Ninoslav Krstić: Imamo kvalitetne ljude!


Ninoslav Krstić: Imamo kvalitetne ljude!

  • Kibo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Okt 2007
  • Poruke: 7498
  • Gde živiš: gde i mnogi Srbi pre mene

Laughing Zixo Fidela bi, ali ima jedan Srbin koga ne bi, jedino da cupam mikrofone, ovaj kablove iz kompa Laughing

Ma nekim ljudima mora da se crta, pa ja to onda opsirno da ne ostanu otvorena pitanja. A kucanje mi nije problem, ucio godinama u skoli na pravim pisacim masinama. Pa kad imas 3.000 otkucaja za 10 minuta, onda ti nije problem da cas iskucas sve ovo. Ali treba i procitati ...

  • medicina
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 1709
  • Gde živiš: Srbija, Levač

^ Znači nemaš samo šape mesto ruku znaju i tvoji prstići nešto vešto Mr. Green Svaka čast, ja kucam sa tri prsta, jedva nisam brz al me Bog dao pričljivog i tvrdoglavog pa ne umem da ćutim Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 29 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 1490

Kibo ::Napisano: 24 Dec 2011 12:35
Moracu da napisem jos ovo, pa zaista da prekinemo diskusiju o tome sta se sve desavalo.

U Rambujeu je bio predvidjen plan da dodju medjunarodne snage, i da se posle dve godine njihovo prisustva izvrsi referendum na kojem ce se svi gradjani KiM izjasniti u kakvoj drzavi hoce da zive, to bi dakle bilo automatski odvajanje od republike Srbije.

To i jeste kljucna stvar u rezoluciji 1244, jer se mogucnost odvajanja od republike Srbije nigde ne spominje, dakle Kosovo i Metohija su i dalje u Srbiji, i tako ce biti dok Srbija ne prihvati nezavisnost KiM.

Meni te stvari mnogo znace...

Problem je kada se i danas, na izmaku 2011. godine veruje nekadašnjim pričama sa Slobinog RTS-a...umesto da se ode i pročita tekst Rezolucije 1244.

The Security Council...
Decides that a political solution to the Kosovo crisis shall be based on the general principles in annex 1 and as further elaborated in the principles and other required elements in annex 2

Onda pročitaš anekse 1 i 2 na koje se pozivaju. Aneks 1 su ustvari principi ministarstava inostranih poslova G-8 sa sastanka održanog 6. maja 1999. godine.

The G-8 Foreign Ministers adopted the following general principles on the political solution to the Kosovo crisis:
A political process towards the establishment of an interim political framework agreement providing for a substantial self-government for Kosovo, taking full account of the Rambouillet accords and the
principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
and the other countries of the region, and the demilitarization of the KLA

Šta su Rambouillet accords?

- Recalling the commitment of the international community to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has competence in Kosovo over the following areas, except as specified elsewhere in this Agreement:
(a) territorial integrity,
(b) maintaining a common market within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which power shall be exercised in a manner that does not discriminate against Kosovo,
(c) monetary policy,
(d) defense,
(e) foreign policy,
(f) customs services,
(g) federal taxation,
(h) federal elections, and
(i) other areas specified in this Agreement.

The Republic of Serbia shall have competence in Kosovo as specified in this Agreement, including in relation to Republic elections.

Citizens in Kosovo-may continue to participate in areas in which the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia have competence through their representation in relevant institutions, without prejudice to the exercise of competence by Kosovo authorities set forth in this Agreement.

Kosovo shall have an Assembly, which shall be comprised of 120 Members.
The Assembly shall be responsible for:
Cooperating with the Federal Assembly, and with the Assemblies of the Republics, and conducting relations with foreign legislative bodies;

President of Kosovo
The President of Kosovo shall be responsible for:
- Representing Kosovo, including before any international or Federal body or any body of the Republics;
- Proposing to the Assembly candidates for Prime Minister, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, and other Kosovo judicial offices;
-Meeting regularly with the democratically elected representatives of the national communities;
- Conducting foreign relations and concluding agreements within this power consistent with the authorities of Kosovo institutions under this Agreement. Such agreements shall only enter into force upon approval by the Assembly;
- Designating a representative to serve on the Joint Commission established by Article I.2 of Chapter 5 of this Agreement;
- Meeting regularly with the Federal and Republic Presidents; and
- other functions specified herein or by law.

Citizens in Kosovo shall have the right to participate in the election of:
- At least 10 deputies in the House of Citizens of the Federal Assembly; and
- At least 20 deputies in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

Police Operations in Kosovo
The communal police established by this Agreement shall have exclusive law enforcement authority and jurisdiction and shall be the only police presence in Kosovo following the reduction and eventual withdrawal from Kosovo by the MUP, with the exception of border police as specified in Article VI and any support provided pursuant to Article I(3)(h).
(a) During the transition to communal police, the remaining MTJP shall carry out only normal policing duties, and shall draw down, pursuant to the schedule described in Chapter 7.
(b) During the period of the phased drawdown of the MUP, the MUP in Kosovo shall have authority to conduct only civil police functions and shall be under the supervision and control of the CIM. The IM may dismiss from service, or take other appropriate disciplinary action against, MUP personnel who obstruct implementation of this Agreement.

Security on International Borders
The Government of the FRY will maintain official border crossings on its international borders (Albania and FYROM).

2. Personnel from the organizations listed below may be present along Kosovo’s international borders and at international border crossings, and may not act outside the scope of the authorities specified in this Chapter.

(a)Republic of Serbia Border Police
(i) The Border Police shall continue to exercise authority at Kosovo's international border crossings and in connection with the enforcement of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia immigration laws. The total number of border police shall be drawn down to 75 within 14 days of entry into force of this Agreement.

Customs Officers
(i) The FRY Customs Service will continue to exercise customs jurisdiction at Kosovo’s official international border crossings and in such customs warehouses as may be necessary within Kosovo. The total number of customs personnel shall be drawn down to 50 within 14 days of the entry into force of this Agreement.
(ii) Kosovar Albanian officers of the Customs Service shall be trained and compensated by the FRY.

Economic Issues
The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be responsible for the collection of all customs duties at international borders in Kosovo. There shall be no impediments to the free movement of persons, goods, services, and capital to and from Kosovo.

Za Vojsku je bilo predviđeno fazno povlačenje u znatno dužem roku (što bi značilo da ne bi bilo anarhije sa civilnim stanovništvom kao što je bilo kada se cela Vojska morala povući za 14 dana i povukla Srbe civile sa sobom jer se stvorio vakuum u kome su teroristi divljali nad njima), plus ne bi se kompletno povukla sa Kosova.

- U roku od 5 dana sve jedinice VJ su se morale vratiti u kasarne na Kosovu, ili na posebne lokacije dogovorene sa KFOR-om.
- U prvih 30 dana VJ bi morala da sastavi plan svog povlačenja sa teritorije KiM u druge delove Srbije i to po sledećem tempu:
- 90 dana nakon na KiM bi moglo da ostane 50% Vojske, ali u tih 50% ne bi moglo da uđe bilo šta ofanzivno. Ništa tenkovi, ništa BVP, sve sa kalibrom većim od 12.7 mm moralo bi da ode na druge lokacije u Srbiji u pomenutom roku od 90 dana.
- U narednih 90 dana i preostalih 50% bi napustilo KiM.
- Ovo se sve ne odnosi na pripadnike VJ koji predstavljaju granične jedinice.
Graničara VJ bi bilo 1.500 (toliko ih je bilo u februaru 1998. godine). Bili bi u karaulama, plus u zoni dubine 5 Km od granice sa Albanijom i Makedonijom u dubinu teritorije KiM.
Osim njih, još maksimalno 1.000 pripadnika VJ zaduženih za logistiku i sl. bi moglo da bude na teritoriji KiM unutar kasarni, tj. na lokacijama koje bi bile dogovorene sa KFOR-om.
Bili bi naoružani do kalibra 82 mm. Bez PVO. Bez BVP. Obavljali bi patrole, nadzor granice i imali kretanje unutar pomenute zone od 5 Km u dubinu teritorije KiM.
Pripadnici VJ van ovih graničnih i van te zone od 5 Km bi mogli da dejstvuju isključivo u samoodbrani i oružje maksimalno do kalibra 12.7 mm.
After EIF + 180 days, the remaining 2500 VJ forces dedicated to border security functions provided for in this Agreement will be garrisoned and cantoned at the following locations:
subordinate border posts within the Border Zone; a limited number of existing facilities in the immediate proximity of the Border zone subject to the prior approval of COMKFOR; and headquarters/C2 and logistic support facilities in Pristina.

Za Policiju je bilo predviđeno
- U roku od 5 dana MUP bi morao da smanji broj ljudi na KiM na onaj broj koji je imao 1. februara 1998. godine.
- U roku od 20 dana, sve specijlane jedinice Policije bi otišle u druge delove Srbije (PJP, SAJ, JSO).
- U roku od 30 dana, MUP bi napravio plan za fazno povlačenje ostalog personala.
- U roku od 60 dana, 50% preostalog personala bi bilo povučeno sa KiM.
- U roku od 120 dana, broj preostalih pripadnika MUP na KiM bi se smanjio na 2.500. Taj rok bi se mogao produžiti na 180 dana.
- 2.500 pripadnika MUP R.Srbije ostaju na KiM.
The 2500 MUP allowed by this Chapter and referred to in Article V.1(a) of Chapter 2 shall have authority only for civil police functions and be under the supervision and control of the CIM.

Prava NATO-a za sprovođenje sporazuma:
NATO shall be immune from all legal process, whether civil, administrative, or criminal.

NATO personnel, under all circumstances and at all times, shall be immune from the Parties, jurisdiction in respect of any civil, administrative, criminal, or disciplinary offenses which may be committed by them in the FRY. The Parties shall assist States participating in the operation in the exercise of their jurisdiction over their own nationals.
Notwithstanding the above, and with the NATO Commander's express agreement in each case, the authorities in the FRY may exceptionally exercise jurisdiction in such matters, but only in respect of Contractor personnel who are not subject to the jurisdiction of their nation of citizenship.

NATO personnel shall be immune from any form of arrest, investigation, or detention by the authorities in the FRY. NATO personnel erroneously arrested or detained shall immediately be turned over to NATO authorities.

NATO personnel shall enjoy, together with their vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and equipment, free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout the FRY including associated airspace and territorial waters. This shall include, but not be limited to, the right of bivouac, maneuver, billet, and utilization of any areas or facilities as required for support, training, and operations.

NATO shall be exempt from duties, taxes, and other charges and inspections and custom regulations including providing inventories or other routine customs documentation, for personnel, vehicles, vessels, aircraft, equipment, supplies, and provisions entering, exiting, or transiting the territory of the FRY in support of the Operation.

The authorities in the FRY shall facilitate, on a priority basis and with all appropriate means, all movement of personnel, vehicles, vessels, aircraft, equipment, or supplies, through or in the airspace, ports, airports, or roads used. No charges may be assessed against NATO for air navigation, landing, or takeoff of aircraft, whether government-owned or chartered. Similarly, no duties, dues, tolls or charges may be assessed against NATO ships, whether government-owned or chartered, for the mere entry and exit of ports. Vehicles, vessels, and aircraft used in support of the operation shall not be subject to licensing or registration requirements, nor commercial insurance.

NATO is granted the use of airports, roads, rails, and ports without payment of fees, duties, dues, tolls, or charges occasioned by mere use. NATO shall not, however, claim exemption from reasonable charges for specific services requested and received, but operations/movement and access shall not be allowed to be impeded pending payment for such services.



Three years after the entry into force of this Agreement, an international meeting shall be convened to determine a mechanism for a final settlement for Kosovo, on the basis of the will of the people, opinions of relevant authorities, each Party’s efforts regarding the implementation of this Agreement, and the Helsinki Final Act, and to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of this Agreement and to consider proposals by any Party for additional measures.

will of the people = referendum = nezavisnost koju su želeli Šiptari.
opinions of relevant authorities = mišljenja velikih sila gde nisu sve za nezavisnost.
each Party’s efforts regarding the implementation of this Agreement = ako budete dobri u sprovođenju dogovorenog, upamtićemo.
Helsinki Final Act = nepovredivost granica postojećih država


Sve smo ovo odbili.
Bombardovali su nas:
- Hiljade ljudi je poginulo, država razrušena.
- Povlačenje VJ za 14 dana, niko ne ostaje.
- Povlačenje Policije za 14 dana, niko ne ostaje.
- Povlačenje carinika za 14 dana, niko ne ostaje.
- Nikakva nadležnost SRJ po pitanju:
(a) territorial integrity,
(b) maintaining a common market within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which power shall be exercised in a manner that does not discriminate against Kosovo,
(c) monetary policy,
(d) defense,
(e) foreign policy,
(f) customs services,
(g) federal taxation,
(h) federal elections, and
(i) other areas specified in this Agreement.

(citat iz Rambujea, tj. ono što je nuđeno.)


Ali, govedo je proglasilo pobedu.
I još gore, 12 godina nakon ovoga, ima još ljudi koji idealizuju govedo zvano Slobodan Milošević.

  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 8384
  • Gde živiš: Ravni Banat

Тему убудуће потражите у "Кантини" - селим је тамо.

  • medicina
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2010
  • Poruke: 1709
  • Gde živiš: Srbija, Levač

4 neshaoct - bravo majstore, dobro se setio neko da skrene pažnju (ako je sve ovo što je citirano validno) tu sve lepo piše pa nek se čita i sudi.

4 Zorge - Zar i ti brate Zorge, pa kud ćeš nas tamo na ovu zimu, imaj strpljenja i ne gubi nadu u ljude.

  • Pridružio: 13 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 2401

Да, било би лепо када би неко заиста прочитао о чему се ради у тим документима...

Још једна ствар коју људи занемарују је значај резолуција СБ УН. Он је таман онолики колико САД и пратећа екипа имају намеру да их спроводе, а често се деси да чак ни то не помогне у спровођењу.

Шта мислите колико је СБ издао резолуција у којима захтева прекид сукоба у екс-СФРЈ? Једну, две...пет...десет? Више десетина? И да ли је нека од тих резолуција уродила плодом? Аха...али мало сутра. Рат је завршен споразумом који су потписале сукобљене стране и велике силе. Е сад обратите пажњу на сам крај линка са уговором у Рамбујеу који је neshaoct ставио.

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 3674

Nema veze sa temo ali kad je vec krenulo...
Nisu sve rezolucije SBUN obavezujuce a 1244 se nigde ne navodi kao obavezujuca.Sta vise u misljenju MSP koje je trazila Srbija stoji da nije obavezujuca.Ukratko sami smo sebe lupili po glavi trazeci to misljenje

  • pavlo  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2011
  • Poruke: 1080

Kakve veze ima kako da li je rezolucija obavezujuce ili ne?Mi nismo izgubili pravo na Kosovo.
Da je VJ izgubila rat, Kosovo bi sad bilo clan UN-a.

Koliko je meni poznato , bombardovanje je planirano jos '98.Mislim da ce se vecina sloziti da razlog za napad nije bilo etnicko ciscenje ili ne znam sta, vec uspostavljanje vojne kontrole na Kosovu.

  • lacko  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • doktor medicine
  • Pridružio: 10 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 1534
  • Gde živiš: nis

Meni je jedan vrhunski pravnik ovo malo drugacije citirao i objasnjavao,posto je ona zamenik javnog tuzioca malo vise verujem njoj...ostalim pravnicima porucujem da malo bolje prouce svoje gradivo i usklade medjunarodno pravo sa nasom pravnom materijom,over and out.

  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2005
  • Poruke: 5746

mrki001 ::Ninoslav Krstić se zatekao u generalštabu 1999-e kada je ovaj bombardovan pa je morao da iskače kroz prozor ! Analiza mu je dobra,ako ne računamo izostavljanje Rusije iz spiska zemalja koje treba pridobiti.Vojska od 30-36000 "pucača" sa 80-100 000 rezervista(možda čak i manje) je sasvim dovoljna ako bismo mogli da je dobro opremimo,naročito onaj prvi segment,aktivnu vojsku.Mislim da je greška što smo potpisali konvenciju o zabrani protivpešadijskih mina,uz njihovu primenu potrebno je manje ljudi za kontrolu teritorije a sistem "pljusak" je izgleda pljusnuo u čabar.Ovako,kvantitet smo izgubili a kvalitet nismo dobili.

Kibo i ja smo računali da nam samo za vojsku koja bi imala250 tenkova treba oko 11,000 pripadnika OMJ i da bi njih morao da plaćaš negde oko 52,000,000 E godišnje i to samo plate.
Dakle, neisplativo da se celokupna vojska bazira na "profesionalizmu" već je neophodno da recimo pešadija bude uglavnom regrutna kao i artiljerija i slično...

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