SAD - Vesti i dešavanja


SAD - Vesti i dešavanja

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Трудо отпутовао на Флориду на састанак са Трампом
Citat:Канадски премијер Џастин Трудо отпутовао је на Флориду како би се састао са новоизабраним председником Америке Доналдом Трампом у његовој вили Мар-а-Лаго, јавио је данас Си-Би-Си њуз.
Према информацијама извора тог ТВ канала, планирано је да Трудо вечера са Трампом у Мар-а-Лагу. Канадски званичници су навели да су они иницирали састанак. Први разговори између Трампа и Трудоа долазе након Трампове претње да ће увести 25 одсто царинске таксе на производе из Канаде и Мексика, уколико те земље не обуставе, како тврди, „проток дроге и миграната” преко својих граница.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Citat:President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Charles Kushner, father of his son-in-law Jared Kushner, as the next U.S. Ambassador to France.
Trump praised Charles Kushner as a successful Business Leader, Philanthropist, and Dealmaker with extensive Real Estate experience, emphasizing his ability to represent U.S. Interests effectively. He also highlighted Jared Kushner’s contributions during Trump’s Presidency, including work on Operation Warp Speed, Criminal Justice Reform, and the Abraham Accords. However, Charles Kushner’s Background is marked by Controversy, including a 2005 federal conviction for Tax Evasion, Witness Tampering, and making Illegal Campaign Contributions. He received a Pardon from Trump in 2020.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Joe Biden potpisao pomilovanje za svog sina Huntera
Citat:President Joe Biden has issued a Pardon for his son, Hunter Biden, overturning his prior commitment not to use Presidential Powers to benefit Family Members.
Hunter faced Federal Felony Gun and Tax Convictions, with Sentencing imminent in Delaware and California.
The decision concludes a years-long Legal Saga that began with Hunter’s disclosure of a Federal Investigation in late 2020. Despite previously ruling out a Pardon, including as recently as June, Biden’s action comes weeks before Donald Trump’s return to the White House as President-Elect.

U.S. President Biden’s Pardon for his son, Hunter Biden doesn’t just relate to his Federal Firearms Charges, but any Federal Crimes he committed between January 1st of 2014 until December 1st of 2024.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Jos naimenovanja od strane Trampa
Citat:President-elect Donald Trump announced that Dr. Massad Boulos, a Lebanese-American Businessman and Tiffany Trump's Father-in-law, will join his Cabinet as Senior Advisor on Arab and Middle Eastern Affairs.
Trump praised Boulos as an accomplished Lawyer, Business Leader, and strong Advocate for Peace in the Middle East. Boulos has been involved in building relationships with the Arab American Community, particularly through organizing meetings across Michigan and other areas with large Arab Populations. Trump highlighted Boulos's support for Republican Values and his contributions to the Campaign.

Citat:Florida Sheriff Chad Chronister has been chosen by President-Elect Donald J. Trump to lead the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA); with Trump stating that Chronister, who is currently serving as the Sheriff of Hillsborough County, Florida will help to secure and prevent the transit of Drugs over our Southern Border.

  • Pridružio: 13 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2823

Napisano: 02 Dec 2024 17:41

djox ::Joe Biden potpisao pomilovanje za svog sina Huntera
Citat:President Joe Biden has issued a Pardon for his son, Hunter Biden, overturning his prior commitment not to use Presidential Powers to benefit Family Members.
Hunter faced Federal Felony Gun and Tax Convictions, with Sentencing imminent in Delaware and California.
The decision concludes a years-long Legal Saga that began with Hunter’s disclosure of a Federal Investigation in late 2020. Despite previously ruling out a Pardon, including as recently as June, Biden’s action comes weeks before Donald Trump’s return to the White House as President-Elect.

U.S. President Biden’s Pardon for his son, Hunter Biden doesn’t just relate to his Federal Firearms Charges, but any Federal Crimes he committed between January 1st of 2014 until December 1st of 2024.

kad smo vec kod toga, mozemo da se prisetimo i nekih kojih je tramp pomilovao.

The Trump Criminal Pardon List (Not all inclusive but the highlights).

Charles Kushner (family): Jared Kushner’s father, convicted of tax evasion, witness retaliation, and making false statements (Predlozen je za ambasadora u francuskoj)

Roger Stone: Longtime Trump associate, convicted of obstruction, witness tampering, and false statements

Paul Manafort: Former Trump campaign chair, guilty of tax fraud, bank fraud, and conspiracy against the U.S.

Michael Flynn: Former National Security Advisor, guilty of lying to the FBI about Russian contacts

Stephen Bannon: Former White House adviser, charged with defrauding donors through the “We Build the Wall” campaign

Elliott Broidy: Republican fundraiser, guilty of acting as an unregistered foreign agent

Kenneth Kurson: Friend of Jared Kushner, charged with cyberstalking

Chris Collins: Former congressman, convicted of securities fraud conspiracy

Duncan Hunter: Former congressman, guilty of misusing campaign funds

Rick Renzi: Ex-congressman, convicted of extortion, bribery, and money laundering

Lil Wayne & Kodak Black: Rappers convicted on weapons charges; both publicly supported Trump

Albert J. Pirro, Jr.: Convicted of tax fraud; ex-husband of Trump ally Jeanine Pirro

Blackwater Contractors: Pardoned despite convictions for killing unarmed Iraqi civilians

Clint Lorance: Convicted of second-degree murder for ordering soldiers to fire on unarmed Afghan civilians, killing two

Mathew Golsteyn: Accused of killing a suspected Taliban bomb-maker, pardoned before trial

Michael Milken: Convicted of securities fraud and financial crimes as the “junk bond king”

Bernard Kerik: Guilty of tax fraud and lying to White House officials during a background check

Randall “Duke” Cunningham: Pleaded guilty to conspiracy and tax evasion for accepting over $2 million in bribes in a major congressional bribery scandal

Robert Cannon Hayes: Lied to the FBI about a bribery scheme involving political donations

Steve Stockman: Former GOP congressman; sentence commuted for misuse of charitable funds

Rod Blagojevich: Ex-Illinois governor; sentence commuted for political corruption

Dinesh D’Souza: Conservative author; pardoned for campaign finance violations

Scooter Libby: Former Cheney aide; pardoned for perjury and obstruction

Eddie Gallagher: Navy SEAL; pardoned of war crimes charges

Conrad Black: Ex-newspaper publisher; pardoned for fraud and obstruction

Sholam Weiss: 845-year sentence commuted for fraud and money laundering

Joe Arpaio: Former Arizona sheriff; pardoned for criminal contempt​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Dopuna: 03 Dec 2024 16:24

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Citat:President-Elect Donald J. Trump announced today that he is nominating Jared Isaacman, Commercial Astronaut and the Founder of Draken International, as the next Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
In September, Isaacman became the First Private Citizen to perform a Spacewalk, during the Polaris Dawn Mission operated by SpaceX.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

I druge hoce da pardoniraju Very Happy
Citat:Senior Aides to President Biden, led by White House Counsel Ed Siskel and Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, are reportedly discussing the possibility of issuing preemptive Pardons to protect a range of Public Officials, including both current and former Officeholders.
Potential Candidates for these Pardons include Dr. Anthony Fauci, Senator-elect Adam Schiff, and former Representative Liz Cheney.

Opet malo odremao Very Happy
Biden appears to rest his eyes at African summit in Angola

  • Pridružio: 13 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2823

Napisano: 05 Dec 2024 16:29

koliko je samo ovo bolesno..

Dopuna: 05 Dec 2024 16:47

ubijen CEO jedne od najvecih zdravstveno osiguravajucih kompanija.
izgleda da je neko bio bas ljut na njega licno. njegova kompanija je imala najvise odbijenih zahteva.

zamisli placas to godinama, razbolis se, i onda ti kaze, ne vazi, necemo da ti damo nista. a za to vreme menadzment i ulagaci uzmu ogromne pare na racun.

‘Deny,’ ‘defend’ and ‘depose': Ammunition used in CEO’s killing had writing on it, AP source says

NEW YORK (AP) — The masked gunman who stalked and killed the leader of one of the largest U.S. health insurance companies on a Manhattan sidewalk used ammunition emblazoned with the words “deny,” “defend” and “depose,” a law enforcement official said Thursday.

The official was not authorized to publicly discuss details of the ongoing investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity.

UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, 50, died in a dawn ambush Wednesday as he walked to the company’s annual investor conference at a Hilton hotel in Midtown, blocks from tourist draws like Radio City Music Hall and the Museum of Modern Art.

Dopuna: 07 Dec 2024 8:29

trampova administracija ce biti sastavljena od velikog broja bogatasa.
"drain the swamp" Very Happy

The total wealth of Trump’s top team is $340 billion — more than the GDP of 169 countries

Several billionaires and wealthy mega donors and executives are nominated for key economic posts

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Uhapšen muškarac u vezi sa ubistvom direktora osiguravajuće kuće, pronađen i manifest
Citat:Policija u Altuni, Pensilvaniji uhapsila je 26-godišnjeg Luiđija Manđonea u istrazi o ubistvu direktora osiguravajuće kuće UnitedHealthcare Brajana Tomsona u Njujorku.
Komesarka policije u Njujorku Džesika Tiš rekla je da je Manđone uhapšen po optužbama za posedovanje oružja, a da ostaje osoba od interesa u istrazi o slučaju ubistva Tomsona.
Policija veruje da je Manđone delovao sam, a kod njega je pronađen i manifest za koji se smatra da može da rasvetli motiv ovog zločina.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Tramp izabrao verenicu svog sina za ambasadorku u Grčkoj
Citat:Novoizabrani predsednik SAD Donald Tramp izabrao je Kimberli Gilfojl, bivšu voditeljku na Foks njuzu i verenicu svog sina Donalda Trampa Mlađeg, za novu američku ambasadorku u Grčkoj.
Citat: U novembru je Tramp najavio planove da imenuje Čarlsa Kušnera, oca svog zeta Džereda, za ambasadora u Francuskoj, kao i da Masada Boulsa, svekra svoje mlađe ćerke Tifani, nominuje za savetnika za pitanja Bliskog istoka.
Tramp je, takođe, izabrao svog dugogodišnjeg prijatelja Toma Baraka za ambasadora u Turskoj.

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