Prilično impresivno vozilo, mada nije mi jasno zašto neidu na kolotek izjednačen širinom kabine? Problem u poljskim i šumskim evropskim putevima je što su prilično uski, pa je širina koloteka mnogo puta jednaka onima na osobnim vozilima ili manjim traktorima.
The LAMV (Light Armoured Multipurpose Vehicle) is a new 4×4 light patrol vehicle developed by India-based TATA Motors Defence Solutions in collaboration with Supacat of the UK. The vehicle was unveiled for the first time at the DEFEXPO 2014.
mongolac ::To je Jazbar bio osnovni zadatak! Zato sam ga i postavio! Sličan slučaj je i u Srbiji! Jel DINO 519 napravljen na šasiji s motorom Mercedes Sprinter 519? Zastavin bi bio na Fiat Ducato?
The LAMV (Light Armoured Multipurpose Vehicle) is a new 4×4 light patrol vehicle developed by India-based TATA Motors Defence Solutions in collaboration with Supacat of the UK. The vehicle was unveiled for the first time at the DEFEXPO 2014.