Nove-stare optuzbe za Trampa
Prosecutors resubmit charges that Trump tried to overturn election Citat:Prosecutors on Tuesday filed a revised indictment of Donald Trump, pressing ahead with bombshell charges that he tried to overturn the 2020 US election after losing to Joe Biden.
The superseding indictment retains the same four charges against Trump as in an earlier version but takes into account a recent Supreme Court ruling that a former president has broad immunity from criminal prosecution.
The new indictment of the 78-year-old Republican White House candidate is 36 pages long, down from 45 pages previously, and removes material affected by the immunity ruling from the conservative-dominated top court.
It retains the same core, stating that Trump lost in 2020 but "was determined to remain in power" and attempted to subvert the results.
The Supreme Court ruled in July that an ex-president has broad immunity from prosecution for official acts conducted while in office, but can be pursued for unofficial acts.
First rioter to enter US Capitol sentenced to 53 months Citat:A Kentucky man who was the first rioter to enter the US Capitol during the January 6, 2021, attack on Congress by Donald Trump supporters was sentenced to 53 months in prison on Tuesday
Tramp i Haris postigli dogovor Citat:Republikanski predsednički kandidat Donald Tramp izjavio je danas da je postigao dogovor sa demokratskom rivalkom Kmalom Haris da tokom njihove debate na televiziji Ej-Bi-Si 10. septembra budu isključeni mikrofoni dok ne govore.
Mexico Pauses Relations With US, Canadian Embassies Amid Judicial Reform Concerns Citat:Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has announced a halt in relations with the U.S. and Canadian embassies after their ambassadors raised concerns over his judicial reform proposal.
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador attends the commemoration of his second anniversary in office at the National Palace in Mexico City, Mexico, on Dec. 1, 2020. Marco Ugarte/AP Photo
Lopez Obrador said on Tuesday that the embassies will have to be respectful of Mexico’s sovereignty for relations to be reestablished. He did not elaborate on the potential effect of the pause.
Meksički predsednik je stavio političke odnose sa USA i Kanadom na led, jer su komentirali reformu meksičkog pravosudnog sistema.
djox ::Tramp i Haris postigli dogovor Citat:Republikanski predsednički kandidat Donald Tramp izjavio je danas da je postigao dogovor sa demokratskom rivalkom Kmalom Haris da tokom njihove debate na televiziji Ej-Bi-Si 10. septembra budu isključeni mikrofoni dok ne govore.
Nocas imaju debatu
Citat:Kamala Harris is ahead in the polls ahead of the November 5 presidential election in the USA;
Kamala Harris: 48.4 percent
Donald Trump: 47.2 percent
Citat:ABC-organized Trump-Harris televised debate to take place in Philadelphia
Participants will have two minutes to answer, the same amount of time to refute their opponent’s arguments, and one minute each to add to them.
Candidates will not be able to have prepared theses with them.
Posle debate, zapadni mediji ocenjuju da je Kamala Haris ostavila bolji utisak Citat:Većina zapadnih medija ocenjuje da je demokratska predsednička kandidatkinja Kamala Haris ostavila jači utisak nakon debate sa republikanskim rivalom Donaldom Trampom. Anketa CNN-a pokazala je da 63 odsto gledalaca smatra da je Haris pobedila u debati u utorak, dok 37 odsto misli isto za Trampa. Analitičar CNN-a Stiven Kolinson napisao je da je Haris diktirala uslove debate od prvih trenutaka, kada je “praktično naterala“ Trampa da se rukuje sa njom. Opisao je aktuelnu potpredsednicu SAD kao “svežu, energičnu i prepunu pozitivne vizije o budućnosti“, rekavši da je ovo bio najbolji nastup u njenoj političkoj karijeri. Trampa je ocenio kao negativnog, navodeći da nije učinio mnogo da promeni ideju o sebi kao o kandidatu sa distopijskim namerama među biračima u ključnim državama. Politiko piše da je Haris ubedljivo odnela pobedu u debati i da je više puta “mamila Trampa i izbacila ga iz ravnoteže“. Kako se navodi, demokrate su uspele da naprave preokret u predsedničkoj trci nakon što su za svog kandidata izabrale Haris, zamenivši aktuelnog predsednika Džoa Bajdena, ali da se očekuje da će trka ipak biti tesna.
Citat:According to CNN; several Shots were fired in the direction of Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump, with Secret Service Agents having returned Fire in the direction of where the Shots occurred from as the Suspect fled the Area in a Vehicle. Witnesses provided an Accurate Description of both the Suspect and Vehicle, which were then stopped by Local Law Enforcement, who discovered a Semi-Automatic Rifle, Backpack, and Go-Pro Camera.
The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department has stated during a Press Conference that discovered near the Site of the Trump Shooting was an AK-47 Rifle equipped with an Scope, Two Backpacks filled with Ceramic Tiles, and a Go-Pro Camera; with the Initial Incident during which U.S. Secret Service Agents fired the First Shots at the Suspect, occurring between 300-500 Yards from where President Donald J. Trump was playing Golf.
Citat:Police believe that the Go-Pro Camera the Suspect had setup on a Fence near the Site of the Shooting, was intended to Film or possibly Livestream his Assassination Attempt against Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump.
Citat:The Martin County Sheriffs Office has stated that the Suspect involved in the Shooting at Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach was Arrested while fleeing in an SUV on I-95.
Zanimljivo da je prošlog puta bila komemorativna AR 15 na kojoj je gravirano "Trump - commander in chief", a da je ovog puta odabrana AK 47. Nijednoj državi nije problem da nađe umobolnika koji će da odradi ono što joj treba, pogotovo ne Dubokoj državi, ali izgleda da se u ovom slučaju za umobolnike odabira i odgovarajuće oružje sa porukom. Medijska mašina Duboke države je u nekoliko dana zataškala prošli atentat, dok su za ovaj odmah plasirali priču o navodno privatnom sukobu petih likova
Hapsen ranije. Registrovao se kao nezavistan. Glasao sa trampa 2016, pa se presaltovao kod demokrata. Pratio niki haley i onog blesavog indijca i gomilu demokrata na mrezama,pa slao pomoc ukrima, ovaj ne moze biti psihicki stabilan.
Kakvih prsotina ima tamo, to ni bog ne zna. Menja misljenje kako vetar duva, kad ustane ujutro ne zna dal je crn ili beo.
Barem ce nakon ovakvih napada na političare uraditi nesto po pitanju ogromne kolicine cevi sto gradjani imaju kod sebe. Kad se pobije pola skole sa decom koga briga tamo, to su im mediji vec napravili kao nesto normalno.
Ali kad metak proleti preko glave nekog političara, onda se i oni zamisle, pa ce valjda da urade nesto.
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