домет у Скен моду 1800 км по хоризонту и 1200 км по висини.
Citat:In this episode of Combat Approved, the viewers will see the newest one-of-a-kind weapon. The combat portable air defense radar system Nebo M. As our film crew has found out, the radar is capable of detecting and targeting the Air Defense strikes against not only the enemy airplanes and helicopters, but even against the ballistic missiles and stealth-aircraft. To find out the limit of the combat radar’s abilities, the journalists of Combat Approved will set up an unprecedentedly difficult test. They’ll try to locate and target a tiny drone with the help of the radar. No other foreign radar of the same type is able to do that. In addition, Combat Approved will visit the classified production site of these machines and will find out why a radio electronic circuit board weighing just 10 grams costs like 18 ounces of gold. Moreover, for the first time on TV, we’ll show you the unique Niobium-SV radar. It’s a portable and small complex which is able to detect drones “on the go”, without additional settings.
Ukri prodaju jos amerima
United States has sign contract to buy radar system from Ukraine Citat:The chief designer of Ukraine’s Scientific and Production Complex Iskra has disclosed that the United States had recently signed a contract for a radar system.
Dmytro Semenov added that his company “have a successful experience of supplying radars to the United States.”
It has been reported that the United States had bought the 36D6 and 80K6 radars before.
http://alert5.com/2020/11/16/united-states-has-sig.....more-85581 http://opk.com.ua/маєм
Rostec / Rosoboroneksport krece u trzisnu promociju novog 2D metrasa oznake P-18-2 PRIMA.
Radi se o visoko mobilnom radaru sa shoot&scoot sposobnostima, sa vremenom rasklapanja i sklapanja od 5 minuta.
Svega 2 operatera, a sve funkcije nalaze se na jednom jedinom kamionu, u ovom slucaju URAL 8x8.
Prema zahtevu korisnika, agregat za napajanje aparature moze se promeniti odgovarajucim ino-proizvodjaca, sto vazi i za sam kamion formule 8x8 (dakle, moze i FAP 3240).
Radar se moze prikljuciti i na klasicnu trofaznu elektricnu mrezu 220V.
Domet radara P-18-2 PRIMA je 320km. Ugao elevacije je 45 stepeni.
Ovakav kakav je, radar P-18-2 PRIMA namenjen je korisnicima kojima je potrebno osmatranje i kontrola VaP-a (i anti-stelt) po pristupacnoj ceni - i kada je u pitanju sam radar i kada su u pitanju prateci elementi (vozilo, agregati, opremljeno ljudstvo, lakoca odrzavanja). Dakle - Afrika, Bliski Istok, Jugoistocna Azija.
Већ познати серијал ТВ Звезда: "Военная Приемка". У овој епизоди нам говоре уопштено о њиховом ПВО систему. Кроз читаву емисију се осврћу на рат у Карабаху. Говоре како Барјактари, Халоп и други дронови или слични системи немају шансе против добро организованог руског ПВО система.
Jeste da nije situacija ni blizu Jermenske i razlog je naravno višestrukost u boljoj opremi svih vrsta ali ....
Ali najveća vrednost je nađena u tome što je kod Rusa skoro pa obavezna tercijalna obrada, tercijalna obrada se pokazala kao glavni faktor odnosno ASURI sistemi koje Rusi imaju relativno mnogo i KIS-evi su im uvezani itd.....
Ali zađi malo po ruskim forumima ako već nemaš nikoga direktno pa vidi kakve se sve očajničke mere postupci i rešaenja razmatraju ...
Russia’s Nebo-M radars can detect F-22, F-35 warplanes — developer Citat:Nebo-M can detect aircraft and ballistic missiles at a distance of one thousand kilometers