NHIndustries NH-90


NHIndustries NH-90

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99234

Katarci primili prva dva

Citat:QEAF accepts first two NH90-NFH
On 31 March 2022, the Qatar Emiri Air Force (QEAF) accepted the first two NH90-NFH naval mission helicopters during an official hand over ceremony at Leonardo’s Venice Tessera final assembly line (Italy).

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  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99234

Katarci na obuci u Italiji

Citat:Qatar Emir Air Force crew reached 2000 hours of traning on NH90 helicopter platform of the Italian Army. Qatar ordered 28 NH90 from Leonardo (16 TTH and 12 NFH).

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99234

Holandjani rade MLU na svojoj floti
Dutch NH90s to receive mid-life upgrade
Citat:The Netherlands is to implement a mid-life upgrade (MLU) to its entire fleet of NHIndustries NH90 helicopters, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on 15 April.
All 11 NATO Frigate Helicopter (NFH) and eight marinised Tactical Transport Helicopter (TTH) NH90s will go through the process that is designed to remove obsolescence issues from the platforms that were received from 2010, but which date back to the 1990s.
“All 19 NH90 maritime combat helicopters are getting a major makeover,” Dutch State Secretary for Defence Christophe van der Maat said. “This so-called mid-life update is necessary to keep the devices operationally relevant.”

Citat:According to the MoD, the MLU, which has been drawn up with other NH90 operators, will include an upgrade to the aircraft's software, modernisation of the sensors and navigation and communication systems, and improvements to the logistics and training systems, including the flight simulator.
Arrow https://www.janes.com/defence-news/dutch-nh90s-to-.....lement,MoD

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99234

Norvezani u svemu nezadovoljni...vracaju helikoptere i traze pare nazad
Norway has terminated its contract for the NH90, and will return all helicopters while demanding full refund
Citat:Norway has terminated its contract with NH Industries (NHI) and will return the 13 NH90 helicopters to date delivered, and can also be demanding a full refund of the NKr5 billion ($500 million) it has spent on their acquisition.

Oslo turns into the second nation after Australia to exit the NH90 programme, after Canberra in December introduced it was retiring its NH90 fleet early in favour of the Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk.

Arrow https://123hindinews.com/norway-axes-nh90-helicopt.....king-news/
Arrow https://africapearl.com/2022/06/10/norway-axes-nh9.....tries-news

Citat:“It is a serious decision, but no matter how many hours the personnel work, and no matter how many parts we order, NH90 will not be able to meet the needs of the armed forces,” he says.

Gro Jaere, head of Norway’s NDMA defence materiel administration, cites four main reasons for the contract termination: severe delays to the delivery of the helicopters, reliability, maintenance issues, and component obsolescence.

An initial delivery schedule called for all 14 maritime NH90s to be handed over by 2008, eventually slipping to 2022. However, even that amended timeline has not been met: the final helicopter will now not arrive until 2024, she says. In fact, just eight NH90s have been delivered in the final configuration.

Reliability issues continue to afflict the helicopters, Jaere says; even in their final configuration, the failure rate per flight hour is 40 times too high.

Combined with ongoing maintainability problems this frequently sees just one helicopter available, or even sometimes none.

Aircraft that were mean to fly 3,900h per year instead average 700h, says the defence ministry.

Arrow https://twitter.com/endrelunde/status/1535136345739370496
Arrow https://www.fma.no/aktuelt-og-media/2020/norge-leverer-tilbake-nh90-helikopteret

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99234

^^NHIndustries odgovorili


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ovi kazu da je dostavljeno 13, a norvezani kazu da im je dostavljeno samo 8 od 14 narucenih.

The original contract for 14 helicopters was signed in 2001 but Norway has received only eight, the ministry said.https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/norway-return-its-military-helicopters-seek-repayment-nh-industries-2022-06-10/

e sad, sta je tu istina?

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99234

Katarci primili peti

Citat:The Qatar Emiri Air Force has recently accepted its 5th NH90.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99234

I svedjani nezadovoljni....
Farnborough 2022: Swedish Air Force loses patience with NH90, considers going the ‘way of Norway’
Citat:Maj Gen Carl-Johan Edstrom, chief of the Swedish Air Force, has vented his frustration at under-fire manufacturer NHIndustries, claiming that the NH90 partner is not ‘delivering what they should’ and revealing that consideration is being given to whether or not Sweden prematurely replaces the country’s fleet.

Speaking at a 17 July press briefing in London, Edstrom said that Sweden’s supreme military commander Gen Micael Bydén will issue guidance on the country’s long-term helicopter modernisation strategy in November 2022.

Edstrom noted that a final phase of study is underway.

‘The big decision will be what we do with the NH90 and whether we continue to operate it or go the way of Norway and select another system,’ Edstrom said.

Arrow https://www.shephardmedia.com/news/defence-helicop.....of-norway/

  • Toni  Male
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  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99234

Svedjani traze zamenu za svoje NH-90...kazu da ipak nisu ispunili njihove zahteve
Sweden outlines plans to replace the NH90
Citat:On 1 November 2022, Sweden's Defence Chief General Micael Byden, revealed the new Defence spending and equipment plans for the coming period. The most significant news item is the plan to retire fleet of NH90 helcicopters.
Citat:With the new proposal, Sweden follows the lead of neighbouring Norway in retiring the NH90. Both countries have decided that the NH90 is definitely not able to meet the needs of the Armed Forces.
Contrary to Norway, which instantly stopped operating the NH90 on 10 June 2022, Sweden's proposal will see the NH90 starts being withdrawn from use in 2024 with the entire fleet retired by 2030. The proposal will be sent to the Parliament (Riksdag) for approval, but will likely move ahead.
During the same 2024-2030 period a parallel acquisition for a new maritime platform will run, while additional Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawks are also procured. Any delays encountered in delivery of replacements will result in more gradual NH90 withdrawals, but the entire fleet is to be retired by 2035 at the latest under the new plans.

Arrow https://scramble.nl/military-news/sweden-outlines-plans-to-replace-the-nh90

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