Poslao: 30 Jan 2014 23:05
- vrabac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 4961
То је зато што је Панцир на другом(има) месту(има) да ти бустер не би пао на главу.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 31 Jan 2014 15:07
- acatomic
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 4229
Citat:Tor-M2U newest anti-aircraft missile systems to be shown in 2014
MOSCOW, December 26, 12:03 /ITAR-TASS/. The Tor-M2U newest anti-aircraft missile systems will be for the first time shown on May 9, 2014, in the Victory Parade in Moscow, Alexander Leonov, chief of air defence troops of the RF Land Forces, told journalists in connection with the 98th jubilee of air defence troops, marked on Thursday.
"It is the first time that the public at-large will have an opportunity to see these combat vehicles in the incoming year on May 9 during a Victory Parade in the Red Square," he said. "As of now, in three military districts, there are troop formations which already have available Tor-M2U systems."
Leonov said the Tor-M2U ensures an all-aspect destruction of air targets resultant of the availability in it of an all-round-view spotting station, a guidance station, and a unit of fire -- a vertical-takeoff anti-aircraft guided missile.
"Such a configuration of the combat vehicle makes it possible to reconnoiter on the move in any kind of terrain and fire at air targets from an unprepared position after a short, 3-5-second, stop," he said. "Besides, a high-capacity computing system ensures a complete automation of combat performance processes with a simultaneous firing by one launcher at four targets in a given sector".
Poslao: 01 Feb 2014 13:54
- sremac983
- Legendarni građanin
- Neimar i savremeni farmer.
- Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 11745
- Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...
amonsrb ::@ kvcali
Nisam o višeslojnoj odbrani ni razmišljao... to onda ima smisla Bilo mi je malo čudno da samo Tor služi za odbranu kad ima drugih jačih sistema.
Ali sad se postavlja pitanje šta je sa Pancirom i zašto su odabrali Tor za ovu ulogu... jer koliko sam ja uspio uopšteno da shvatim, Pancir bi trebalo da služi za zaštitu S300-S400 sistema i nekih drugih statičkih objekata, a Tor prati mehanizovane brigade (valjda je zato i na gusjenicama).
Ovo daje argument pobornicima Tor-a naspram Pancira i ukazuje da je Tor u nekoj prednosti nad drugim sistemom ( da li pouzdanost ili preciznost ).
Oprostite ako puno lupam, ovo je samo moje zapažanje kao laika za PVO sisteme.
Зато што је тор тренутно бољи систем за ПРО одбрану него ли панцир....
Све ми се више свиђа ово утркивање између ова два система, на крају ће стварно постати и један и други врхунски...
Poslao: 06 Feb 2014 23:03
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102003
Citat:Russian-made TOR-M2KM surface-to-air defense missile system
Defexpo India 2014
Poslao: 06 Feb 2014 23:38
- vrabac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 4961
Napisano: 06 Feb 2014 23:37
Hvala qrcu i Petru Dobrnjcu namestili novu optroniku. Napokon.
Dopuna: 06 Feb 2014 23:38
3 godine im je trebalo....al sada je već ...
Poslao: 07 Feb 2014 18:47
- vrabac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 4961
Tja, i nije baš kao što sam očekivao ali ajde videćemo i bolje fotke. Stara radio stanica istina modernizovana (a osnovni model je bio nekada dobar...), ajde de...
Poslao: 08 Feb 2014 21:09
- acatomic
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 4229
Nova mornaricka verzija Tor-a nazvana M-Tor:
Citat:Russia to Arm Warships with New Air Defense System
NEW DELHI, February 6 (RIA Novosti) – A naval version of the Tor short-range air defense system will be installed on all Russian warships, the manufacturer, Almaz-Antey Concern, said Thursday.
The new system, dubbed M-Tor, is a variant of the modernized Tor-M2KM system featuring modular assembly, high reliability and improved precision, according to Yuri Baykov, spokesman for Almaz-Antey.
M-Tor will gradually replace the outdated Kinzhal (SA-N-Gauntlet) systems, which have been in service since 1989, Baykov said at the DEFEXPO INDIA-2014 exhibition in New Delhi.
He also said Russia will offer Tor-M2KMs to India as part of the recently announced tender for 52 short-range air defense systems to form two missile regiments in the Indian army.
Almaz-Antey will test a modified version of the Tor-M2KM in the spring, mounted on a wheeled chassis manufactured by India’s Tata Motors, the official said.
According to the company, Tor-M2KM is a highly versatile air defense system that can be mounted on a wide variety of platforms, including railway cars, rooftops and ships.
“This expands significantly the scope of its operational deployment, as the system could be used to protect stadiums from airborne attacks during large international sports events,” Baykov said.
The system can simultaneously detect 48 targets, track up to ten targets and engage four of them at the same time.