Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II


Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Svinjce u Slovackoj

Citat:Members of the U.S. and Slovak armed forces hold a memorial service for Slovakian war hero, Capt. Edward Baranski, during Operation Atlantic Resolve at Sliač Air Base, Slovakia, July 15, 2016. The memorial included static displayed aircraft, as well as a flyover of two A-10C Thunderbolt IIs and a MiG-29 aircraft

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Jos se na da...
Government report: USAF lacks info to back A-10 retirement
Citat:The Government Accountability Office released a 24 August report stating the USAF does not have enough information to support an A-10 divestment. The GAO report criticises the Air Force’s recent A-10 retirement plan, which would postpone full divestment until 2022. While that plan could mitigate some near-term capacity gaps, the service has not considered the consequences of retiring the A-10 before its expected service life and has not outlined the risks of divestment, the report states.
Arrow https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/governm.....ti-428787/

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Dislokacija vazduhoplova zbog uragana "Matthew"

Citat:Эвакуация тридцати штурмовиков ВВС США A-10C Thunderbolt II с авиабазы Tyndall в штате Флорида на базу Moody в штате Джорджия, в связи с надвигающммся ураганом "Мэтью", 6 октября 2016 года

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31317

Citat:The latest budget blueprint has the Air Force beginning to stand down Warthog squadrons in fiscal 2018, with the last aircraft heading to the boneyard in the early 2020s. But the Air Force recently signaled it may once again postpone plans to sunset the A-10, with Secretary Deborah Lee James telling Aviation Week in a recent interview that the air arm is considering keeping the jets in inventory longer than planned.

If this happens, AFMC will be ready. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center’s A-10 division at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, does most of the maintenance and repair work on the Air Force’s fleet of 283 A-10s, and has drastically improved sustainment over the last year, Pawlikowski said. The A-10s flew nearly 87,000 flight hours worldwide in fiscal 2015, at an aircraft availability rate of 67.9%—a 5% gain over the previous year.

Among other upgrades, the Air Force is currently rewinging the current fleet of Warthogs under a $2 billion contract awarded to Boeing in 2007 that was originally intended to keep the jets flying until 2028. The depots are seeing some corrosion in the fleet, but that is to be expected in all aging aircraft, Pawlikowski said.


  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9450

Старији снимак.

Од 3:35 на даље. Колико пута је прелетео...

  • Pomorac
  • Pridružio: 11 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 375
  • Gde živiš: Split

USAF keeping A-10s until 2021, eyeing future 'family of systems' approach


  • povjesničar, pedagog
  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 2289
  • Gde živiš: Rijeka

nisam vidio da je bilo, uglavnom kažu ameri da prave novi a-10

izvori warisboring i vestinet

Citat:The Machete, which is still just a concept, would come in two variants optimized for close air support — the propeller-driven SM-27 and the jet-propelled SM-28. Stavatti has proposed other variants of the Machete for air-to-air combat and advanced training.

umjetno viđenje

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31317

To su fotoshop gluposti stavati aerospace koji postoji 20 godina i "nudi" te koncepte. U stvarnosti nikada nista napravili nisu, jer realno ni nepostoje kao firma, obicna prevara da nekog nasankaju da da pare.

David Axe jeste ovako budala ali ipak kaze u clanku o cemu se radi

A smece sa Vestinet nije za komentarisanje, suvise je glupo. Danasnje internet-portal-farma novinarstvo.

  • povjesničar, pedagog
  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 2289
  • Gde živiš: Rijeka

ljudi u nedostatku odnosno zabrani pisanja pravih i potrebnih vijesti pišu gluposti (na kvadrat)

u strahu su velike oči pogotovo kad vide su-27 (su-35) i mig-29 (mig-35) kako napreduju a oni imaju problema sa onim novih f-35

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102019

Ameri na vezbi Beverly Herd 17-1


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