Nisanski, izvidjacki, EIPED kontejneri


Nisanski, izvidjacki, EIPED kontejneri

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 98542

Elettronica Develops ‘Escort Jammer’ For Italy’s Air Force

Citat:Italian electronics manufacturer Elettronica revealed at the Dubai airshow that the firm is researching on a jamming pod that will allow Italian Eurofighters and Tornados to act as escort jammers.


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  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 98542

Novi kontejner za ED/PED
Next Generation Jammer completes Preliminary Design Review milestone

Citat:"Raytheon and the Navy have made system engineering process discipline a top priority from the outset of the NGJ program," said Travis Slocumb, vice president of Electronic Warfare Systems at Raytheon's Space and Airborne Systems. "The successful completion of PDR is indicative of the strength of our partnership, and we will apply that same focus as we move into the follow-on phases of the program."

The NGJ is scheduled to replace legacy ALQ-99 jamming pods, delivering new capabilities for the Navy's EA-18G Growler. The Navy plans to declare Initial Operating Capability for the Jammer in 2021.

"The Jammer's open architecture design, coupled with high-powered, solid state electronics and agile jamming techniques, will enable us to meet U.S. Navy electronic warfare mission requirements while ensuring the affordability of future upgrades," said Daniel Theisen, Director of Airborne Electronic Attack programs for Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems.


  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 98542

Nisam ni sumnjao da tamo nece da otvore centar
Lockheed Martin and AEC open Sniper ATP pod support center in Saudi Arabia


  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 2260

Deo teksta o Litening-5 sa:

Citat: Litening 5, which started flight tests last year and is expected to enter service by 2018, complements the new weapons. It has new optics with a larger aperture and zoom range, and introduces a third operating band—the shortwave infared (SWIR) band, about 1.5 microns. SWIR operates well in nighttime conditions, but its most important attribute is that it is absorbed less by atmospheric moisture than visible light (0.5-0.7 microns) and provides longer oblique range than either midwave IR or daylight high-definition TV. According to Rafael, Litening 5 will be able to detect and track vehicle targets at ranges of up to 60 km, using an ultratelephoto SWIR sensor with a 0.3-deg. field of view and new automatic moving-target-indication algorithm.

Longer range changes the pod’s role. “This is more than a small step,” says a Rafael executive. “It goes from being a laser targeting pod to a standoff, multiweapon pod.” The 60-km range is beyond the reach of accurate laser designation, because of low-altitude atmospheric absorption and distortion, and geometrical “smearing” of the laser spot along the beam axis. The pod uses Rafael’s MatchGuide software to generate the multipoint template for Spice guidance.

Znaci: Litening-5 otkrije cilj na daljinama do 60km. Usled poremecaja u atmosferi nemoguce je koristiti lasersko vodjenje, pa Litening-5 napravi geolokaciju cilja, koju "saopsti" u SPICE-250, koja odleti prema cilju, prepozna geolokaciju (a ne cilj!) i pogodi ga, bez GPS korekcije.

  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 2260

Treci kljucni program vezan za povecanje preciznosti izraelskih vazdusnih snaga, pored SPICE-250 i nisanskog pod-a Litening-5, jeste nova senzorska turela IAI Tamam MH-19HD, namenjena bespilotnim letelicama.
Verujem da deli elektroniku i komponente sa Litening-5.
Citat: Long-range precision targeting and reconnaissance is also the role of the M-19HD sensor turret, from Israel Aerospace Industries’ Tamam Division and in production for the new Super Heron UAV and other applications.

The 19-in. turret is slightly flattened to ease ground-clearance issues. Behind the large-aperture, wide-zoom-range Newtonian-telescope optical system is a complete array of sensors—high-definition day and night sensors and SWIR—and the system includes an eye-safe laser rangefinder and laser designator.

Not surprisingly, a Tamam engineer lists stabilization of the long-focus optics—carried by a diesel-powered UAV—as a big challenge. But he shifts quickly to a different topic, the software challenges of sensor fusion, image processing and exploitation in meeting the specific requirements of intelligence-gathering and targeting: “It’s not National Geographic”; that is, it involves more than just acquiring a picture. “It’s a real art, and there are only four or five players worldwide who can do it,” he says. “It’s a game of understanding the nature of the problem, which is not obvious.” And as a military tool, the system “must be easy to use,” he notes.

The military user needs to know the exact location of objects in the picture. “We know where we are, but we don’t have a digital terrain model for the entire world,” the engineer says.

The basic optics are good enough to see colors clearly at 40-km slant range in daytime mode. However, by using an adaptive color enhancement program, it’s easier to see small details—wires and poles, for instance—in the scene. SWIR can be fused into the image to penetrate haze—providing a “defog” mode—but tends to be noisy, requiring more custom processing.

A turbulence mitigation mode reduces the effect of heat haze, difficult to do but vital at long slant ranges. For the operator, “working for 2 or 3 hr. with a turbulent image is a huge headache,” the engineer says. The U.S. was using neural-net processing in the 1990s to correct for atmospheric distortion in overhead images, but oblique multispectral video is a far bigger challenge. “It’s similar to the software that we use to autotrack targets at sea,” the engineer says. “Nothing in the natural sea environment has straight lines.”

Finally—since the M-19HD generates a vast amount of raw data—the system manages the use of the data link, tracking targets automatically and sending imagery as required. All this advanced processing can be ported from the top-of-the-line M-19HD to other Tamam payloads.

Sajt proizvodjaca:

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 98542

LITENING nakacen na C-130H

Citat:A 189th Airlift Wing C-130H is mounted with a Northrop Grumman LITENING pod targeting system as part of an Air National Guard Air Force Reserve Test Center program to develop a highly-accurate air drop and reconnaissance system. The Arkansas Air National Guard unit has been tapped as a test bed and has sent aircraft, aircrews and maintainers to Arizona for the test program.
Photos by Master Sgt. Chris Durney

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 30662


  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 2260

TALON HATE na F-15 :

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 30662

Nova brutalna igracka iz Izraela za letenje nocu na bilo kom helikopteru, procitajte ceo clanak


Israeli defense electronics company Elbit Systems Ltd. (Nasdaq: ESLT; TASE: ESLT) has performed a series of successful demonstration flights using the BrightNite system, a solution that enables utility helicopters to successfully perform poor visibility missions in over 90% of nights.

The goal of the flights was to demonstrate the systems’ performance in conditions such as moonless and pitch dark nights, in which flights are rarely executed. Dozens of pilots from a variety of Air Forces around the globe participated in the demo flights, which took place in Israel. Installed onboard an Airbus Twin-Star helicopter for the demo, the BrightNite system provided the pilots with night-piloting capabilities similar and even exceeding to those of attack helicopters.

Citat:Elbit Systems’ BrightNite overcomes these visibility limitations and greatly improves situational awareness, mission effectiveness and above all - flight safety in poor visibility. The system processes real-time panorama video, enhanced by a 3D conformal mission symbology concept and transmits high-resolution video to the Helmet-Mounted Display (HMD). BrightNite utilizes unified location-based information culled from a wide FOV to display crystal clear images, in zero visibility and zero latency, enabling helicopters to successfully execute missions in more than 90% of the nights.

  • Pridružio: 26 Avg 2012
  • Poruke: 1219
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

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