Novi Srpski PO sistem ALAS "Mini Polypheme"


Novi Srpski PO sistem ALAS "Mini Polypheme"

  • Pridružio: 01 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 731

Pri nedavnoj poseti ministra Julina Teleoptiku mogao se uočiti veći broj GSN u sivoplavoj boji (nije ona bela opitna) za Alasa to bi trebalo da znači da je počela serijska proizvodnja. Kada se uzme u obzir informacija da Teleoptik ima potpisane ugovore za 2018 u iznosu od 10 mil.$ to bi trebalo da odgovara početku plasmana raketa Alas za UAE.

Na ovoj slici vidimo 4 GSN spremne u transportnoj kutiji sa oznakama IIR-HH175 što bi trebalo da označava da je u pitanju infracrveni senzor za GSN popr. preseka 175mm što odgovara Alasu.

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Dobar izbor novih mašina za mašinsku obradu HAAS ali ja sam se nadao nekoj opremi za obradu optičkog stakla...

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  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28780
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Bahuss ::Na ovoj slici vidimo 4 GSN spremne u transportnoj kutiji sa oznakama IIR-HH175 što bi trebalo da označava da je u pitanju infracrveni senzor za GSN popr. preseka 175mm što odgovara Alasu.

IIR (imaging infrared), tj praćenje slike u IC pojasu. Bilo bi dobro kada bi ovaj kardanski žiroskop smanjili za upotrebu na raketama 140 i 120mm.

  • Pridružio: 01 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 731

Док чекамо неке нове информације ево и мало слика

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31304

The Army Eyes Getting Into The Ship Killing Business With This Cruise Missile
The service long neglected land-based anti-ship weapons, but its rushing to fill the gap as threats emerge, especially in the Pacific.

Citat:In November 2017, the Army also expressed an interest in buying the Serbian Advanced Light Attack System’s coastal defense variant, or ALAS-C, though it’s not clear whether those purchases would be for its own use or for foreign military sales. In 2013, the United Arab Emirates announced their intention to team up with the manufacturer EDePro, by way of the Serbia’s state-run Yugoimport SDPR arms broker, to build a light truck-mounted launcher using the 6x6 Nimr chassis.

ALAS-C is wire-guided, but has an impressive range for a missile of this type, able to hit targets between 15 and 30 miles away. It has a man-in-the-loop guidance system where an actual operator steers it on its target in the terminal phase by way of an infrared camera in the weapon’s nose.

The Israelis have been pioneers of this concept, which improves the accuracy, especially against moving targets and gives an actual person the ability to abort the attack very late in the missile’s flight in case of concerns about collateral damage or civilian casualties. ALAS at its core is actually very similar to Israel's Spike-ER anti-tank missile, but has considerably greater range.

If the Army did procure ALAS-C or a system like it, though it has relatively small warhead, it would offer another way of destroying smaller boats or landing craft. This level of anti-ship system could be useful for defending against more limited threats in constrained waterways, such as Russian missile-armed corvettes in the Baltic Sea or Black Sea or small Iranian watercraft and mining ships in the Strait of Hormuz.

With a combination of NSM, anti-ship ATACMS or new Deep Strike missiles, and a short-range system such as ALAS-C, the Army could field a tiered, mobile anti-ship defense system that can engage a variety of different maritime threats. These systems could offer defense in depth at existing locations or the option of rapidly deploying the most appropriate weapon in case of a particular contingency.

ALAS-C Missiles and Launcher
Solicitation Number: W15QKN-18-X-00V5
Agency: Department of the Army
Office: Army Contracting Command
Location: ACC - NJ (W15QKN)

Citat:Description: The U.S. Army Contracting Command - New Jersey (ACC-NJ), on behalf of the Office of the Project Manager Maneuver Ammunition Systems (PM-MAS) and the Product Director - Non Standard Ammunition (PD-NSA), located at Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000, intends to issue a request for proposal (RFP) to current Non Standard Ammunition Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract holders for the addition of the Serbian Advanced Light Attack System - Coastal Defense (ALAS-C) system inclusive of the firing platform (light weight vehicle with launcher) and long-range multipurpose wire guided missiles.

The ALAS-C is a highly effective missile system effective in missions to incapacitate targets within a range of 25 km, with potential to extend the range to 60 km. Characteristics of the ALAS-C guided missile are as follows: Penetration: more than 600mm Rolled Homogeneous Armor (RHA), Length: 3.4 meters, Diameter: 175 mm, Wingspan: 1.2 m. The ALAS-C is at first propelled with the aid of solid rocket engine and then a turbojet engine is activated. The guidance system is an Internal Navigation System (INS) or optional GPS with manual override; fiber optic.

Background: On 7 August 2017 ACC-NJ issued four (4), Five (5) year IDIQ contracts for Non Standard Ammunition, Ammunition Related Items, and Non Standard Mortar Weapon Systems on a Firm Fixed Price (FFP) basis. The IDIQ contract holders consist of the following awardees:

UDC USA, INC., Tampa, FL

The Government's intent is to add the ALAS-C launching system and guided missiles to the contract item list on the IDIQ contract via an in scope modification as the ALAS-C are within the Non Standard family of ammunition. This notice of intent is not a request for competitive quotations. There will be no solicitation posted to for competitive quotes.

SUBMISSION INFORMATION: All interested parties, including those outside of the above mentioned IDIQ, should submit a general description, along with their capabilities to provide the complete ALAS-C launching system as well as additional guided missiles. Respondents are also requested to provide the following: (1.) Planned source of supply (2.) Suppliers planned monthly production rates to include lead times for delivery and (3.) Rough Order of Magnitude for a quantity range of 2-4 complete ALAS-C launching systems and a quantity range of 40-60 Missiles.

This information is requested to be submitted to Melissa Ardis via email at This is not a pre-solicitation notice. *Please note: this announcement is for information and planning purposes only, does not constitute a pre-solicitation notice, and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government. THIS IS NOT A SOLICITATION AND DOES NOT OBLIGATE THE GOVERNMENT TO ISSUE A SOLICITATION. Please be advised that the Government will not pay for any information submitted under/in relation to this announcement. If a formal solicitation is generated at a later date, a solicitation notice will be published.

  • boyce 
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 1070

Ovo bi bilo već nešto... Shocked

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28780
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Ovo bi bile dobre pare.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31304

Znaci 2-4 mesecno sa 40-60 raketa aako sam razumeo tacku 2 i 3, jer malo je nedoreceno ? Kolicina je ideja...nista zvanicno

  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 233

Na aktuelnoj stranici Vreme-na pise da taj projekt ne ide kako treba.
Da li zna neko nesto vise o tome?

(Pristup celom clanku je ogranicen pretplatom!)

Profit napred, ostali stoj

Kako "Vreme" saznaje, razvoj rakete "Alas" za Ujedinjene Arapske Emirate započet 2013. nije završen, niti se zna kada će biti. Emirati su dali avans od 30 miliona dolara i obezbedili se bankarskom garancijom, a na ovom projektu zajedno rade SDPR i privatna firma EdePro. Prema našem izvoru, naručioci hoće da raskinu ugovor – u tom slučaju moguće je aktiviranje bankarske garancije, ali i opcija da firma Earth iz UAE preuzme EdePro. A "Alas" je najavljen kao projekat koji će oživeti zemunski Teleoptik žiroskopi i u koji je Srbija investirala 6,9 miliona evra...

  • Pridružio: 08 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 404
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

На интернету се може наћи и комплетан чланак.


  • Pridružio: 07 Apr 2012
  • Poruke: 1483
  • Gde živiš: Iznad zvijezda

Kolko ja shvaćam ono boldovano je za sve zainteresirane koji misle da bi mogli da proizvode ALAS i rakete.
1 Da navedu izvor snabdjevanja. (Dobavljači predposavljam potrebnih komponenti)) 2 Koliko (Potrebnih komponenati predposavljam)) mogu njihovi dobavljači da proizvedu i isporuče za mjesec dana. 3. Kolko im (njima kao proizvođaču) treba od prilike vremena da isporuče 2 do 4 kompletna lanserna vozila i 40 do 60 raketa ukoliko dođe do veće naruđžbe

SUBMISSION INFORMATION: All interested parties, including those outside of the above mentioned IDIQ, should submit a general description, along with their capabilities to provide the complete ALAS-C launching system as well as additional guided missiles. Respondents are also requested to provide the following: (1.) Planned source of supply (2.) Suppliers planned monthly production rates to include lead times for delivery and (3.) Rough Order of Magnitude for a quantity range of 2-4 complete ALAS-C launching systems and a quantity range of 40-60 Missiles.

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