NEXTER Group je nedavno predstavio novi RCWS sa oznakom ARX 30.
U osnovi, radi se o topu 30M781 koji koristi municiju 30x113mm, a razvijen je za upotrebu na borbenom helikopteru Tigar.
Interesantno je da tvrde da ceo RCWS tezi oko 350-400Kg.
Moze da koristi i programabilnu air-burst municiju, sto ga preporucuje za upotrebu protiv dronova.
Kapacitet od 100 do malo ispod 200 metaka (180-190?), zavisno od verzije.
Video od 04:10, pa nadalje:
Citat:Many of the building blocks were already in house when the programme was launched. The main one is certainly the 30M781 cannon, which equips Airbus’ Tiger combat helicopter. “On board that helicopter the cannon is powered with a 110V/400 Hz, so the main difference is that for the land application we adopted a 24V DC power supply,” Olivier Lequeux explains. Although the recoil force is higher compared to that of the 20 mm cannon, 650 daN versus 250 daN, strengthening the ARX 20 mounting frame proved to be sufficient. As the weight is not very dissimilar, actuators remained the same. Leveraging the work done on previous systems allowed Nexter to carry out a rapid development programme, “the system has already fired successfully, but it is not yet qualified,” the company Turret Marketing Director underlines. In terms of weight the ARX 20 is rated at 250-350 kg, depending on protection level and number of rounds, the ARX 30 adding only 50 extra kilograms to those figures. On the ARX 20 the ammo magazine can contain between 100 and 200 rounds, a minimum of 100 being also the possible choice for the 30 mm system, the maximum number of rounds will probably be slightly lower.
Slika 7.62x54 sa vidre .
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Ovim principom bi se mogao i 12.7 spregnuti ? Uz naravno odgovarajuci nisan/ kameru . Ovo moze biti zgodno za kupole sa jednim clanom.( BMP 1) .
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