Laka Oklopna Vozila - LAPV


Laka Oklopna Vozila - LAPV

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101770

Ukrima isporuceno 10 vozila Novator koji su izradjeni na sasiji Ford F-550
«Украинская бронетехника» передала НацГвардии Украины десять бронеавтомобилей «Новатор»

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101770

Izgleda mi da ce bugari odustati od kupovine
Bulgaria to cancel $1.74 billion armoured vehicle tender, defence minister says

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101770

Izraelski Stinger

Citat:The LCV Stinger was built based on the HMMWV chassis, on which the body is mounted in the form of an armored cabin/capsule made in Plasan’s patented “Kitted Hull” technology which is using in such constructions as M-ATV, JLTV, or Hawkei. Its unique feature is delivering ready-made bodies in kits for assembly directly to the vehicle manufacturer. This technology also allows armor levels to be scaled much more quickly than in “traditional” solutions.

The body offers two sets of shield resistance: kit A and kit B. The first version provides a three-person crew with protection against fire and the effects of mine explosions at level 2, according to STANG 4569. After putting putty B, we get to level 4 according to STANG 4569. Effect on resistance The shape of the cabin, the “walls” of which including at different angles, also increases projectiles’ risk.
Regardless of the armor set used, the bulletproof glass installed in the Stinger’s body meets the requirements of level 3 according to STANG 4569. The crew capsule is equipped with two doors and three relatively large windows, providing the driver sitting in the middle with a perfect field of vision.
The use of composite armor technology (including ceramic-metal composites) made it possible to create a vehicle based on the Humvee chassis with a GVM of 6.8 tons and a load capacity of 1,000 kg. Its popularity dictated this platform’s choice in various regions of the world, durability, and engine of appropriate power (205 HP), which works with an automatic transmission, independent suspension, and permanent all-wheel drive (4×4). Hence, Humvee’s elements were also installed inside the Stinger, such as the dashboard, steering wheel, and switches.
The ability to overcome obstacles, such as the AM General chassis, such as the angle of attack (47 degrees) and the wading depth (760 mm), spoke in favor of such a choice. The Stinger can travel at a maximum speed of 120 km / h.
The Israeli vehicle can be armed with two remotely controlled firing points (RWS). The main armament is a position equipped with a 12.7 mm MG or a 30 mm automatic grenade launcher and integrated with an anti-tank guided missile launcher. The manufacturer can mount the second mount in front of the engine and arms with a 7.62 mm machine gun. Such location of the weapon system enables the vehicle crew to “see” and fire from behind curtains (e.g., building corners) with minimal exposure of the vehicle and the team to the threat, enemy fire. The Stinger can also be equipped with missile launchers of various categories (mounted on the sides of the body in its rear part), which provides unprecedented firepower for a vehicle of this class.
Another unique feature of the Stinger is the ability to control the vehicle remotely.


  • goxin 
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Borna kola?

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Patrolno- izviđačko vozilo. Ali RCWS, sa PM 7,62mm ispred motora za dejstvo iza ćoška bez izlaganja vozila... Od njih treba učiti.

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 20178

"Tenkovi sa vise kupola ce se jos pokazati" Tuhacevski, verovatno Smile

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101770

Ukri pazarili od poljaka 24 kom Oncilla 4x4 L2014-UD

Citat:Polish company Mista from Stalowa Wola carries out deliveries of 24 wheeled armored vehicles Oncilla 4x4 L2014-UD for the armed forces of Ukraine, ordered last year.

  • celik 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Maj 2010
  • Poruke: 1702

To je ukrajinski Dozer, manje vise.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101770

^^Tako je,ali vidis sta rade.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101770

Malezija testira Mildef HMAV 4x4

MILDEF Malaysia HMAV Successfully Completes First Round of Malaysian Army Evaluation Testing

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