- Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 1548
Ruska armija neće naručivati BTR90 vrlo opširan tekst koji malo šire objašnjava zašto se konkretni BTR neće naručivati,malo o generalnoj doktrini koja je zauzeta kada je u pitanju nabavka novog orudja za rusku armiju, malo o standardu ruskih oficira, sve u svemu ako budu istrajali u ovome što piše u tekstu ,to bi bila prekretnica u ruskoj filozofiji naoružavanja, markantni deo teksta "Kalašnjikov, je automat koji je potreban u velikom broju za slabo obučene i isiromašne armije sveta, ruskoj armiji takav automat više nije potreban u broju(7 miliona .kom) u kome ga sada poseduje, a o novim nabavkama nema govora...sličan je slučaj i sa BTR80 tj. tako da nema potrebe da naračujemo "modernizovani" BTR90"
Ministry of Defence has no plans in the state armaments program through 2020 to buy the latest BTR-90 "germ." Their mass production planned to begin in 2011. Now one of the best armored infantry support developed in recent years, can not be sold even for export. Nobody will buy equipment from which the chief refused by the customer.
"Unfortunately, the fate of the APC was formed sad. It so happened that the Defense Ministry was replaced by another guide in charge of arms and military equipment, which decided that we have developed the Army BTR-90 is not needed. Any foreign client in the first place, wondered whether the proposed model adopted for the sale of weapons in the national army.
If not, the export prospects of such a weapon model are minimal. So our BTR-90 is unlikely to export, "- said in passing in Moscow international exhibition" Interpolitech 2011 "CEO of the Military-Industrial Company (MIC), Dmitry Galkin.
The decision to abandon the new BTR-90 is in the mainstream of politics Defense to optimize procurement of arms and military equipment under the State program of arms in 2020.
At the request of the Ministry of Finance to reduce military state defense order for 2012 th and 2013 at 100 billion, while preserving the general parameters of state armaments program through 2020. Savings needed to implement the social program of the military departments - to improve the January 1, 2012 wages for servicemen. As a result, instead of the current lieutenant will receive 15 thousand 50 thousand rubles. And given the various allowances - all of 80-100 thousand rubles a month.
Explaining the possibility of impending curtailment, Anatoly Serdyukov said that initially "the entire government program worth 28.7 trillion rubles. Now - 20 trillion. Our task - to find ways to reduce the cost of military goods and thus to keep the number of units purchased. " The minister assured that you can save and the fact that the army should not just buy "new weapons", but fundamentally different from what is now in service with the army.
"A few months ago, met with the designer T-90 tanks. And he tells me that he was going in the development of fundamentally new machine to take the 60% reserve on the previous one. Well, we closed the project. Why do we need a tank? We would rather invest 30-40 million per year in the modernization of old cars and T-72 T-80, thus bringing them to the characteristics of the T-90 than to buy a lot of money is the same, but the newer, "- said Serdyukov.
For comparison, the new T-90 is worth 118 million rubles.
According to the Minister, the Defence adequate supply of arms and military equipment, and other military equipment, not to buy that anyhow. The same tank - 10 thousand. So before a fundamentally new machines could fight and these. The more the value of this fighting machine in the modern military conflict is not so obvious.
BTR-90 "germ," as the T-90 and Kalashnikov assault rifle (a Defense Ministry arsenals of their 7 million units in the million-strong army), just victims of this policy. According to military and T-90 only "17th" modification of the Soviet T-72 produced since 1973. Also, do not meet the military requirements for main battle tanks.
The Kalashnikov rifle is needed for the massive, poorly trained armies. In the course of the Russian Armed Forces in the numerical reduction and professionalism of soldiers and sergeants positions such weapons are not needed.
"Germ" is not much different from its predecessor, the BTR-80, standing in service. Such machines in the armed forces tens of thousands.
As a manufacturer of the main advantages of the BTR-90 - Arzamas Engineering Plant - gives evidence that a new machine for highest: the patency (all-wheel drive, independent suspension, low ground pressure), mobility (high speed on the highway, cross-country , fording the run), flexibility (small turning radius and the possibility of moving forward and backwards at the same speed), survivability (the ability of motion even when the damage to four tires, bullet-proof tires).
Significantly improved mine protection. Bottom of the car has a V-shaped, more resistant to shock than conventional flat. The fighting compartment is stabilized in two planes. This allows you to fire on the move over rough terrain. Despite the fact that the BTR-90 is heavier and larger in comparison with the BTR-80, it is much more maneuverable of their predecessors. Thus, the machine can turn on a dime, it is possible due to the rotation of wheels of different sides in opposite directions like a tank.
A distinctive feature of the machine was a high level of protection compared with the BTR-80. The frontal armor BTR-90 is able to resist the action of armor-piercing projectiles caliber automatic guns and 30 mm inclusive. Airborne Corps and aft projections protect the crew, systems, components and assemblies from the fire from small arms up to 12.7 mm. BTR-90 is equipped with automatic fire suppression systems, collective protection against weapons of mass destruction, on-board information and control system and landing gear system of topographical orientation, "Throne-1."
However, all these advantages - no more than the modernizing potential of the same BTR-80. Nothing fundamentally new developers do not offer. That is, as in the case of T-90 military just get the same product, but in new packaging.
In this situation, the decision to abandon bulk purchasing BTR-90 is quite logical. Especially in the same state armaments program is likely spelled upgrading existing BTR-80. In the framework of which they "magically" turn into, say, the BTR-80M (modernized).
This version also spoke Dmitry Galkin himself, saying that the Military-Industrial Company does not consider it wasted huge sums on the development of the BTR-90.
"The fact that many design ideas and inputs applied to the BTR-90, is now moving to a new military platform that will form the basis for heavy military equipment for our Army," - he said.