SAD - Vesti i dešavanja


SAD - Vesti i dešavanja

  • su27 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 2512

radionica1 ::Nikki Haley meni zvuci kao neko ime sa jednog muskog sajta


imavši uvid u neke "ženske" historyije mislim da se varaš da je sajt na koji si mislio samo muški Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12568

Prezime joj je od muza a ime je promenila zbog politicke karijerije zamisli ko bi glasao u juznoj Karolini za nekog ko se zove Nimrata.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99350

1 officer killed, multiple deputies & civilians wounded in shooting near Denver

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2859
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Little Creep
Citat:Chelsea Clinton, most recently lionized on the cover of Variety, is a 37-year-old multi-millionaire who has never uttered an interesting word about any subject at any time during the course of her life. Judging from the evidence of her public statements, she has never had an original thought — it isn’t clear that she has had a thought at all. In tribute to her parents, she was given a series of lucrative sinecures, producing a smattering of sophomoric videos for NBC at a salary of $600,000 a year. She later went more formally into the family business, leaving her fake job at NBC for a fake job in her parents’ fake charity. She gave interviews about how she just couldn’t get interested in money and bought a $10 million Manhattan apartment that stretches for the better part of a city block.
And, since her mother’s most recent foray into ignominious defeat, she has been inescapable: magazine covers, fawning interviews, talk of running her in New York’s 17th congressional district. The Democrats are doing their best to make Chelsea happen.

Ima još nade za dinastiju Clinton. Chelsea je sve što jim treba. 37 godina ima ova miljonerka. I u životu ništa nije radila i nikada nije rekla nešto što je njenog uma proizvod. Ideal.

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 1405


Pakistan ​Foreign Minister No Longer Sees an Alliance With U.S.
America has turned Islamabad into a ‘whipping boy,’ its foreign minister said, after the U.S. suspended security aid to the country

ISLAMABAD—The U.S. failed to behave as an ally and turned Islamabad into a “whipping boy” for its own shortcomings in Afghanistan, Pakistan’s foreign minister said, after the Trump administration suspended security-related aid to the country.

“We do not have any alliance” with the U.S., Khawaja Muhammad Asif said in an interview Friday. “This is not how allies behave.”

Washington said Thursday that security assistance to Islamabad was on hold until the Pakistani government took “decisive action” against terror groups on its territory, including the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani Network.

The announcement followed a tweet from President Donald Trump earlier this week alleging that Pakistan gives “safe haven to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan.” Islamabad denied his claim and has long decried similar allegations.

Mr. Asif said Pakistan’s recent counter-terrorism operations—including those in the tribal areas that border Afghanistan—has cleared the country of both the organized presence of militants and areas where they might seek sanctuary as peace returns.

But Taliban fighters still slip through and meld into its large Afghan refugee population, he said. There are 1.4 million such refugees currently living in Pakistan, according to the United Nations.

“We have relative calm in Pakistan at the moment. But if we go against these people [Afghan insurgents], then the war will again be fought on our soil, which will suit the Americans,” he said.

After Pakistan joined the U.S. war on terror in 2001, some jihadist groups turned on Islamabad—a campaign of violence that has taken thousands of lives. Deaths from domestic terror attacks have declined over the past few years, after Pakistan launched anti-terror operations.

Mr. Asif added that a lack of cooperation from Washington and Kabul on both returning refugees to Afghanistan and fencing the border between the two countries “raises the suspicion that the intent [to fight terror together] is not sincere.”

There are other countries that could ally with Pakistan, Mr. Asif said. Last year, he rallied officials from China, Iran, Russia and Turkey behind Pakistan’s strategy for Afghanistan, a process centered on peace talks with the Taliban.

Following Mr. Trump’s tweet against Pakistan this week, China foreign ministry said it was “ready to promote and deepen” its cooperation with Pakistan.

“We are not alone,” Mr. Asif said.

Jel se meni cini ili SAD ubrzano gube saveznike u Aziji i Bliskom Istoku.

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2859
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Cash-Strapped Towns Are Un-Paving Roads They Can't Afford to Fix
Citat:When Montpelier decided to rip up a pothole-riddled asphalt road and replace it with gravel in 2009, it didn’t see itself at the forefront of a growing trend in public works. It was simply responding to a citizen complaint.
Citat:Transportation agencies in at least 27 states have unpaved roads, according to a new report from the National Highway Cooperative Highway Research program. They've done the bulk of that work in the past five years.
Trend u Americi. Idu nazad na makadam.

  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 3523

Лажи...то је само код нас и у Русији...то не постоји на западу...па они имају Ф-35 од 200милиона...
Шта би није то више само тако лако отети од Индијанаца...
Они не схватају изгледа да за коју деценију неће више бити ни технолошки иноватори...и да неће имати шта ни да извозе...сви се око њих сад развијају и освајају тржишта...проћи ће горе него у ''Побеснелом Максу'' кад крену наплате за рачун прављен у последњим деценијама...

  • Neimar i savremeni farmer.
  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11662
  • Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...

Погледајте какви су путеви у богатој Аустралији...80% су земљани. Нису они глупи већ једноставно су израунали колико би коштала њихова прво иуградња, а онда и одржавање за тамо нека насеља од по пар људи у некаквој вукојебини....одржавање земљаних путева, је доста јефтино, прође само грејдер и поравна га ралицом....

  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 3523

Ту си у праву...али каква је клима у аустралији,а каква у америци...слично су и Руси радили на пермафросту и канађани...

  • Pridružio: 13 Avg 2009
  • Poruke: 154

sremac983 ::Погледајте какви су путеви у богатој Аустралији...80% су земљани. Нису они глупи већ једноставно су израунали колико би коштала њихова прво иуградња, а онда и одржавање за тамо нека насеља од по пар људи у некаквој вукојебини....одржавање земљаних путева, је доста јефтино, прође само грејдер и поравна га ралицом....
Australijanci prave puteve brže od ostalih.

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