Let L410 Turbolet


Let L410 Turbolet

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23403
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Не види се где је слетео.

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Napisano: 09 Sep 2014 13:56

Još uvek je u vazduhu na oko 4,000m.

Dopuna: 10 Sep 2014 15:52

Povratak nazad

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23403
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Добра фото репортажа.


  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24240

Evo i naoruzanog ...sa lanserom NRZ UB-16-57

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23403
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Имамо ли негде инфо да је ово оперативно?

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24240


Samo sam vas cekao ... Mr. Green

Ma to je obicna sala zile .. evo i komentara Smile

Citat:I'll kick it off with this, which I saw this past weekend at the season opening of the Kunovice Air Museum:

It was done as a joke by a flight school, but it's seriously cool all the same.

Considering how the main gears of the Turbolet retract, that is exactly where you don't want rocket pods to be if you want to keep the tires intact and usefull for landing.

However, the ground clearance certainly shows potential fitting for some gun pods or bombs.

If you put a pair of gun pods on an L-410 rigged out for skydivers, you could concievably insert a special forces group and have the potential to give them some degree of covering fire.

As the Turbolet's wings are also strong enough to carry tip tanks, a couple of pylons under each wing for rocket pods in conjunction with gun pods on the fuselage would make a nice light coastal patroler.

Removing the big skydiving door at the rear would also give you a place to put a manned gun station.

i 2 interesantne slike


Arrow http://beyondthesprues.com/Forum/index.php?topic=4285.0

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23403
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Тако сам и мислио. А и види се да ово није слика са неког оперативног аеродрома.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24240


Mozda bi mogao ispod krila ponesto da podvesava recimo upravo onaj lanser ,neku bombicu, topovski kontejner i slicno ..

L-410UVP/UVP-E, 1979/1985

A reliable, economical and versatile aircraft boasting a full IFR and de-icing equipment. L-410 is in service world-wide thanks to its low cost operation and maintenance, excellent hot and high capabilities, a large passenger/cargo cabin. The sturdy landing gear and the low pressure tyres enable the L-410 to operate efficiently even on most hazardous surfaces. Of particular interest are its climbing speed and power-to-weight ratio making the L-410UVP-E an aircraft of choice for parachuting centers, especially for high altitude (from 4000 m) sky-diving. UVP is a STOL version and UVP-E its re-motorized update, mostly sought for.

Arrow http://www.aero-concept.com/fiches/410.html

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24240

Kad smo vec kod muzeja vazduhoplovstva u Kunovicama a vezano za L410 evo jos nekih detalja ...

Citat:I recently made a visit to the Kunovice Air Museum in the south east of the Czech Republic. It's not the easiest of museums to get to, but it does contain some unique machines that you won't see elsewhere.

The main focus of this museum is aircraft and activities of the Let aircraft company which is headquartered at Kunovice. That means there's a fair bit of civilian stuff with some military thrown in.

The museum has one complete and two partially complete Let L-610 aircraft. The L-610 was intended as a replacement for the Let L-410 Turbolet, but the fall of Socialism among other things all but put paid to the project. Eight complete airframes had been made before the project was cancelled.

This is the fifth L-610 prototype and one of only two complete examples remaining anywhere of an L-610 that actually flew:

Citat:This incomplete L-610 bears partial Aeroflot markings. A requirement by Aeroflot is what brought the L-610 into existence and the fall of Socialism caused the airline to pull out as the project's launch customer.

Citat:At Kunovice you will also see the XL-410 Turbolet, the prototype of Let's signature L-410 Turbolet regional transport:

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24240

Citat:Модификации Л-410.
XL-410 - первый прототип.
L-410 - предсерийный. Отличался двигателями PT6A-27 мощностью 715 э.л.с
L-410 A - первый серийный вариант. Отличался двигателями PT6A-27.
L-410 AS - грузопассажирский.
L-410 AB - уникальный самолёт, 4-х лопастной в/в, двигатель: PT6А-27.
L-410 AG - использовался для сертификационных испытаний.
L-410 AF - фоторазведчик на базе L-410A. Отличался застеклённым носом, фотокамерами.
L-410 FG - фоторазведчик.
L-410 M - с двигателями M-610A мощностью 700 э.л.с.
L-410 MA - с двигателями M-610B мощностью 760 э.л.с.
L-410 MU - с автоматом коррекции крена и курса.
L-410 UVP - модернизированный (укороченного взлёта и посадки). Отличался удлинённым на 0,86 м фюзеляжем, крылом увеличенного на 2 м размаха, килем увеличенной площади, двигателями M-610B (с 1983 года M-610D с винтом V-508D).
L-410 UVP-S - "салон". Отличался пассажирским салоном на 8 мест.
L-410 UVP-T - транспортный.
L-410 UVP-X0
L-410UVP-E - доработанный (экономический). Отличался двигателями M-610E с пятилопастными воздушными винтами V-510, усиленным крылом, возможностью установки 2 топливных баков по 200 л на концах крыла, компоновкой пасажирского салона на 19 мест.
L-410 UVP-E3 - транспортно-десантный. Отличался большой грузовой дверью и резиновой накладкой на левом борту в хвостовой части фюзеляжа.

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