Sistemi i uređaji za elektronska protivdejstva (ECM)


Sistemi i uređaji za elektronska protivdejstva (ECM)

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 35626
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Elektronska protivdejstva (EW - Electronic Warfare sistemi) predstavljaju integrisani deo defanzivnog i ofanzivnog borbenog sistema na kopnu, moru i vazduhu.
Prema klasifikaciji EW sistemi se dele na ometače (ECM-Electronic Countermeasure), izviđačke uređaje (ESM) i radarsku elektronsku zaštitu. U današnje vreme ovi uređaji sve češće se pojavljuju objedinjeni ECM/ESM odnosno savremeno ECM sredstvo integriše ESM svojstva.
Tehnike ometanja dele se na tri glavne grupe - aktivne, pasivne i maskirajuće.
Savremeni razvoj i tendencije ECM sistema postavile su podelu aktivnih ometača na zasenjujuće (Deny Jammer) i obmanjujuće (Deception Jammer). Iako im je namena ista a to je da onemoguće radar u dobijanju željenih informacija o ciljevima, oni se ipak razlikuju.
Prvi onemogućavaju radaru prikupljanje podataka o ciljevima (neprijatelj zna da je ometan), drugi ga snabdevaju lažnim informacijama o ciljevima (neprijatelj to ne zna). načini rada ometača mogu biti višestruki i tu se izdvajaju responzivni, transponderski i repetitorski.


AN/ALQ-99 je prvi serijski taktički radarski ometač proizvod američke EDO korporacije namenjen opremanju specijalnih avionskih platformi, aviona za elektronska dejstva EA-6B Prowler; EF-111A Raven i poslednjeg u nizu naslednika ove klase, EA-18G Growler.
Osnovna namena ovog sistema jeste presretanje i ometanje neprijateljskih radara u borbenim misijama podrške LA/LBA avijacije. Sa bezbedne udaljenosti avion za ECM (Electronic Countermeasure) ometa velikom snagom neprijateljske radare stvarajući elektronsku zaštitu svojim avionima maskirajući njihove maršrute, manevre i ciljeve akcije.
Razvoj ovog sistema datira s početka sedamdesetih godina a prvu borbenu primenu imao je tokom vjietnamskog rata 1972-73 godine i korišćen je u gotovo svim sukobima do danas. Verzija AN/ALQ-99E koja je ugrađena na vrhu vertikalnog stabilizatora EF-111 Raven, u osnovi je 70% slična osnovnoj verziji ugrađenoj na Prowler i Growler.
Karakteristika osnovne verzije koja je tokom četrdeset godina eksploatacije usavršavana nekoliko puta, jeste da svaki avion nosi u zavisnosti od konfiguracije obično po četiri kontejnera. Svaki kontejner (tzv. Tactical Jamming System - TJS) opremljen je antenskim sistemom, prijemnikom i procesorom koji su povezani sa interfejsom u kokpitu operatora. Prijemnik radi u automatskom (poluautomatskom i ručnom) režimu praćenja radara. Vazdušni turbogenerator (uočljivi mali propeleri u nosu kontejnera) namenjen je za "proizvodnju" el.energije (40 kW) za nesmetan rad svih elemenata sistema kao i za napajanje snažnog predajnika. Kokpit operatora (dva ECM operatera) opremljen je digitalnim računarom i procesorom za obradu podataka u realnom vremenu. Sistem ima mogućnost jednovremenog ometanja velikog broja radara u kratkom vremenu pretraživanja i detektovanja širokog frekventnog opega neprijateljskih radara i identifikovanja radarskog signala.

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  • weez  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Apr 2011
  • Poruke: 1518
  • Gde živiš: Planet Earth

Nisam siguran jel ovo paše u ovu temu ali je definitivno zanimljivo

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 172
  • Gde živiš: Na planeti majmuna

New complex EW "infauna" was used in exercises Airborne

MOSCOW, October 3 - RIA Novosti. Division of electronic warfare (EW) of the Airborne Troops (VDV) break in a new complex on the teachings of "infauna", said Wednesday spokesman Col. Alexander Kucherenko Airborne.

Special tactical exercises (TAS) units EW units and formations Airborne conducted in the last ten days of September.

"TSU were conducted using the latest design techniques EW, which entered service in Navy late 2011 - early 2012, including - mixed-EW" infauna "based on the BTR-80 and of highly automated systems" Leer-2 "on the basis of armored "Tiger" - said Kucherenko.
See also: Navy received new EW systems

He noted that these complexes have shown high efficiency and confirmed the correctness of the chosen path to upgrade existing models of equipment and development of new electronic warfare for the Navy.

During the first test TSU paratroopers commanded by Navy developed a new organizational structure EW units that meet the modern requirements, said Kucherenko. "It would increase the jamming of radio intelligence and 1.5-fold, which significantly (15-20%) increases the effectiveness of their use in combat formations of units and military units during combat missions," - he explained.

Complex "infauna" adapted to act directly in combat order amphibious units and is designed to protect equipment and personnel from the radio-controlled mines and explosive devices, small melee weapons, and to provide jamming enemy communications.

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 35626
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Sorbsiya Electronic Warfare pod (flankers site)

Citat:Ukraine unveils new wingtip EW pod for Flankers and Fulcrums
By Reuben F Johnson

Ukraine's Radionix showed off a new containerised version of its Omut electronic warfare (EW) jammer for the first time at the AviaSvit Ukrainian national air show.

The original Omut system shown two years ago was designed for internal carriage aboard MiG-29 ('Fulcrum') and Su-27 (Flanker) aircraft, while the new configuration is for installation on the wingtip stations of an aircraft, which is the more traditional location for the Su-27.

The unit was designed by Radionix in Kiev, but production of some of the hardware is carried out in partnership by the radar production plant in the city of Khmelnitsky in western Ukraine.

Export variants of the Su-27 have previously been equipped with a two-podded external installation of the L203 Gardenia jammer designed by the Moscow-based Scientific Research Institute of Radio Technology (TsNIRTI). Soviet – and later Russian – Air Force Su-27s were equipped with the more capable Kaluga Scientific Research Institute of Radio Technology L005S Sorbsiya EW pod.

Radionix' Omut jammer addresses important shortcomings of the L203-series jammers, according to a Radionix designer. "One is that the version of the Gardenia jammer designed for the MiG was the TsNIRTI L203B model, which, although mounted internally to the aircraft's fuselage, had an extremely low MTBF [mean time between failure rate]."

  • Metalurgije
  • Pridružio: 21 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 2980
  • Gde živiš: Makedonija

@ RJ
Znashli neshti ili imash neke podatke za ruski sisitem EW ( FANAZMOGORIJA) ?????

  • vrabac 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 4963

Л-081 Фантасмагория. Тешко да ћеш наћи било шта стварно битно. Средства за РЕБ су стално под неком врстом војне тајне поготову она која се још увек користе.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 30254

"Talisman" Novi potkrilni ometac za sve od Su-25 do PAK FA

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28516
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Američki CIRCM (Common Infrared Countermeasures) Scorpion

Citat:Raytheon has officially thrown our hat in the U.S. Army's Common Infrared Countermeasures (CIRCM) competition ring. Our total system solution is called Scorpion, and it will protect combat helicopters by jamming and diverting heat-seeking missiles. Scorpion will feature the company’s production-matured directed infrared countermeasures turret and a rugged quantum cascade laser. We’re not new to this technology. Raytheon began developing parts of the Scorpion solution back in 2005, and over the last few years we’ve successfully demonstrated our pointer tracker’s ability to acquire, track and defeat infrared missiles. Our range testing results against real MANPADS have been 100 percent successful.
Scorpion will protect helicopters from the smaller heat-seeking anti-aircraft missiles like MANPADS, which are a serious threat to our Warfighters. MANPADS are easy to operate, easy to transport, and found all over Afghanistan and Iraq. I was just talking to a Blackhawk pilot the other day about how an improved infrared countermeasure like CIRCM could meet the needs of his crew while in Afghanistan. The countermeasures systems that protect helicopters in the U.S. military’s inventory cannot have problems around reliability and affordability. Scorpion will solve these problems, which means our helicopter crews will be safer and more effective. Scorpion will improve current Warfighters’ capabilities by more than two-fold in the areas of weight, cost and reliability. Our most significant advantage over other systems is our REAL affordability and reliability when compared to powerpoint versions. The ability to be accurate in our cost and reliability estimates comes from building north of 4,000 missiles and testing them with more than one million hours of operational flight time. So who do you want building your protection system? The world’s largest missile maker or guys in white coasts trying to keep their hardware running? The bottom line is simple-- Raytheon’s Scorpion will deliver to the U.S. Army the life-saving CIRCM system our helicopters desperately need in combat. Starting in January, Raytheon’s Defense Technology and Insights will be moving to Raytheon’s website at Visit next year for more insights on CIRCM.

  • fin 
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2012
  • Poruke: 725

..svašta. fotoni imaju pravac kretanja od svog izvora - koliko vremena pre nego krene razvoj raketa sa takvim detektorima (ako već nije i krenuo)? Bebee Dol
..u Raytheon-u valjda misle samo na neku brzu zaradu koja kratko traje i gotovo..

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28516
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

AN/ALQ-119(V) ECM iz vijetnamske ere, kompaktni ometač koga su nosili F-4 Fantom na nosačima za rakete AIM-7 Sparow.

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