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One new explosive fill proposed for this purpose is LX-19. This is a PBX containing the explosive CL-20 (Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane) and the binder Estane. The ratios of CL-20 and Estane are 95.8 per cent and 4.2 per cent respectively, the same as for HMX and Estane in the explosive LX-14. LX-19 gives deeper penetration through improvements in jet length and jet velocity but it is slightly more sensitive than LX-14.
RUAG's Bulgarian partner VMZ. The Malyutka 2000 has a 2.8 kg warhead incorporating a compact main charge with a length-to-diameter ratio of 1 and a copper liner produced using RUAG's flow-turning process. Its diameter is 120 mm and its nominal penetration capability exceeds 10 CD. The Malyutka 2000's warhead is credited with a main-charge penetration capability of "at least 850 mm" of RHA behind second-generation ERA arrays.
RUAG's compact 146 mm PBXW-11 filled warhead consists of an aluminium alloy case with a Mo elliptical shaped liner. Its PBXW-11 filling is a relatively insensitive pressed plastic bonded explosive (PBX) containing HMX. The warhead has a central detonator well, the detonation wave being directed to the periphery of the charge via RUAG's waveshaper material PEGAB (PolyEster with GlAssBubbles). In a series of radiographic tests, the jet tip velocity (Vtip) reached around 11.5 km/s, achieved through a combination of the liner shape, its thickness, initiation mode and material. The Mo liner, although difficult to fabricate, more costly and having a lower dynamic ductility, has a higher bulk speed of sound which allows for a higher liner collapse velocity and hence jet velocity. Penetration is also improved as Mo possesses a higher density in comparison to copper, 10,280 to 8,920 kg/m3. For the demonstrations at RUAG's range in May (2005), the warhead was placed at 5.5 cone-diameters (CD) from a target array consisting of 22, 80 mm-thick RHA plates. The detonation of the charge resulted in the perforation of 17 plates and the lodging of the jet remnants some distance into number 18, an approximate penetration of some 10 cone diameters (1.45 m), with the average hole diameter through the plates by approximately 20 mm.
Očito da je RUAG učinio sve što se može da u tom relativno malom kalibru i skučenom prostoru nabrije bojevu glavu maljutke na zavidan nivo.
Ako uzmemo u obzir i to da su u nosu bugarkinje mrdalice sa Fagota onda imamo zaista solidnu raketu koja i sa tako slabašnim motorom kao što je maljutkin može to nagurati na sigurnih 150-18o m/s, e sad ima tu nekoliko malih problema i dilema.
Mrdalice zahtijevaju neku struju za pogon , a ta struja je veće od one koja može proći kroz kabal od bazne stanice do rakete , znači u raketi se mora naći prostora za termalnu bateriju .
Ako raketa ima u sebi termalnu bateriju onda je logično da se za prijenos komandi iskoristi optički kabal koji je lakši jer je jednožilni i od stakla , koje je puno lakše od bakra i čelika .
Ako se komanda šalje optičkim kablom onda je to neka kodirana veza i za njeno dekodiranje mora biti neka elektronika u raketi, a znamo da maljutka osim par dioda nema ništa drugo u sebi.
Sva ta elektronika u baznoj stanici i raketi nema smisla ako raketa nije u nekoj automatskoj fazi leta , a za to treba traser od maljutke ili neka LED bljeskalica kao na Bumbaru..
Eto u pet minuta sam nakitio brdo problema koje netko treba isfinancirati i na kraju naći kupca za to , zato je to ostalo na nivou nekog doktorata ili istraživačke teme za neku novu i bolju raketu.