Sukob u Maliju


Sukob u Maliju

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
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Transal na pustinjskom aerodromu i gomila prašine...

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 96554

Napisano: 17 Feb 2013 5:30

Stigle trupe iz Gane

Citat:A Royal Air Force C-17 has been used to fly 120 Ghanaian soldiers to Bamako in Mali, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed.


Dopuna: 17 Feb 2013 13:47

Francuske trupe oslobodile grad Bourem


Dopuna: 19 Feb 2013 17:52

Nije direktno vezano za Mali,ali pretpostavljam da ima veze...

Citat:Seven French tourists were abducted in Cameroon (to the south-east of Nigeria, which is itself situated to the SE of Mali) by armed men on motorbikes.3 (zabranjeno)s and 4 children (2 boys and 2 girls).
sources: LeMonde

Dopuna: 19 Feb 2013 21:16

Kod Tesalita je poginuo francuski legionar

Citat:Soldier was killed in a firefight 50km south of Tessalit, says French MoD. M2000Ds then destroyed 2 heavy machinegun positions.
French MoD



  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11646
  • Gde živiš: Vranje

Realno? Od tolikog ganjanja po Maliju, od tolike pucnjave, poginuo jedan porucnik (dobro, oficir je, nije neka steta) i jedan legionar (ni za njega se mnogo ne sekiraju, a ni ja). Ali ipak? Pa valjda su od tolikih medjusobnih puskaranja po Libiji, centralnoj africi od Gvineje do Etiopije, naucili barem da gadjaju.
A mozda stvarno nisu? Pa im je potrebna "evropska kultura i demokratija" koja ce im biti ugurana oruzjem.

Evo par slika, koje ce ponesto objasniti. Na ruskom je, zao mi je zbog onih koji ne razumeju taj jezik. Ali, slike govore same za sebe. I vise su nego jasne.
Ah, da, zaboravio sam da kazem, pisac i fotograf je francuz (da prostite). Ja sam nasao samo prevod.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 96554

Nemci salju 330 vojnika u Mali


  • Pridružio: 02 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 51

Joj, ludi War Nerd.

Meni ova analiza ima vise smisla nego svi "eksperti" velikih novinskih kuca.
Jes da je malo smesno napisano ali vredi procitati. Sta mislite, dali je pogodio?
Objasnjava problem razlicitih kultura nominalno iste religije, problem koordinacije saveznika iz vise grupa i problem netolerancije i najmanje razlike u lokalnoj kulturi sa kulturom (ili "kulturom") boraca koji zele da zavedu serijat.
Tacno navodi kako i zasto ce doci intervencija i zasto ce lokalno stanovnistvo mrzeti ekstremiste.

Oprostite za malo vise teksta ali evo par glavnih stvari oko navodnog memoranduma "Al Kaide" koji je AP pronasao:

Naturally, what happened next was that local agendas started dividing the Jihadis. This always happens, because “Jihad” means whatever a bunch of 20-something local guys want it to mean.

And for the few—real few—actual Al Qaeda management types trying to keep all these groups in line, it was one more chance to try to establish a genuine “Qaeda,” a real base of operations, without screwing up yet again.

What the memo shows is that, with so many different agendas, local traditions, and just plain levels of militant craziness in the command, Droukdel had no control at all over what his men did in the few months they had control of Northern Mali.

Over and over, Droukdel says that it’s not politically smart to start amputating people’s hands and whipping women for not covering up. He talks like middle management—which he is, in the ridiculous Al Qaeda organizational chart. He talks about Mali as a “project,” as if he was dealing with product placement in a new franchise—which he was, according to his terms. And like a good guerrilla manager who’s read his Mao, he tries to teach the knuckleheads working for him that taking and losing territory isn’t nearly as important as winning over the people.

In other words, it’s stupid to apply Shariah by the book in a region that has its own variant of Islam, a Sufi-based version that allows women more freedom than they get in the Arabian Peninsula and even allows the people to pray at the graves of Sufi saints (any elaborate grave is a mortal sin to a Wahhabi). Here’s how Droukdel says it:

“It is very probable, perhaps certain, that a military intervention will occur ... which in the end will either force us to retreat to our rear bases or will provoke the people against us…Taking into account this important factor, we must not go too far or take risks in our decisions or imagine that this project is a stable Islamic state."

What he’s saying is, “Go easy on the locals until we’ve made them loyal to us. Then we can step it up and apply fullcourt Shariah. If we do it now, when we’re probably going to have to flee after a few months, they’ll remember us as mean bastards, which will ruin the whole project.”

"One of the wrong policies that we think you carried out is the extreme speed with which you applied Shariah, not taking into consideration the gradual evolution that should be applied in an environment that is ignorant of religion. Our previous experience proved that applying Shariah this way, without taking the environment into consideration, will lead to people rejecting the religion, and engender hatred toward the mujahedeen, and will consequently lead to the failure of our experiment."


A lot of what passes for Islam under Wahhabism is Arab culture, and it doesn’t fit well at all on a Niger River town like Timbuktu, where a lot of the culture—especially the way men and women relate to each other—is much warmer and more relaxed than it is in the Arabic-speaking countries.

Malians like courtship, like flirting, don’t see it as evil incarnate the way it is in places like Saudi. (I remember stories of the Mutawwa, the Saudi religious police, organizing 12-man stakeout operations in the local mall in the small Saudi town where I lived, just to catch a teen guy waving to a girl.) You can see Droukdel whining about this over and over in his memo, complaining to his subordinates in Timbuktu that “…you prevented women from going out, and prevented children from playing, and searched the houses of the population." You can get away with that stuff in the Peninsula, but not in Africa. Kids play there; men and women too.


Al Qaeda, if it exists at all, is so totally penetrated by now that nothing it does is secret, except from us nobodies in the general population. The people who count in DC, Brussels, Moscow and Beijing get copies of Al Qaeda memos before the troops do. And as for the “strategy” they’re supposed to reveal—there’s more strategy in a Hail Mary pass with a few seconds on the clock.

What the memo really shows is how damn hard it is to play the middle-management compromiser, the squeamish marketing specialist, in an organization that’s defined by going strictly by the Book.

It doesn’t work that way, and you can’t blame the people who rolled into town for being a little severe with the populace, cutting off a few hands or whipping a few unveiled females. They’ve seen most of the people they knew killed off for Jihad, and now this Ace Rothstein of the Jihad is telling them, like de Niro told Pesci, to go easy to “let the bullshit blow over for a while.” And there’s nothing in the Book that allows for that.

Sta mislite? Jes da je saljivo ali ima nekog smisla.

  • ikan 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Feb 2013
  • Poruke: 2761

Sve ti verujem i da nije tako. Tekst je predugačak i sam pogled na njega me smori. Prevedi to brate u kratkim crtama, znaš već šta nas interesuje...

  • Pridružio: 02 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 51

Komentarise se memorandum Abdelamlika Durkela koji pokusava (skoro kao menadjer u firmi ili na nekom projektu) da divljacima iz vise raznih grupa koji zele zaveti sherijat da objasni da se to ne radi brutalnom i momentalnom primenom amputacija i bicevanja i da treba prvo steci naklonost lokalnog stanovnistva i polako uvoditi stepen po stepen.

Islam u Maliju je puno opusteniji od shvacanja iz kamenog vremena koje su ekstremisti zeleli nametnuti tako da je na primer druzenje izmedju muskaraca i zena na nivou koji je nezamisliv na Arapskom poluotoku.

Prosto da osetis frustraciju coveka koji pokusava biti koordinator 4-5 grupa sa nominalno istim ciljem ali svako sa svojom agendom.
Znaci populacija koja bi mozda i prihvatila njihovu vlast zahvaljujuci nesposobnosti i korumpiranosti Maliske vlade je sada okrenuta protiv islamista.

Nije pomoglo ni sto su srusili grobove Sufi mistika i spalili stare manuskripte koji su bili pod zastitom UNESCO-a a na koje su lokaci bili ponosni.

Ali kad mislis da je sveta knjiga na tvojoj strani, nemas vremena ni strpljenja.......

Ako mozes odi na link i procitaj ceo tekst. Vredi.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 96554

Napisano: 21 Feb 2013 16:34

Belgijanci salju jos 160 vojnika u Mali
Citat:The Belgian soldiers will be deployed to protect a French military base there.

Citat:French MoD :
2 enemy BM-21 captured and one BRDM-2 destroyed by helos in an operation near Bourem Feb 14-19
About 10 targets destroyed by fighters & helos in past 7 days, in Adrar and Bourem areas.
70 strike sorties, 60 support sorties (ISR, tankers...) and about 80 transport sorties since last week.
the VBIED explosed roughly 500 m from the French-Chadian camp, wounding 2 civilians.

Dopuna: 21 Feb 2013 22:08

Sukobi se nastavljaju
Adrar i Gao

Citat:Tigre engaging islamists in the Adrar

Citat:French soldiers take up positions near Independence Plaza, formerly Sharia Square, during fighting with Islamists in Gao, February 21, 2013.

  • Lokalni politikant
  • Pridružio: 24 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 640
  • Gde živiš: Sever

Ovo nesto poput one EU "Nobelove nagrade za mir" iako su bombardovali Libiju i hoce da bombarduju Siriju i ko zna koga jos..

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