Quicksink, GBU-31/B sa novim tragacem na nosu(nemamo sliku) kao novo protivbrodsko oruzje.
Citat:From what we know so far, the Quicksink munition is a modified GBU-31/B that combines its existing GPS-assisted inertial navigation system (INS) guidance package in the tail with a new seeker mounted on the nose. This "all-weather maritime seeker," which appears to include at least an RF/radar seeker and could very well be a multi-mode design, allows the weapon to search for and then lock onto its target in the terminal phase of its flight. The bomb is first cued to the general target via the launch platform or off-board sensors. The computer-generated video below shows a full notional attack profile utilizing this weapon.
Украјинци добијају ЈДАМ, шта мисите коју верзију и како ће уопште они то да користе на малим висинама на којима лете? Да их лобују као ракетна зрна из хеликоптера?
Iskakanje lansiranje, pa bežanija dole. Pre leta softver proracuna idealnu putanju na osnovu parametara koji se unesu i to je manje više to. E sada u uslovima gde ameri imaju apsolutnu premoć to je lagan posao. Ali ovde…
Singapur kupuje 1000 kompleta za JDAM i 500 za GBU-12 plus pratecu opremu.
Citat:The Government of Singapore has requested to buy one hundred (100) KMU-556 Tail Kits for Joint Direct-Attack Munition (JDAM) GBU-31; nine hundred (900) KMU-572 Tail Kits for JDAM GBU-38 and Laser JDAM GBU-54; two hundred fifty (250) MAU-169 Computer Control Group for 500lb Paveway-II (PWII) GBU-12; and two hundred fifty (250) MXU-650 Air Foil Group for 500lb PWII GBU-12. Also included are DSU-38 laser guidance sets; Common Munitions Built-In-Test (BIT)/Reprogramming Equipment (CMBRE); spare parts, consumables, and accessories, and repair and return support; aircraft and munitions support and support equipment; personnel training and training equipment; unclassified software; unclassified technical books and other publications; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services, studies and surveys; and other related elements of logistical and program support. The estimated total cost is $55 million.
Citat:A USAF (🇺🇸) B-52H Stratofortress bomber demonstrated its ability to deploy a 2,000-pound JDAM QuickStrike Extended Range (QS-ER) mine in early March 2023.
The mine was dropped from a standoff distance of 40+ miles (64+ km) above the Pacific Missile Range Facility near Hawaii.
Interesantno, za ruske su govorili da su nestabilne kada im je kit sa krilima montiran dole, za američke izgleda važe neki drugi zakoni fizike pa nemaju tih problema.
A mogu samo da zamislim kakvi bi komentari bili da su rusi ovako izlepili trakom.
Bomba se montira tako (da kit i krila budu sa donje dok su na nosacu) jer su joj uske za kacenje sa druge strane. Nakon odbacivanja bomba koja ima upravljiva krila i krilca na bombi pozadi (jer se menjaju fiksna kada se postavlja kit za vodjenje da bi mogla da se vrsi korekcija u letu) rola za 180 stepeni i krila su onda sa gornje strane. Kod bilo koje verzije.