U Rigi otvaraju muzej rata izmedju Rusije i Ukrajine...naravno ukri im salju eksponate
Citat:In Riga, a car was paraded, for which money was collected from all over Latvia.
In this car, the Ukrainian army fought with "Russian invaders".
After 3 days, it will be transferred to military museum and become part of the exhibition on the war between Russia and Ukraine.
НАТОвская бронетехника массово движется по Херсонскому фронту
▪️Американских противотанковые комплексы TOW на базе HMMWV.
▪️ Колона десантно-штурмовых войск на британских бронеавтомобилях Wolfhound.
Бойцы "🅾️тважных" не прекращают наносить удары по украинским боевикам на Лиманском направлении
Citat:Russia is open to any negotiations with the EU to find a way out of the current crisis, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told local media on Thursday. However, she voiced concerns that any meaningful discussions may start only after the bloc has “completely destroyed” its own economy.
The shift in narrative has been spurred by an emerging rift between ordinary European citizens and policymakers, she believes. The former “are getting tired of permanent confrontation rhetoric and endless baseless accusations against Russia,” the spokeswoman said, adding that “there is a growing demand for putting an end to the Ukraine conflict.”
Rusi su još tokom avgusta tajno prebacili Teheranu zarobljeno NATO oružje - NLAW, Javelin i Stinger...
Russia flew €140m in cash and captured Western weapons to Iran in return for deadly drones, source claims A Russian military aircraft secretly transported the cash and three models of munition - a British NLAW anti-tank missile, a US Javelin anti-tank missile and a Stinger anti-aircraft missile - to an airport in Tehran in August, the source told Sky News.