Citat:The United Arab Emirates' International Golden Group (IGG) teamed with Slovenia's Valhalla Turrets to develop a 57 mm Desert Spider remote-controlled weapon system (RCWS).
Now in a prototype stage, the system was designed to protect high-value targets (HVTs) such as conventional and nuclear power stations, oil fields, or forward operating bases.
According to a spokesperson, "We are currently at Technology Readiness Level 6 [TRL 6] but working to achieve TRL 8 in the future and with funding permitting." The five-tonne Desert Spider is mounted on four extendable arms that can be adjusted to suit the terrain.
Its main armament comprises the 57 mm L/76.6 rifled weapon from Russia's S-60 towed anti-aircraft gun (AAG) that is fitted with a pepper pot muzzle brake and mounts the Russian 14.5 mm KPV heavy machine gun (HMG) co-axially. Heavier targets would be engaged using with the 57 mm gun, and lighter protected targets or dismounted infantry with the 14.5 mm HMG. The standard Russian S-60 57 mm AAG is fed with clips of four rounds of ammunition from the left side, with the empty cartridge cases ejected to the right.
For the Desert Spider application, a chain-driven mechanical ammunition handling system was developed. It holds 92 rounds of 57×348 mm ready-use ammunition. The weapon's maximum range is being quoted as 6,000 m, and its maximum cyclic rate of fire is 120 rds/min.
Types of 57 mm ammunition that could be fired include the BR-281 series of armour piercing high-explosive - tracer (APHE-T) with a muzzle velocity of 1,000 m/s, which could penetrate 96 mm of steel armour at a range of 1,000 m.
Da li sa radarom i optronikom moze da gadja ciljeve do 6km? Ako je tako, onda je idealno sredstvo protiv zujalica, naprimer moze biti pojacanje Pancirima, jos da je mobilno.
acatomic ::Eto i šta bi falilo da se napravi nešto slično (brez oklopa) u tom kalibru za PASARS-16?
Fali da neko kaze sta hoce tacno. Ako hoces samo Bofors da dignes na kamion, eto dobili ste to. Ako hoces da napravis RCWS sa tim istim topom 40 mm to je drugi par opanaka.
mgaji21 ::@Toni
Da li sa radarom i optronikom moze da gadja ciljeve do 6km? Ako je tako, onda je idealno sredstvo protiv zujalica, naprimer moze biti pojacanje Pancirima, jos da je mobilno.
Ovo nije PVO sredstvo i neces zujalice da gadjas sa 57 mm.
Evo ti kako nemacka medicina gadja zujalice, jedan kratak rafal. Programirana/airburst muncija je lek.
Rusi imaju takvo PVO sredstvo samo bez radara (samo sa optronikom) koji mu vjerovatno treba, prikazali su na njihovom sputnjik military sajtu, gadja ciljeve koji lete brzinom max. 500m/s, zaboravio sam naziv. Mozda granata ima mogucnost da eksplozijom napravi " celicnu kisu " koja unistava cilj ili vise vazdusnih ciljeva.
bojank ::Nemaju Rusi nista, ima jedan prototip cija je buducnost jako upitna.
+ isti nije PVO orudje.
Iz nepoznatog razloga nemogu da okacim link gde pise da jeste PVO oruzje i misljenje jednog ruskog eksperta za PVO da je efikasnije od Pancir topova, sa laserskim fragmatetskim granatama, u poslednjoj fazi razvoja, nemoras vjerovat, pokusacu kasnije da okacim link.