Rat u Siriji, 2018. godina


Rat u Siriji, 2018. godina

  • stug 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2018
  • Poruke: 2317

trajkoni018 ::Ne bih reko da ce Idlib da ide ovako lako. To najvise zavisi od stepena ucesca Turske u razresenje tog pitanja. Ako se dogovore sa Rusima nesto tipa Tal Rifat za Idlib onda ce Turci da zazmure na jedno oko, ovako bice tu povuci potegni. Narocito ako se uzme u obzir da je tesko dovesti sam grad Idlib u okruzenje, jer je ovde krsevit granicni predeo upravo ka Turskoj a ne ka manje-vise neutralnom Jordanu ili relativno prijateljskim zemljama Libanu/Iraku.
S obzirom da smo vec u vise navrata bili svedoci velikih dogovora na relaciji Damask-Moskva-Ankara, verujem da ce se i ovde ici na neku vrstu dila. Opet, Turci ce svoje eventualno suzdrzavanje da naplate vec na neki nacin.

A meni nekako bliza prica sa Alepom. Udri iz svega a pricaj kasnije... Sad, svako ima svije misljenje. Moje je da turci sada idu iz Arfina i da ce iz Idliba jer Rusi dolaze. A turci ko turci. Kad se treba tuci, moze! Ali samo ako su pet puta jaci. Bar

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 32564

Dara zaplena

Granica sa Jordanom

SAA negde u ruralnom delu zapadne Dare

  • nemam
  • Pridružio: 30 Nov 2011
  • Poruke: 657

Pogreb jednog sirijskog vojnika, porijeklom Armenca. Strašno, ali kada čovjek ovo vidi čak i najveći skeptik više ne može sumnjati u pobjedu sirijaca.


  • ruso  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • sta stignem
  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 1920
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

nindza52 ::Zapadno od mesta Dael, severozapadno od Dare, nalazi se nekoliko ovih polozaja (nekoliko varijacija). Cemu i zasto ovako ?

Vjerovatno se radi o tenkovskim polozajima, odnosno transejima iskopanim za tankove, na taj nacin tenkovi mogo da se krecu, dejstvuju a da su pritom u solidnom zaklonu. Slicne stvari sam vidjao u balkanskim ratovima, doduse polozaji nisu bili ovakvog kruznog oblika ali je slican princip. Moja pretpostavka a sta je ustvari ko zna, rizikujem da se osramotim Laughing

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28514
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Topi se Dara-darava

  • Pridružio: 11 Jan 2018
  • Poruke: 450

Nema više Gute gutave...a uskoro ni Dare darave..Kako to lijepo zvuči...

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9416

Један чланак који говори о стратегији Сирије и Русије о којој сам мало писао јуче.

Russia's strategy in Syria shows how to win a Middle East war

Citat:DAMASCUS - During the height of the US-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the common buzzword among the US military and the pundits analysing the wars was counterinsurgency.

The much-feted generals, David Petraeus and Stanley McChrystal, gave briefing after briefing on how to win through unconventional tactics. Their strategy was to think like the insurgents, capture their space and deny them physical and moral support. Yet for more than a decade Iraq and Afghanistan have remained firmly out of the US sphere of influence, with both countries still far from secure and the US military having to rely on regional countries for survival.

In Syria, however, the Russians are now demonstrating Machiavellian skills that are defining what success looks like on the battlefield. For the first time in modern history, a foreign military intervention has triumphed in the Middle East.

Daraa campaign

As the Syrian army closes in on Daraa, the final chapter in the Russian-led campaign is taking shape. But what is happening in Daraa? Is it the same as in Eastern Ghouta, Homs and Aleppo?

Daraa cannot be looked at in isolation. It is a microcosm of the Syrian war ever since the Russians entered the fray.

US-led military interventions in the Middle East - ranging from Libya to Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan - have all resulted in catastrophic failures. The Americans handed Iraq to Iran after the overthrow of Saddam; in Libya they handed over the desert to brutal terrorist groups and strongmen; and in Yemen their former ally Ali Abdullah Saleh was driven out and killed. Meanwhile, in Egypt and Gaza, democracy was denied with full US support.

It is no surprise then that amid such glaring failures and contradictions in policy, the Russians have stepped in and won an outright victory, making them the ultimate kingmakers not just in Syria but also the wider Middle East.

Leaders such as Egypt's Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Saudi Arabia's Mohammed bin Salman and Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan are now cosying up to Moscow to deliver them from the mess the US created.

Even the US president is lining up a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, where Syria will be a significant talking point. So the Russians have outmanoeuvred not just the Americans but erstwhile opponents, such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

A repeat strategy

The Russians stepped in to help the Syrian government and military in 2015 and immediately started cutting deals with various armed groups, irrespective of their backers' positions. At the same time, they used overwhelming military airpower to pound the rest into submission, and took over the command-and-control structure to make the Syrian military and state infrastructure more efficient and capable.

Analysts who predicted the demise of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad were clearly in the wrong. Despite severe setbacks, including the loss of top defence and security officials in a bombing, Syria’s military and intelligence had assets all over the country which were able to penetrate the rebel and extremist groups.

Just as in the Lebanese and Iraqi civil wars, where Syrian military intelligence had influence and a degree of control over almost all of the different non-state groups, the same applied to their own war. In 2015 in a speech that surprised many, Assad admitted retreating from many parts of the country where the army could no longer fight. The argument was that the state was stretched on all sides and concessions had to be made - they would live to fight another day.

At the same time, a request had been made to the Russians to come in and help a counterattack - and counterattack they did. Starting from Homs, the left-behind apparatus of the security state went into action and cut deals with armed groups, bartered for essential goods, manned joint checkpoints and eliminated those who refused to negotiate.

Homs became the first successful evacuation monitored by the Russians. Rebels would be transported to the north or Ghouta and territory would be seized. Then came Aleppo and Eastern Ghouta which were repeats of the same strategy. Russian firepower coupled with Syrian intelligence cutting deals, just as they had done in the heyday of the Lebanese and Iraqi wars.

Turkey was brought on board with the threat of "either support the Russian-led process or face a Kurdish insurgency backed by the NATO allies of Turkey". Key Arab countries like Egypt, Algeria, the UAE and Oman were brought in as the Sunni Arab countries that now supported Damascus in its quest to finish off the rebels.

The Russians also used its own Sunni Muslim officers and military police to talk directly to the mostly Sunni leadership of the various rebel groups. And in the most remarkable diplomatic success, Israel was neutralised too – "they were told by the Russians you either deal with us or the Iranians, we can remove Iran from the south" – and they did.

Syria's endgame

Probably the most quoted Syrian military analyst, Danny Makki, who has been embedded with the top Western media outlets and the Syrian military simultaneously throughout the war, said recently on TRT World, "that it was no surprise that Daraa fell – it was a matter of time". Like in Homs, Aleppo and Ghouta, the Russian and Syrians made the Jordanians believe that it was far better for Damascus to be in control than the rebels.

Jordan, facing its own existential economic crisis, is no longer in a mood to fight Damascus. Israel, which has supported the rebels according to the UN forces not far from Daraa, has also given in to its opposition to Damascus retaking the border.

Iran has successfully been moved out of the south in a deal that keeps Tel Aviv at bay. The Americans are in talks to dismantle bases in Syria in return for a reduction of the Iranian footprint.

The Trump-Putin summit could finalise the deal over the fate of the Syrian "end-game". And despite the outcry over Daraa by opposition groups and the UN, the main regional protagonists Saudi Arabia and Turkey are less interested in its fate, and keen on a deal with Moscow.

Grudgingly, the UN and other international outlets such as Chatham House, the BBC and Economist are now writing that hundreds of thousands of refugees are returning to government-held areas and that in government-held cities there is a normalcy and no shortage of food, water, power or basic amenities.

The Russians have used to full advantage an entrenched Syrian state that despite its retreat never disappeared, with the old deal-making of the late president Hafez al-Assad making a stunning comeback. Syrian counterinsurgency led by the Russians and Assad did what the Americans failed to do – provide the state's essential services and an ability to outfox the enemy both domestic and foreign.

And even before the dust has settled in Daraa, thousands of refugees are returning to Daraa as the Syrian government returns normalcy after weeks of intense fighting and displacement.

It is almost certain Trump has no interest left in Syria; the US embassy gave clear messages to the rebels in the south that they were on their own.

Russia and President Assad have - piece by piece - retaken territory and convinced their rivals that it is not worth fighting or holding out against the Syrian Arab Republic.

Despite the calls to carry on the fight against Assad, the thousands of refugees returning to Homs, Aleppo and even Daraa are testament that Damascus has convinced them otherwise.

Шарени настављају да предају ПОВР и остало наоружање. Још ТОвова предано.

Citat:Number of US-made TOW launchers which are seized by the SAA during Daraa operation is now 19

Citat:2 APILAS anti-tank weapons.

Citat:Two US-made TOW missiles captured by the SAA in Umm al-Mayathin

Citat:Another US-made TOW launcher with a missile captured by SAA in Daraa, might be no20

Видим да сте постављали у вези напада дроновима у Латакији, нападали су пар дана сваки дан, чак су нападали и више пута у току једног дана. Неки дронови су пали само, неки оборени, неки су завршили у мору на турској обали. Дронови су гпс навођени као и они за нову годину, исти уређаји у њима као и тада, могу се купити на интернету за по 100-200 долара. Дрон укупно изађе око 1000 долара да се направи.

Напади су се десили следећих дана.

1. јул - у току ноћи 5 дронова, један је оборен/пао цео, војска га је однела на испитивање, снимак.
2. Јул - напад током ноћи пво радио поново.
2-3. Јул - Нови напад
5. Јул - Напад са 2 дрона, оборена оба
6. Јул - пети напад у јулу, пво радила
6. Јул - нова рунда напада истог дана, први пут да их нападају 2 пута у дану.
7. Јул - нови напад ПВО радила.

Дронови су исти као и за нову годину.

Фотка из Јануара коју је објавило руско МО
Лево је аутопилот, линк ка призвођачу. Десно ГПС за аутопилота

На тим фоткама које је МО објавило у Јануару су се виделе и камера и предајник/антена. Ово доле десно на фотки не знам шта је, неко је на lostarmour и то нашао али изгубио сам линк.

Овај снимак пресретања, не знам шта је овако експлодирало. Можда се чини јер је близу.
Зна ли неко колико кошта једна ракета са Панцира? https://twitter.com/QalaatAlMudiq/status/1013321153681805312

поставља се питање, да ли ови могу да изведу напад на базу са десетинама дронова истовремено, а не да их шаљу по 5/10 по нападу сваки дан. Ако би могли тиме би можда и успели да изврше "saturation attack" односно, да их има толико да панцир нема времена да их све пообара.

  • Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 7982
  • Gde živiš: Zagreb

powSrb ::
Зна ли неко колико кошта једна ракета са Панцира?

поставља се питање, да ли ови могу да изведу напад на базу са десетинама дронова истовремено, а не да их шаљу по 5/10 по нападу сваки дан. Ако би могли тиме би можда и успели да изврше "saturation attack" односно, да их има толико да панцир нема времена да их све пообара.

ne znam koliko košta, ali ne računaj da je ispod 100.000 dolara. S druge strane trošak za izradu jednog takvog aviončića kreće se od 100 do nekoliko stotina dolara.

sigurno da se može ići na zasićenje, ali ovakvim igračkama će to teško ići.
Uzmi da oni to gađaju raketama malo i radi vježbe.

Ti dronovi su toliko spore i lake mete, da ih bez ikakvog problema mogu gađati i topom, možda čak i pojedinačnom paljbom s automatskom korekcijom, ako je takav režim podržan. Topovi imaju punjenje od ukupno 1400 granata.

Drugo, te igračke nemaju nikakvu zaštitu protiv EM zračenja, pa su vrlo laka meta za bilo kakvo ometanje. Ne mora se čak ići na ometanje radijske frekvencije (a i može), nego i sam mikroprocesor koji ih upravlja može se "zblesati" jakim električnim poljem, tako da se cijelo jato tih dronova može obezglaviti bez ispaljenog metka već na nekoj pristojnoj udaljenosti.

  • Pridružio: 28 Avg 2017
  • Poruke: 1585

Лака ти земља јуначе

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2014
  • Poruke: 154

powSrb ::Један чланак који говори о стратегији Сирије и Русије о којој сам мало писао јуче.

Russia's strategy in Syria shows how to win a Middle East war


Khm, htedoh da prekopam po ovoj istoj temi iz 2015 i 2016 da nadjem i citiram tekstove irititiranih diskutanata cija je poenta "Rusija nema pojma" i "Putin nema pojma", "zasto ne urade ovo, i ono" ali mi se nesto ne da. Ziveli

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