Army hits recruiting target for the first time in 2 years
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Struktura regrutovanih i dosta pojedinosti nažalost iz 2022 podaci za 2023 još nisu dostupne.
Regular Army (RA): 44,901 (74.8% of 60,000 goal)
Army Reserve (AR): 9,095 (62.1% of 14,650 goal)
Special Operations Recruiting BN: 2,783 (76% of 3,678 mission)
Warrant Officers: 1,602 (99% of 1,626 mission)
Medical Mission: 1,270 (90% of 1,409 goal)
Chaplains: 301 (90%) of 335 goal)
Male: RA 84% AR 67%
Female: RA 16% AR 33%
Caucasian: RA 47.5% AR 36.8%
African American: RA 23.2% AR 26.7%
Hispanic: RA 22.2% AR 25.2%
Asian/Pacific Islander: RA 6.3% AR 10.7%
Native American: RA 0.8% AR 0.6%
* 94.2% of RA recruits and 97.7% of AR recruits had a high school diploma. The remainder were required to have a GED or state equivalency.
* 11.8% of RA and 18.9% AR recruits had at least one semester of college prior to joining.
* 60.2% of RA and 63.3% of AR recruits scored above a 50 on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (the Department of Defense mandates no less
than 60%)
About 50% of RA recruits come from the following eight states:
Texas (12.4%)
California (9.7%)
Florida (9.4%)
Georgia (5.1%)
North Carolina (5.0%)
New York (4.8%)
Ohio (2.8%)
Virginia (2.8%)
Regular Army: 20,742 recruits received an average bonus of $21.9K
Army Reserve: 6,218 with average bonus of $12.6K