


  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2830
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

liman ::Sjedinjene Američke Države danas su zvanično potvrdile da će od ponedeljka ponovo uspostaviti sve sankcije ukinute Iranu u okviru iranskog nuklearnog sporazuma iz 2015. iz koga je američki predsednik Donald Tramp izašao.
Biće interesantno pratiti šta će se desiti sa cenom nafte u sledećim danima.

US brushes aside German resistance to Iran sanctions
Citat:Powerless against the US
Over the weekend, European diplomats continued to discuss another measure, the Special-Purpose Vehicle (SPV). The SPV will be a European-owned, Luxemburg-based financial clearinghouse, that enables payments to and from Iran while bypassing US-connected companies. But in its response, the German ministry confirmed that despite months of work, the functions and scope of the SPV are quite unclear.
Furthermore, the Americans are unimpressed with these efforts. In a telephone briefing this week, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he expected no “significant transactions” through the SPV. If there were any, the US would “aggressively pursue our remedies,” he said.

Paralelni platni sistem za Iran ne radi. I da bi, su Ameri spremni da jih ganjaju.
Na GF-u:
Citat:Yet it has granted temporary waivers that will allow eight countries – China, India, Italy, Greece, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Turkey – to continue to import Iranian oil. That’s seven of Iran’s top 10 buyers.
Ameri su dali "privremene dozvole" za uvoz iranske nafte. Količine neznam.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 10 Mar 2016
  • Poruke: 570


ovo je valjda varijanta za gardu


  • Pridružio: 14 Apr 2018
  • Poruke: 42

Garda ne koristi je IRIAD..a ove zadnje vjezbe su sdruzene vjezbe IRGC-AF,IRIAD,IRIAF......IRGC-AF koristi RAAD2 famiju AD sistema(Tabas,3th khordad..itd)...taj sistem koji si ti (a I vecina medija) potpisala kao ustvari Kamin ....optimiziran za niskoletece mete....Mersad koristi Salamache projektile(izgledom isti kao I-Hawk)s tim da Salamache koristi drugi I napredniji sistem vodjenja sa aktivnim vodjenjem + ima novi dual purpose motor...

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2830
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Nemci i Francuzi nešto o platnom režimu sa Iranom. Za sada niko neće u EU sedište tog platnog sistema. Upitan je i doseg toga, ako ne podrazumeva biznisa sa naftom...

  • stug 
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2018
  • Poruke: 2317

Ovo je jako dobra vjest za eu. Odmicanje od swifta, istodobno izbjegavanje padanja pod novu palicu (Rusko -Kineski pa i (B)RIKS platni sistem, kako god se zvao). Pohvalno. Ako se ovako nastavi, a nadam se da hoce, doci cemo u situaciju da ce ih biti sve vise i da se ti bankovni sustavi bore za musterije, a to je za nas potrosace dobro, bez da ulazim u politiku, kako financisku tako i dnevnu.

  • Pridružio: 01 Jun 2006
  • Poruke: 2065
  • Gde živiš: Malo tamo malo vamo

Victims look to punish Iran for attacks against US troops in Iraq

...The lawsuit is seeking $10 billion in damages from Iran. But if or when any of the victims or their families could receive any compensation is a long time away.

There are nearly 6,000 victims of state-sponsored terrorism believed to be eligible for compensation recouped from a fund set up for numerous cases.

Other cases filed by the Osen law firm, attorney Tab Turner and others have attacked large-scale financial institutions for their involvement in moving money from Iran through U.S. banks, which they allege was then funneled to Iranian proxies who carried out attacks.

One such case being pursued by Osen remains active in federal court in New York since its 2014 filing.

The lawsuit specifically alleges that HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, Barclays, Commerzbank, Credit Suisse, Bank Saderat and Royal Bank of Scotland, N.V. conspired with Iran and its banks to illegally transfer billions of dollars through U.S. banks, circumventing regulators and law enforcement detection of the transactions.Attorneys allege that hundreds of millions of dollars in those transactions were funneled to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a military wing that conducts operations outside Iran, and terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah who carried out attacks that killed and maimed U.S. troops and civilians in Iraq.

That case has the advantage that nine banks so far have admitted to the conspiracies, most in “deferred prosecution agreements.” In many of those agreements the banks have agreed to pay the U.S. government fines and forfeit billions of dollars for the violations.

In 2012, HSBC admitted to its role and agreed to forfeit $1.25 billion; Credit Suisse agreed to forfeit $536 million; Commerzbank AG agreed to pay $1.45 billion; Standard Chartered Bank reached a $340 million settlement; and Barclay’s forfeited $298 million in connection with its violations.

The actions behind those forfeitures involve Iran, Sudan and Cuba, which are other nations covered by the Anti-Terrorism Act. The act restricts money dealings with state sponsors of terror and terrorist groups.By taking the deferred prosecutions and admitting to the charges, the banks avoided further prosecutions and additional penalties.

A Chicago-based firm, MM-Law, filed a suit against Iran and Sudan for the 1998 embassy bombings in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, which killed 224 people. Both firms have tried and are in the process of trying multiple cases involving terrorism victims.

That case showed that Iran, through Hezbollah, gave training and assistance to Osama bin Laden and other al-Qaida members to conduct the attacks. Plaintiffs asked for $35 billion. In 2014, a federal judge ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and awarded nearly $8.5 billion.

Attorneys with the MM-Law firm helped with the creation of the U.S. Victims of State-Sponsored Terrorism Fund, which has paid out $1.1 billion to victims to date and another distribution of that same amount is planned in the coming year.

Multimedia Journalist Jillian L. Angeline contributed to this report

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2830
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Napisano: 11 Dec 2018 12:34

Cigi ::Arrow
Nemci i Francuzi nešto o platnom režimu sa Iranom. Za sada niko neće u EU sedište tog platnog sistema. Upitan je i doseg toga, ako ne podrazumeva biznisa sa naftom...

Mogherini: Instrument za platni promet s Iranom može biti gotov tijekom idućih tjedana
Pa da vidimo ovu realizaciju i reakciju Amera.

Dopuna: 13 Dec 2018 13:47

Pompeo: SAD će kažnjavati svakoga tko krši protuiranske sankcije, uključno i EU
Igranka se ubrzava...

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9416

Жене у ирану у јавном превозу питају припадницу верске полиције или чега већ зашто морају да говоре смрт израелу, зашто не смрт исламској републици или смрт диктатору.

Како се полако али сигурно жене у Ирану ослобађају јарма сулудих закона.
Очигледно је да притисак попушта, чим се ово све више дешава без јачих последица, за разлику од СА где их и даље убијају и бичују и за најмање "грешке".
снимак -
Citat:How to resist in Iran:1)As a woman don’t get into morality police van.2)Shout for public help.3)Use your camera to film police violence.This is what I learn from MyCameraIsMyWeapon and it worked.Police let me go.

Мени се чини да су они слободни у Ирану и то добро, неће њих још дуго ти закони држати судећи по овим снимцима.
снимак -
Citat:This man from Iran's notorious Law Enforcement Unit (NAJA) harassed these two women for not wearing hijab. Listen to the way women resisted him and put him in his place. #MyCameraIsMyWeapon campaign has become the nightmare of Iran's oppressive regime.

Најгоре су ове жентураче што мисле да могу некога да натерају како ће да се облачи, то је ствар избора а не закона.

А видите ово лудило Mr. Green Заставе америке и израела испред улаза у универзитете и јавне установе како би их људи газили, неки прескачу.
Citat:I've received videos from inside Iran showing many students walking around the flags of US/Israel as they didn't want to trample on them. This video comes from Sanandaj(Iran)

Још један
снимак -
Citat:This video shows the Islamic Republic of Iran's failure in injecting an ideology of hatred into Iranians after 40 years. Students at this Iranian university refuse to step on American/Israeli flags the authorities painted at the entrance. These students are Iran's future.
Решење? повећати заставу како неби могли да је прескочите. Mr. Green
Citat:Islamic Republic lengthens an Israeli flag to stop students from jumping over.Silly solution.I received videos where many students refuse to step on Israeli/US flags

  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 3523

Први би ти студенти палили и Израел и УСА,па већ су то и радили пре 40 година...сад само то раде да пркосе власти...инат изгледа да нам је то заједничко Mr. Green

Ау што је ''notorius'' Bebee Dol полиција...па како их онда могу игнорисато Bebee Dol

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2830
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

US backtracks on Iran-focused conference in Poland after objections
Citat:European objections have forced the United States to backtrack on plans to stage a two-day conference in Poland focused on building a global coalition against Iran.
The conference is now being described as a wider brainstorming session about the Middle East.
But the joint official announcement of the summit did not mention Iran, instead highlighting issues connected with Iran – “terrorism and extremism, missile development and proliferation, maritime trade and security, and threats posed by proxy groups across the region”.

Promena plana u vezi konference u Varšavi, 12 i 13 februara. Umesto imena Iran njegov utjecaj i njegova podrška terorizmu, sada je ime "terorizam, ekstremizam, raketna tehnologija....". Evropljani se nisu slagali sa Amerima.
Citat:The Polish envoy to the UN, Joanna Wronecka, also said the ministerial conference in Warsaw would bring “added value to the efforts to peace in the Middle East by creating a positive vision to the region”. She said 70 countries all over the world had been invited but stressed the summit would address “a range of horizontal issues that touch on the whole region.
Poljska predstavnica u UN kaže, da je pozvano 70 zemalja i da je to doprinos miru na Bliskom istoku.
Citat:Poland’s deputy foreign affairs minister Maciej Lang travelled to Iran to reassure Tehran this week, and Poland on Wednesday said it may yet add Iran to the invitation list.
Poljski ministar je otišao u Teheran, da jih razumem u šta? Poljaci su izjavili da je moguće da pozovu i Iran. Zagrljaj

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