Poslao: 12 Dec 2024 17:33
- zdrebac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 2842
lik koji je davao informacije FBI-u oko ukrainske burisme i bajdenovih i koji je pricao da su uzeli po 5 miliona, je priznao da je lagao.
Ex-FBI informant Alexander Smirnov pleads guilty to lying about the Bidens
A California man who was charged with lying to the FBI about fake criminal allegations against President Biden and his son Hunter is pleading guilty, according to an agreement filed in federal court on Thursday.
Alexander Smirnov was indicted in February by special counsel David Weiss, who was appointed to lead the now-defunct investigations into Hunter Biden. The president pardoned his son earlier this month.
A longtime confidential informant, Smirnov told his FBI handler in 2020 that the two Bidens each accepted $5 million from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma several years earlier. The claims "were false, as the Defendant knew," according to the charging documents filed against him.
The fake allegations were memorialized in an FBI document that became a central piece of evidence in congressional Republicans' efforts to investigate the Biden family.
Poslao: 13 Dec 2024 19:35
- zdrebac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 2842
kenedi hoce da zabrani polio vakcine
Kennedy’s Lawyer Has Asked the F.D.A. to Revoke Approval of the Polio Vaccine
The lawyer helping Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pick federal health officials for the incoming Trump administration has petitioned the government to revoke its approval of the polio vaccine, which for decades has protected millions of people from a virus that can cause paralysis or death.
That campaign is just one front in the war that the lawyer, Aaron Siri, is waging against vaccines of all kinds.
Mr. Siri has also filed a petition seeking to pause the distribution of 13 other vaccines; challenged, and in some cases quashed, Covid vaccine mandates around the country; sued federal agencies for the disclosure of records related to vaccine approvals; and subjected prominent vaccine scientists to grueling videotaped depositions.
Much of Mr. Siri’s work — including the polio petition filed in 2022 — has been on behalf of the Informed Consent Action Network, a nonprofit whose founder is a close ally of Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Siri also represented Mr. Kennedy during his presidential campaign.
Poslao: 14 Dec 2024 23:52
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7202
djox ::Uhapšen muškarac u vezi sa ubistvom direktora osiguravajuće kuće, pronađen i manifest
Citat:Policija u Altuni, Pensilvaniji uhapsila je 26-godišnjeg Luiđija Manđonea u istrazi o ubistvu direktora osiguravajuće kuće UnitedHealthcare Brajana Tomsona u Njujorku.
Komesarka policije u Njujorku Džesika Tiš rekla je da je Manđone uhapšen po optužbama za posedovanje oružja, a da ostaje osoba od interesa u istrazi o slučaju ubistva Tomsona.
Policija veruje da je Manđone delovao sam, a kod njega je pronađen i manifest za koji se smatra da može da rasvetli motiv ovog zločina.
Cudna prica, filmska. Da se ovo desilo u Moskvi...
Poslao: 17 Dec 2024 11:43
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102395
PADA I KANADSKA VLADA!? Ministarka finansija dala ostavku: Premijer Džastin Trudo na ivici odlaska
Citat:Kanadski premijer Džastin Trudo je na ivici da podnese ostavku jer se njegova liberalna vlada raspada, navodi "Si-Ti-Vi njuz". Trudo razmatra tu opciju, rekli su izvori za kanadsku televiziju, jer je njegova ministarka finansija Kristija Frilend podnela ostavku danas nakon sukoba sa Trudoom oko pitanja američkih carina, zadavši ogroman udarac ionako nepopularnoj vladi.
Poslao: 23 Dec 2024 16:03
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102395
Imenovao svog „pograničnog cara“: Tramp najavio najveću operaciju deportacije u američkoj istoriji
Citat:“Prvog dana u Ovalnoj kancelariji, potpisaću istorijski niz izvršnih naredbi kojima ćemo zatvoriti granicu za ilegalne imigrante i zaustaviti invaziju u našu državu. Na taj isti dan, počećemo najveću operaciju deportacije u američkoj istoriji, veću čak i od one koju je proveo predsednik Dvajt Ajzenhauer”, izjavio je Tramp na konferenciji u Arizoni.
On je imenovao Toma Homana za svog “pograničnog cara” koji će voditi tu misiju.
Poslao: 26 Dec 2024 15:59
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102395
Citat:Donald Trump's Christmas message:
Chinese soldiers are the ones operating the Panama Canal.
If Canada was to become our 51st State, they would be militarily protected like no other Country anywhere in the World.
Greenland is needed by the United States for National Security purposes and we will be there.