Vazduhoplovno bombardersko naoruzanje


Vazduhoplovno bombardersko naoruzanje

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 98542

Sudanci izlazu u Bahreinu na BIAS-2016
Citat:Sudanese designed aerial weaponry on display at BIAS 2016, including the Burkan precision-guided bomb.

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  • Toni  Male
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Nove bombe od Izraela, MPR serija, pored 500 sada imaju i 1000 i 2000, sa programiranim upaljacima.

Citat:Israel Military Industries (IMI) has developed two new versions of its MPR series of air-to-ground bombs and is working on a third, company sources have told IHS Jane's .

The MPR-500 bomb is already in service with the Israeli Air Force (IAF) and was used during Operation 'Protective Edge' against militants in the Gaza Strip in 2014.

IMI has now developed the heavier MPR-1000 and MPR-2000 munitions, while work on the lighter MPR-250 is at an advanced research and development stage, according to the sources.

The MPR family has the same form and weight as the standard MK 80 series of general-purpose bombs, so are compatible with a wide range of aircraft and guidance kits.

However, the Israeli bombs have a smaller lethal radius than the original MK 80 series, as well as increased penetration capabilities.

IMI says the MPR-500 has a maximum fragmentation risk range of 60-100 m and can penetrate more than 100 cm of reinforced concrete at an 80° angle.

Performance testing of the heavier versions has not been completed as yet, but an IMI source said the MPR-1000 can penetrate "significantly more than 1.5 m of concrete" while the MPR-2000 has "displayed capabilities that are significantly beyond those originally planned".

The source said precise figures will be released after all the testing is completed.

The MPR-500 enables the IAF "to strike as close as possible to our [ground] forces [and] go through four ceilings in a straight line" before a delayed fuse is activated, if the pilot chooses to use this option, one source said. "In addition to operational flexibility, they decrease risk to non-combatants: a goal the air force has told us is paramount."

"We built these bombs out of strong composite material instead of steel. We strengthened the fuse box significantly. They travel at 350 m/s [when dropped from high altitude], and they can dig before destroying a target completely," the source added.

  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
  • Poruke: 2260

Deo teksta o SPICE-250, na:

Citat: Rafael’s Spice-250 guided bomb, now in its final stages of development, will allow fighters to perform accurate standoff launch-and-leave attacks against an unprecedented number of targets. Coupled with the company’s new Litening 5 targeting pod, it gives the fighter the ability to designate its own targets well beyond effective laser range.

These are two of a number of weapons and systems that constitute new-technology reconnaissance-strike complexes emerging from Israel’s combat experience and intended to attack hard-to-find targets with minimal collateral damage. Spice-250, for instance, has an 80-kg (176-lb.) warhead, while Israel Aerospace Industries’ Harop loitering weapon—in full production for the Israel Defense Forces and for export—carries a 15-kg lethal payload.

In the 250-lb. class, Spice-250 is somewhat similar in mission and size to the Raytheon Small-Diameter Bomb Increment 2 but has a proven guidance technique, already in service on the larger Spice-1000 and -2000, that is different in principle and dispenses with an active radar. It is an electro-optical scene-matching system, using a dual-band (daylight and infrared) sensor, and its distinguishing feature is that it does not aim at the pixel containing the target or use geographical coordinates.

Instead, the system is programmed before launch with a set of images of points surrounding the target, derived from satellite or airborne imagery and converted into a map with the aid of a terrain database. The guidance algorithm then locates the target by reference to the relative position of those images. According to Rafael engineers, this approach has several advantages.

The target itself may be camouflaged, but the guidance system can select high-contrast points around it. The system will store more points than it needs for accurate target engagement, so that even if the target or some of the aimpoints are obscured by cloud or smoke, the target can still be hit. Because the guidance system focuses on specific points in the target scene, it is not confused by extraneous changes in the picture. “We can live with a 50% change in the scene, because we’re not looking at the target,” a Rafael engineer observes.

Rafael claims a 1.5-meter (5-ft.) circular error probability, independent of range—Spice-250 will glide as far as 100 km (62 mi.)—and notes that the image-based guidance system does not require the capability to georeference satellite navigation signals, a capacity not all nations possess. A key requirement for the Spice family was independence from GPS or other satellite navigation systems, because these were considered likely to be jammed or otherwise unavailable in a conflict.
Rounding out the Spice-250 guidance system’s modes are semiactive laser homing—if a designation source is available—and a two-way data link that provides damage assessment, a moving-target capability outside laser range, and the ability to abort an attack (for example, to avoid collateral damage if noncombatants enter the target area during an engagement). The weapon is designed for use with a four-round Smart Quad Rack that includes the mission planning processor and data link, with front and rear antennas for 360-deg. coverage. An F-16 can carry 16 weapons, and an F-15I can carry seven racks and 28 rounds, creating what Rafael calls “mass precision” capability.

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 98542

Kinezi nude...
China offers latest FT-series precision-guided bombs for export
Citat:With the release of the improved FT-3A, FT-6A, and FT-7 variants earlier this year, Aerospace Long-March International Trade Co Ltd (ALIT), an intermediary subsidiary of the China Aerospace Science & Technology Corporation (CASC), is now promoting the complete Fei Teng (FT) series of precision-guided bombs (PGBs) to the international market.
Developed by the CASC China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT), the CALT/CASC FT-1 and FT-3 precision-guided bombs (PGBs) were first exhibited in November 2006 at the Zhuhai Airshow in China.
Since then the FT family has expanded to include additional FT-2, FT-5, FT-6, FT-9, FT-10, and FT-12 designs now ranging in size from about 25 kg to 1,000 kg. These are arguably in direct competition with the Lei Shi-6 (LS-6) series PGBs developed by the Luoyang Optoelectro Technology Development Center (LOEC), part of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).


  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 98542

Citat:Двигуни "Мотор-Січ" для ракет

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Argentinke od 125kg na četvorostrukom nosaču

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 98542

Libijska vazduhoplovna baza Bengazi
Citat:French 250kg and 400kg SAMP bombs at Benghazi airbase

  • lacko  Male
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Malo rusa u akciji live Mr. Green

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28592
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 98542

Turci pazare
Two Share $683M Order for BLU-109 Bombs for Turkey

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