F-35's French rival pitches 'Canadianized' fighter jet
Citat:Dassault Aviation of France is making an aggressive bid to sideline the F-35 and to sell its own jet fighter to Canada, offering to transfer technology, create jobs and share billions of dollars in business if Canada buys its Rafale fighter to replace its outdated fleet of CF-18s.
Trenutno dezuraju ameri sa F-15C/D iz Lakenheath,njihova je rotacija,a sto se tice francuza
ponuda je za 2 Rafale, 2 Mirage 2000-5F i jedan avaks E-3 Sentry.
Jedinica iz koje bi trebalo da stignu je -Groupe de Chasse 1/2 Cigognes.
Ali moze da bude i iz neke druge,ovo je nezvanicno za sada.
Citat:French air force Rafale B two-seat fighters have carried out their first long-distance force projection exercise, flying a 10.5-hour mission to Indian Ocean island of La Reunion.