Citat:Michigan State Police investigators are looking into reports that a Flint dollar store security guard was fatally shot Friday after an argument with a customer who refused to wear a mask in the store.
Dok Tramp obilazi tvornicu zaštitnih maski, a on bez maske. Još ih diraju i vraćaju. Ok, vjerovatno ih "srede" kasnije tokom proizvodnje. Ali muzika na razglasu Live And Let Die od Guns N' Roses. Pa ovo je 24/7 rijaliti.
Bas me zanima reakcija kauboja kad ovo vide. Zadnji put kad se nesto slicno desilo, crni panteri ispred administarativnih zgrada u Kaliforniji sa dugim cevima, guverner Regan veliki pobornik oruzija je munjevito zabranio javno nosenje dugih cevi
bojank ::Regan uopste nije bio veliki pobornik oruzja, doneo je vise restriktivnih zakona o oruzju od Obame.
Radi se o znatno ranijem periodu Reganove karijere kad je bio guverner Kalifornije, 1967 kad su crni panteri samo koristili svoje ustavno pravo on je potpisao zakon koji zabranjuje javno nosenje oruzija. NRA je tad podrzala taj zakon.
Think You Know Where Defense Spending is Headed After Coronavirus? Guess Again Citat:When you have a $25 trillion debt, rates are critical. In January of 2001, when George W. Bush was inaugurated, the accumulated federal debt stood at $5.7 trillion which was being financed at an average annual interest rate of 6.6%. Today the debt stands at $25.2 trillion, but the rate at which the debt is being carried averages 2.4%. Because the economy has grown during the intervening years while the interest rate has fallen, the cost of servicing the larger debt ($574 billion last year) seems manageable.
Ukratko, sada plačaju 574 miljardi dolara kamata. A pare su jeftine. 2001 su bile kamate 2,5 puta više.