Poslao: 29 Avg 2017 20:57
U jednoj od tema (ne mogu da se setim kojoj) postavljen je izvestaj po kome je Srbija uvezla vise stotina lansera i nekoliko hiljada raketa Maljutka u proteklih par godina iz cini mi se Slovacke.
Koji bi bio motiv ovog uvoza? Eventualna modernizacija i masovno uvođenje u naoruzanje? Ili modernizacija i izvoz trecim licima? Koje armije jos uvek aktivno koriste Maljutke, a da saradjujemo sa njima?
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 30 Avg 2017 06:14
- aramis s

- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
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Na ovoj tvojoj poslednjoj slici Vojo, je uparena nišanska sprava sa BMP-1 sa raketom.
Poslao: 30 Avg 2017 08:17
- voja64

- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
- Poruke: 25847
Slika je iz Sirije i upravo te inprovizacije uparivanja sam i napisao da slučajno nije radio neki naš GRUNF iz nekog sdrpa..
Pošto je prethodnik napisao da smo uvezli VIŠE STOTINA lansera što me je nagnao da kopam po zagonetnim slikama te sam tako došao i do te slike.
Deo teksta iznad i deo ispod slike sam kopi paste preneo..
9M14 Malyutka the AT-3 Sagger
It was one of the first mass-produced ATGM and used effectively on the battlefield. Special mention should be made of the successes they achieved against Israeli cars after crossing the Suez Canal.
It remains an outdated missile with a precision that leaves much to be desired compared to other more modern ATGM. In spite of this it is very common in Syria and in fact has been captured by the rebels in diverse occasions.
There is a Chinese version very similar and easy to confuse with the Malyutka called HJ 73 that can be differentiated thanks to using a completely different launcher.
9M14P / 9M14P1, the AT-3C Sagger
This was the version to mount in vehicles and helicopters. The helicopters for which it was designed have disappeared, but not land vehicles. Mainly there are two vehicles that are potential operators of this missile in Syria, on the one hand the BMP 1 and on the other the BRDM 2 9P133.
It is the only version with a manual guide, if not SACLOS (semi automatic command to line of sight) of the 9M14.
To this day it is very rare to find this missile in combat, either because of the lack of knowledge to shoot it from a vehicle, or because the devices to shoot them have been lost.
BMP shooting malyutka
BMP-1 with missile 9M14P or 9M14P1, note the periscope that looms to guide the Malyutka
BRDM 2 Malyutka
BRDM-2 type 9P133 in Syria
Modifying the 9M14P 0 9M14P1
The photo below left me a little surprised at first since I did not know what Malyutka could be, when I suddenly realized. It is a 9M14P or 9M14P1, but not triggered from a BMP, but they had taken the rail that is usually mounted on the BMP to shoot the Malyutka and had placed it on it, then they had taken the TKN optical system of the BMP 1 and Had placed it on a stand to steer the missile during the flight.
9M14P or 9M14P1 in Syria
Optics system for the BMP commander, the same or one similar to the one used in the previous photo
Sad ti proceni koliko su ludi ili geniozni da sve ipucaju dok ima i jedne rakete..
Poslao: 30 Avg 2017 15:33
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 20238
aramis s ::Na ovoj tvojoj poslednjoj slici Vojo, je uparena nišanska sprava sa BMP-1 sa raketom.
U teoriji lanser i nisanska sprava sa BMP-1, 9P122/9P133 se mogu skinuti sa vozila i koristiti u "pesadijskoj" varijanti. Ovo je doduse prvi put da to vidim u praksi.
Na kasnijem 9P148 su to uprostili u nekom momentu tako sto su dali klasicni pesadijski lanser da bude u opremi vozila (isto i na BMP-1P/2), ali rane varijante 9P148 su zadrzale "lego" princip gde se lanser sklapao od delova sa vozila.
Poslao: 01 Sep 2017 18:28
- voja64

- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
- Poruke: 25847
Osnovna verzija 9M14 sa Avganistanskim ratnicima iz početka rata 80e.
Poslao: 29 Sep 2017 16:51
- Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 35185
Ima li vesti o 2T5 šta se dešava sa njom kako napreduju testiranja???