Vojska Evropske Unije, struktura jedinica i vežbe


Vojska Evropske Unije, struktura jedinica i vežbe

  • yrraf  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2497
  • Gde živiš: Loznica Srbija

Tu se sad postavlja velika dilema. Kada pokušavaju da te uvuku u NATO uvek ide priča da posle sledi smanjenje troškova jer alijansa (čitaj veći od tebe) preuzimaju deo obaveza na sebe. E pa to je u koliziji sa zahtevom za 2% bdp-a. Ako smo pošteni, posle 89.-e i raspada SSSR-a, NATO je Evropi samo kamen oko vrata. Evropa bije tuđe bitke. Povećanje troškova na 2% je potrebno ali ne da bi se te pare ulupale u jačanje američkog vojno-industrijskog kompleksa kroz kupovinu preskupog naoružanja ili plaćanje baza u kojima sede Ameri i "brane" EU od imaginarnog neprijatelja a niko ih za to nije ni pitao. Za to vreme trpi EU industrija, Evropa ne razvija svoje strateške odbrambene kapacitete i gleda ko će da se useli u belu kuću i kako će da mu se digne pa da otera sve to nazad preko bare džaba što si ti to plaćao. Drugi svetski rat je gotov već 74 godine, hladni već ravno 30, kom **rcu služe američke baze po Nemačkoj, raketni štit u Rumuniji i češke patrole po Baltiku sa ameeičkim avio-tankerima kad sve to Ameri sutra mogu da odvuku a da Rusi raz**bu ono što ostane za dva sata? EU mora prvo da beži iz NATO, pa tek onda da povećava budžete i te pare uloži u svoju odbranu inače one odoše za jačanje pozicije SAD.

Ovako kako sada stvari stoje, slažem se sa @Jazbarom, ovo je besmislica, oni kao prave EU vojsku u okviru NATO a nemaju love ni da NATO funkcioniše kako treba. Samo mislim da i da povećaju izdatke pare ne bi otišle u jačanje EU već na drugu stranu.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16072
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

^ Budi bez brige da države koje sa SAD vode ratove po belome svetu to rade zbog vlastitih koristi, pre svega Nizozemska, Danska, VB, Francuska, koje su 1. liga i 2. liga Nemačka, Belgija, Španjolska, Italija, Poljska, Češka.... Pa tako naftne kompanije država 1. lige dobijaju koncesije za vađenje i za poslove obnove. Oni koji od toga imaju malo ili ništa su male istočno evropske države. Recimo Hrvati su opremili vojsku od američkih donacija, Slovenija umesto da šalje tamo veće kontigente donira naoružanje i veči kontigent na Kosovu. Dobili bismo i mi donacije od SAD ali naši neće, nit bi imao ko tu opremu da koristi kad imamo samo još 6.800 vojnika.

  • Pridružio: 16 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 3152
  • Gde živiš: bela crkva banat

yrraf ::Vojska EU dok postoji NATO je obična sprdnja. Sem Francuske tu trenutno nema iole ozbiljne armije. .

не бих ја тако лако отписао пољаке...

  • yrraf  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2497
  • Gde živiš: Loznica Srbija

^ U strateškom smislu. Kad govorimo o globalnim igračima broje se nuklearne glave, podmornice, nosači aviona, KR, strateški bombarderi, dugometni PVO. Tu je EU patuljak, naročito nakon odlaska UK. Dok su u NATO, sve to će biti manje više vlasništvo Amera koji to dovezu, upravljaju istim i povuku kad im se digne. Sa takvom odbranom nema globalne sile ni samostalne politike, to je poenta mojih postova.

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1228

Kakva vojska EU, to bi se raspalo u roku od godinu dana zamislite Francuza i Njemca na nekom buducem Evropskom nosacu odluce o bilo cemu bitno, pa ne bi mogli da nadju zajednicku rijec ni o tome sta doruckovati a kamoli ista bitnije.

Ako dodje do toga da ovi prave vojsku EU , Ameri ce praviti savez sa Britancima i Japancima taman u vreme kad Japan polako pocinje da ukine restrikcije.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 96683

Neo-Nazi scandal hits German elite military unit
Citat:The Bundeswehr is set to suspend an officer in an elite military unit over suspected ties to right-wing extremism. Two other fellow soldiers have also been accused of flashing the Hitler salute.
Arrow https://www.dw.com/en/neo-nazi-scandal-hits-german.....a-51490089

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2830
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Napisano: 19 Jun 2020 17:11

New Ships, New Radar for Eurofighter, New IT Information Technology
Arrow https://www.defense-aerospace.com/article-view/rel.....ships.html
Citat:The Bundeswehr will invest heavily a total of around 13 billion euros. The Navy will get four MKS 180 multi-purpose combat ships. The Eurofighter will be equipped with new radars. In the Hercules follow-up project, BWI, as an in-house service provider, is to guarantee IT information technology operations for the BMVg Federal Ministry of Defense division for another four years.
Ima krize a ne za vojsku.
4 nova broda in AESA radari za Tajfune.

Dopuna: 12 Avg 2020 18:35

ITAR free – So will sich Europas Militär vom US-Diktat befreien
Arrow https://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article213002794/Ru.....ieren.html
Citat:„ITAR free“ ist das Ziel

Längst geht es nicht nur um Sturmgewehre, Drohnen oder wie in einer jüngsten Ausschreibung um Elektronik-Munitionszünder für die Panzerhaubitze. Das Ziel „ITAR free“ gilt in Europas Rüstungsbranche und Politik inzwischen als Zeichen für Selbstbewusstsein, Selbstbestimmung und die Suche nach Souveränität.

Sogar eines der größten europäischen Rüstungsvorhaben, das Future Combat Air System (FCAS) mit einem neuen Kampfjet als Kernstück, soll mit möglichst wenig oder ohne US-Technik auskommen. Beim Triebwerk des sogenannten Superjets, der 2040 einsatzbereit sein soll, sei „ITAR free“ definitiv das Ziel, sagte vor wenigen Tagen Michael Schreyögg, Vorstand beim deutschen Triebwerkehersteller MTU Aero Engines.

Nova evropska oružja;cilj je da su bez američke tehnologije.

Dopuna: 21 Sep 2020 16:21

Germany tries to forge a deal on who can play ball in Europe
Arrow https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2020/09/.....in-europe/
Citat:The challenge is to find common ground between two camps within the EU: member states seeking ties with outsiders, and those countries who prefer treating the nascent defense agenda as a members-only affair.
Poland, Sweden and the Netherlands are leading a group of nations advocating for openness. But France, for example, is pursuing a more restrictive stance, especially toward Turkey and the United States.

U planu je da se do kraja godine kada je Nemačka predsedujoća EU, da se pravni okvir proizvodnje oružja, intelektulna prava....podpiše.
Poljaci, Švedi i Nizozemci žele veze i van EU, Francuzi so protiv naročito Turske i USA.
Citat:U.S. Defense Department officials are trying to understand the potential impact on the government and defense contractors should American businesses get to participate in European Union defense cooperation programs involving the European Defence Fund, or EDF. The results from seven case studies will eventually culminate in a formal U.S. response to the European Commission, as officials there finalize language on access requirements for non-EU countries, according to a Pentagon spokeswoman.

These are their premises: How can ...
... a U.S. subsidiary in the EU participate in an EDF project?
... a U.S. entity outside the EU participate in an EDF project?
... non-EU end items (finished components) be integrated into an EDF project?
... information and technology from a non-EDF project be used in an EDF project?
... an EDF project be integrated as a subset of a larger multinational effort?
... items from completed EDF projects be used with non-EU entities?
... EDF consortia members use U.S. commercial items and license exemption?

Ameri su napravili pravno studiju:
- podružnica američke firme, američka firma van EU mogućnost uključivanja u projekte,
- kakva je moguća integracija delova napravljeni van EU,
- participacija informacije i tehnologija vlastnika van EU,
- kakav je pravi okvir upotreba produkta EU u multiinternacionalnom projektu,
- upotreba produkta EU van EU,
- upotreba američkih komercialnih delova i licenciranje u projektu EU.
Dalje u članku, Norveška, Švica....kao sa njima.

Dopuna: 22 Sep 2020 17:54

Spain seen joining Greece, France, Italy on European Patrol Corvette program
Arrow https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2020/02/.....e-program/
Citat:Plans by Italy and France to win European Union funding for the construction of a new corvette have been boosted as Spain looks set to follow Greece and sign up to the program.

The planning for a new 3,000 ton corvette is a cornerstone of the new naval joint venture between Italy’s Fincantieri and France’s Naval Group which was launched last year and named Naviris.

Citat:“The corvette is the only naval program on the PESCO list and it should be a priority,” said the source.
Italija zajedno sa Francuskom, pridružila se Španjolska i Grčka u izgradnji 3,000 tonske korvete. Traži se financiranje iz programa PESCO.

Dopuna: 29 Okt 2020 17:32

EU to allow Britain, U.S. in on future joint defence projects, envoys say
Arrow https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-defence/eu-t.....SKBN27D2JE
NCitat:on-member participants will only be able to come in on individual projects and must bring substantial know-how, diplomats said. The decision does not affect U.S. defence contractors’ traditional access to bid for individual European military contracts in the EU.

However, Turkey, a NATO member and candidate to join the EU, is unlikely to be able to take part because of requirements in the EU defence pact that call for non members to “support and uphold European values”, a second diplomat said.

Uključivanje država van EU, samo za svaki projekat posebno, u slučaju, da je doprinos značajan. To nema utjecaj na tendere koji su inaće.
Turska je out, demokratija i te stvari.
Članak ne daje detaljni odgovor u vezi američkih pitanja. Ovako od oka, zbog tona je moj zaključak, da firme u američkom vlastništvu se moraju pridržavati evropskih zakona i ako hoće na tender onda američka zabrana izvoza za njih ne važi..Ali videćemo.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 96683

Nemci zapocinju razgovore
Germany begins talks on creating a European military unit and army
Arrow https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2020/11/17/germany-b.....-and-army/

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2830
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Napisano: 18 Apr 2021 16:34

"Bundeswehr has not done homework": Charities criticise new service
Arrow https://www.stern.de/politik/deutschland/-freiwill.....63874.html
Citat:The Bundeswehr's new "Volunteer Service for Homeland Security" has been criticized.
Nemci imaju novu organizaciju za mlade dobrovoljce.
Citat:At the beginning of April, the first 325 recruits started in the new pilot project of the Bundeswehr. In addition to basic military training, women and men should also be involved in homeland security, i.e. socially. "
Citat:In view of the wide range of programmes on offer, the "Homeland Security Volunteer Service" seems like a competitive program that seeks to challenge the youth of the charities. If you look at the payment, this suspicion is confirmed. In a voluntary service, the participants are compensated with an expense allowance in the form of pocket money of 300 to 400 euros per month. In the Bundeswehr, as in the FWD, the recruits receive 1400 euros.
Ostale organizacije koje su bile osnovane zbog civilnog služenja vojnog roka daju na mesec od 300 do 400 evra. Ova nova vojna 1400 evra.

Dopuna: 27 Apr 2021 17:34

Arrow https://www.place-armes.fr/post/lettre-ouverte-a-nos-gouvernants
Otvoreno pismo oficira Macronu. Stavio sam samo deo najviših po činu.
General of The Army Corps (ER) Christian PIQUEMAL (Foreign Legion)

Army Corps General (2S) Gilles BARRIE (Infantry)

Major General (2S) François GAUBERT former Military Governor of Lille

Major General (2S) Emmanuel de RICHOUFFTZ (Infantry)

Major General (2S) Michel JOSLIN DE NORAY (Marine Troops)

Air Division General Eric CHAMPOISEAU (Air Force)

Brigadier General (2S) André COUSTOU (Infantry)

Brigadier General (2S) Philippe DESROUSSEAUX de MEDRANO (Train)

Air Brigade General (2S) Antoine MARTINEZ (Air Force)

Air Brigade General (2S) Daniel GROSMAIRE (Air Force)

Brigadier General (2S) Robert JEANNEROD (Cavalry)

Brigadier General (2S) Pierre Dominique AIGUEPERSE (Infantry)

Brigadier General (2S) Roland DUBOIS (Transmissions)

Brigadier General (2S) Dominique DELAWARDE (Infantry)

Brigadier General (2S) Jean Claude GROLIER (Artillery)

Brigadier General (2S) Norbert de CACQUERAY (General Directorate of Armament)

Brigadier General (2S) Roger PRIGENT (ALAT)

Brigadier General (2S) Alfred LEBRETON (CAT)

General Physician (2S) Guy DURAND (Army Health Service)

Against Admiral (2S) Gérard BALASTRE (National Navy)

Brigadier General Jean Yves NIELLY (Marine Troops)

Brigadier General (2S) Jean Gilles SINTES (Train)

Brigadier General (2S) Bernard PEYREFITTE (Genius)

Brigadier General (2S) Patrick KOELY (Train)

Brigadier General (2S) Francis MAREC (Artillery)

Dopuna: 04 Maj 2021 19:22

“This Is a Huge Break with the Past”
Arrow https://ip-quarterly.com/en/huge-break-past
Citat:For the coming budget year, the figures for the defense ministry are okay. We managed to negotiate an extra €2.5 billion, over and above what the finance ministry had planned. But if you look at medium-term financial planning, annual defense spending is set to fall to 1.2 percent of GDP by the end of the current planning period. This is unacceptable: it doesn’t cover our own security needs, nor does it let us develop the military capacities that we have promised our international partners.
For this reason, any new coalition negotiations will have to include a frank discussion about what we need to push ahead with in the coming years, and how much it is going to cost.

Nova koalicija koja se oćekuje će imati brigu o povećanju proračuna za vojsku. Po mome to neće biti teško sada, kada su se zeleni prekrstili.
Citat:The Indo-Pacific guidelines are needed because the region is rapidly increasing in strategic importance, both in general and specifically for us. We have partners over there who share our values and who have very similar concerns to ours.
Evo nas na Pacifiku.
Citat:As far as I’m concerned, it is out of the question that Germany would take a position of equal distance between China and the US. I stand for a strong Europe.
Obećanja da nema izbora između USA i Kine.
Citat:In future nuclear deterrence will continue to be absolutely fundamental to our security. And that includes German nuclear participation in NATO.
Nemačka je sastavni deo nuklearnog naoružanja u NATO.

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16072
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

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