FEL (free electron laser) je ono za čime svi tragaju. Raytheon najavljuje FEL od 100 kW 2018. godine, a svi ostali važni igrači rade na njemu. Čitao sam nekad lani raspravu stručnjaka, trebao bi, po njima, biti idealno rješenje za short and medium range air defence....jednom kada ga naprave mogao bi skidati bi sa neba sve na daljinama do 40 km. Jbg, zaboravio sam memorisati link gdje se raspravljalo tome.
Nemačka firma Rheinmetall testira kombinovani PVO C-RAM Mantis kome je dodan laser za obaranje ciljeva malih gabarita. Veće ciljeve još će uvek trebati obarati AHEAD projektilima.
Lockheed Martinov laserski sistem ADAM obara Kasam raketu.
Sta bi ovo moglo da bude ? Jel ovo neko PVO oruzje na bazi lasera a na sasiji MAZ ?
Citat:Left: Almaz high power laser beam director optical turret mounted on a MAZ-7910 8 x 8 chassis, the turret is located on the turntable otherwise employed for the 30N6 radar. Centre: Primary optical aperture for beam director. Right: Carbon Dioxide Gas Dynamic Laser (GDL) bank testbed. Note the hardstand used to support the MAZ-7930 chassis (Almaz image).
I nesto sa Farnboroa 2010
Anti-aircraft laser unveiled at Farnborough Airshow
Citat:US firm Raytheon has unveiled its anti-aircraft laser at the Farnborough Airshow in Hampshire.
The Laser Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) can either be used on its own or alongside a gunnery system.
In May, the laser was used to shoot down unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a series of tests.
Raytheon said the solid state fibre laser produces a 50 kilowatt beam and can be used against UAV, mortar, rockets and small surface ships.
The idea of using lasers as weapons has been around almost as long as the laser itself, invented in 1960.
Army’s New Laser Cannon Blasts Drones Out of the Sky, Even in Fog
Citat:This test was done in a windy and foggy environment, an essential step to proving the technology is useful for naval deployment. The HEL MD used a 10-kilowatt laser—a much less powerful version of what it will eventually fire—to “successfully engage” more than 150 targets at Eglin Air Force Base, a Department of Defense weapons testing facility on the Florida Panhandle. In other words, it disabled or destroyed them.
Obrazloženje kako su resili problem sa energijom:
Citat:The ONR is, unsurprisingly, keeping details of how they were able to shrink the components down so much, though Extremetech reports that this is accomplished partially by siphoning energy from the vehicle’s drivetrain — producing 10 KW while driving and as much as 30 KW when parked with the engine idling. Idling will also supposedly charge the laser’s batteries up to 80 per cent from exhausted in just 20 minutes.
China unveils 'laser to shoot down low-flying drones'
Citat:China has developed a highly accurate laser weapon system that can shoot down light drones at low altitude, state media reported.
The machine has a two-kilometre range and can bring down "various small aircraft" within five seconds of locating its target, the official Xinhua news agency said, citing a statement by the China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), one of the developers.
Xinhua showed pictures of large metal boxes in camouflage paint and the wreckage of a small drone, some of it burning.
Данас нема поузданог извора енергије који би био у моугћности да мобилном ласерском уређају обезбеди продужено време рада, стога и нема потребе да се противавионске ракете замене ласерским топовима. „Многобројна тестирања ласерских система засад нису ништа више од проучавања технологија за будућност“, каже експерт.
Laserom se ne može „ispaliti“ preko horizonta. Njegov zrak će pogoditi samo onaj cilj koji se nalazi u granicama direktne vidljivosti. Osim toga, za dobijanje laserskog zraka velike snage potrebni su moćni izvori napajanja. Još jedan veoma važan nedostatak lasera se sastoji u tome da njegova efikasnost naglo opada u složenim meteorološkim uslovima i prilikom postavljanja guste zavese od dima. A da ne govorimo o tome da se laserski zrak rasejava i u slučaju idealnog stanja atmosfere. Ovi sistemski nedostaci se ne mogu prevladati ili nadoknaditi, smatra rukovodilac redakcije vojnih novosti ITAR-TAS Viktor Litovkin.
- To je posao bez pesperktive. Jer, još uvek nema takvih akumulatora koji mogu da prikupe elektroenergiju koja je potrebna za precizno ispaljivanje na velikoj udaljenosti. Laserom se može navoditi na cilj, laserom se može zaslepiti protivnik, laserom se mogu menjati udaljenosti. Ali je laser kao oružje – iz oblasti fantastike.
Oborili bespilotnu letelicu
Boeing's Compact Laser Weapon System (CLWS) used a 2 kW laser to disable an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) during Exercise 'Black Dart', representatives from Boeing announced on 11 August.
During the 3 August event, the system shot down an airborne UAV at Point Mugu in California by holding the laser beam on the UAV's tail for 10-15 seconds, David DeYoung, director of Boeing Laser and Electro-Optical Systems, said during a media roundtable.
The two-man portable CLWS also identified and tracked - with a mid-wave infrared sensor - ground and airborne targets from "ranges approaching 40 km" during the event, Boeing announced.