Chun Ma air defense systems worth 330 million Euro under the K-SAM program with deliveries due between 1999 and 2005. A second batch of 66 Chun Ma systems worth 470 million Euro was ordered in December 2003 with deliveries due to complete in 2009 totaling 114 systems.
The Chunma missile weapon system combines the proven Crotale NG S-band surveillance radar and Ku-band tracking radar, infrared camera localizer to track the missile once fired, Identification Friend or Foe (IFF), Crotale and VT-1 surface-to-air missiles mounted on a high mobility tracked armored chassis, the same used on the BiHo self-propelled anti-aircraft gun system. A single Chunma system includes eight Crotale or VT-1 ready-to-fire supersonic missiles. The surveillance radar is capable of detecting up to 20 airborne targets at ranges up to 20 kilometers. The tracking radar can track up to eight targets at ranges of 16 kilometers. The air defense system is workable in day/nigh and all-weather conditions in heavy clutter and jamming environments. The 26-ton V-shaped chassis is powered by a Doosan D2840L 10V turbo-intercooled diesel engine rated at 520-hp.
Chunma Specifications
Crew: 3 
Number of Weapons: 8 
Tracked Aerial Targets: 8 
Height: 5.40 meter
Length: 7.10 meter
Width: 3.40 meter
Max Range: 500 kilometer
Target's Max Altitude: 5,000 meter (16,404 foot)
Weapon Max Range: 10,000 meter
Power: 520 hp (388 kW)
Top Speed: 60 kph (16.7 mps)
Combat Weight: 26,000 kilogram
Ako su podaci iz ovog teksta sa Deagel-a tačni onda ovaj sistem nije skup u odnosu na ono što nudi,nešto više od 7 miliona evra.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99303

Poljaci traze zamenu za svoje S-60 57mm
Citat:According to the information provided by the Armament Inspectorate, the new system is to replace the 57 mm S-60 anti-aircraft cannons. The newly acquired armament shall be capable of neutralizing a wide spectrum of airborne threats and light armoured objects, on land and in a maritime setting. Moreover, the system shall also make it possible to use programmable rounds and provide a chance for carrying out operations with the use of a command and weapons control vehicle, belonging to the Polish Blenda suite, as well as independently, in a variety of weather conditions, at night and during the day.

The requests for being included in the market analysis may be submitted to the Armament Inspectorate until 26th February. Then, the Armament Inspectorate will create a feasibility study and the initial Tactical-Technical Assumptions, pertaining the weaponry.

The S-60 cannon, which is being replaced by the system to be procured, is a Soviet-made post-war weaponry which has been remaining in the Polish inventory since the late 1950s. At the moment, elements of the Polish Navy are only using the modernized S-60MB variant of the cannon. The systems that are being acquired within the scope of the “Noteć” proceedings are also going to be probably received by the Air Force, for direct protection of the anti-aircraft missile system squadrons.


  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 30840

Eto sansa za Rapidfire, ko stvoren, samohodan, moze i po nebu i po zemlji da bije.

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 35853
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Brazilski Gepard

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 30840

Amerikanci hoce top 30 mm na Strykerima koji bi mogao da se koristi i za PVO. Imace air burst municiju.

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28631
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Verovatno i zbog odbrane od POVR, kao i kod Ruja.

  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 2260

Опытный образец 57-мм ЗСУ на шасси Т-34/85 :

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