Poslao: 05 Jun 2016 18:44
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 35862
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Eskadrila "Srećni Huligani"
Citat:North Dakota Air National Guard (NDANG) – the “Happy Hooligans” of the 119th Fighter Wing, Hector Field base in Fargo.
Poslao: 08 Jun 2016 17:27
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 35862
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Poslao: 14 Jun 2016 07:06
- Skywhaler
- Legendarni građanin
- vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 5993
- Gde živiš: Esgaroth
Skywhaler ::Нереализована извиђачка верзија F-4X
Citat:Proposed high-performance reconnaissance version with HIAC-1 LOROP camera for Israel developed under the Peace Jack program in conjunction with General Dynamics. Water injection was projected to give the aircraft a top speed in excess of Mach 3 (over 2,000 mph (3,200 km/h) at high altitudes). The water would be contained in a pair of 2,500 US gal (9,600 l) conformal tanks on the sides of the fuselage spine. The US State Department became worried about developing an aircraft with performance similar to the SR-71 Blackbird and offensive capability beyond anything in domestic inventory for a foreign customer and forbade its export. The proposal was then modified to the RF-4X standard with the camera in the nose and removal of weapon carriage. However, the US Air Force withdrew from the project over concerns that a high-performance Phantom would jeopardize funding for the anticipated McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle. Without United States financial support, Israel settled for the simpler, less expensive F-4E(S)...
Citat:The RF-4X, also known as the RF-4ES, was a General Dynamics response to an Israeli government RFP calling for a high-speed, high-altitude photoreconnaissance platform based on the McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom II. Following RF-4X concept definition during 1972, a contract was issued in 1974 calling for the modification of three operational IAF F-4Es to the new configuration. Specifications called for a maximum cruising speed of 2.4 Mach at 78,000 feet while carrying a single General Dynamics-developed high-altitude aerial camera with a sixty-six inch focal length offering stepped, side-to-side image capture.
Poslao: 20 Jun 2016 11:51
- randja26
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Jul 2011
- Poruke: 879
F-4D бр.67-463 у Виетнаму:
Фантом са највећим бројем остварених ваздушних победа. Припадао је чувеном 555 ТFW-USAF. На њему је познати амерички ваздухопловни ас кап. Стив Ричи остварио своју прву и пету ваздушну победу изнад Виетнама.
Poslao: 01 Jul 2016 13:40
- randja26
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Jul 2011
- Poruke: 879
Фантом из америчке акро-гупе Thunderbirds у леђном лету при малој брзини. Ово нисам до сада виђао, али је интересантно. Место Indian Springs.