Chengdu J-10


Chengdu J-10

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101944

China may be making its fighters more stealthy
Citat: A photo has emerged of China’s J-10 fighter fitted with what is believed to be a thrust vectoring nozzle with stealthy features.
The photo, published by an unknown Chinese-language defense magazine, shows a Chengdu J-10C fighter flying with a modified exhaust nozzle for its indigenous Shenyang-Liming WS-10 Taihang turbofan engine.
The modifications to the aircraft, which is one of a small number of J-10s being used by the Chengdu Aerospace Corporation as flying testbeds, include sawtooth edges on the exhaust nozzles similar to that used by other low-observable aircraft to improve their rear aspect stealth characteristics.
The aircraft also has part of the bottom of its brake parachute housing, located on the base of its vertical fin, removed. This would allow its thrust vectoring nozzle to be rotated upwards and would allow thrust vectoring to be applied on both the vertical and horizontal planes.
Thrust vectoring, also known as thrust vector control or TVC, is the ability of an aircraft to manipulate the direction of the thrust from its engines in order to control the attitude or angular velocity of the vehicle, improving the maneuverability of the aircraft compared to solely using its control surfaces. TVC for improved maneuverability is already used on the Lockheed-Martin F-22 Raptor and Russia’s Sukhoi Su-30/35 Flanker family.


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  • Toni  Male
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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101944

China's fighter jet J-10C begins combat duty

Citat: China's new multi-role fighter jet J-10C began combat duty Monday, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) air force announced.
Equipped with an advanced avionics system and various airborne weapons, the domestically-developed fighter has airstrike capabilities within medium and close range and is capable of precisely striking land and maritime targets, the air force said in a statement.


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101944

Citat:Image of a J-10C assigned to the 131st Brigade and armed with PL-10 + PL-15 AAMs.
(via haohanfw & fyjs-forum)

  • Pridružio: 18 Apr 2018
  • Poruke: 166

djox ::^^^
China may be making its fighters more stealthy
Citat: A photo has emerged of China’s J-10 fighter fitted with what is believed to be a thrust vectoring nozzle with stealthy features.
The photo, published by an unknown Chinese-language defense magazine, shows a Chengdu J-10C fighter flying with a modified exhaust nozzle for its indigenous Shenyang-Liming WS-10 Taihang turbofan engine.
The modifications to the aircraft, which is one of a small number of J-10s being used by the Chengdu Aerospace Corporation as flying testbeds, include sawtooth edges on the exhaust nozzles similar to that used by other low-observable aircraft to improve their rear aspect stealth characteristics.
The aircraft also has part of the bottom of its brake parachute housing, located on the base of its vertical fin, removed. This would allow its thrust vectoring nozzle to be rotated upwards and would allow thrust vectoring to be applied on both the vertical and horizontal planes.
Thrust vectoring, also known as thrust vector control or TVC, is the ability of an aircraft to manipulate the direction of the thrust from its engines in order to control the attitude or angular velocity of the vehicle, improving the maneuverability of the aircraft compared to solely using its control surfaces. TVC for improved maneuverability is already used on the Lockheed-Martin F-22 Raptor and Russia’s Sukhoi Su-30/35 Flanker family.

Neke ispravke pre je pitanju J 10 B a TVC je testiran vec na J11 ali prvo put jedno motornom avionu sto znaci da imaju poverenje u motor WS 10 B dovoljno..A jos pre vise godina na zemlji ..Amerkanci su testirali slicno na F16 TVC 92 koji se onda pojavio na F22 98 god .Sa obzirom da je ovo drugo testiranje ocekivao bih kraci razmak do ugradjivanja u Kineske avione...Kinezi zaostaju u avio motorima ali sve manje .Ranije su kasnili 2 genaracije sada je to ipak samo pola generacije...Treba vremena da sustignu nesto tako komplesno samo saka zemalja prizvodi avio motore uopste bilo kakve a jedini u aziji imaju tu mogucnost.F 15 u svim varijintama ima manji potisak od kineskih motora I nema TVC ..Mislim da je problem sa ocekivanjima da ocekuju cudo odjednom.Kako fanovi tako I antifanovi..F 15 u zadnjim varijantama ostace jos dugo u sluzbi..WS 10 B je po potisku gotovo ravan onom onom na S35..I skroz je pouzdan nema zalbi koje su postojale za WS 10 A kada je izasao..Fall mu TCV da bi bio ravan S35 motorima ali on je blizu.Ne bih pre 2025 god ocekivao WS 15 operativan all onda ce Ruski motori 5 generacije biti pilici tek ..Na jednom avionu a kod Amerikanaca na dva sa puno aviona 4 generacije.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101944

Kinezi se spremaju za Aviadarts-2018

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101944

Stigli su u Rusiju

Citat:Авиагруппа ВВС Китая в Толмачёво при перелёте в Рязань на Авиадартс-2018.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31309

Citat:If I'm not mistaken then this is the first time a J-10C carries a KD-88 AGM ... at least for the first time confirmed.

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