Zanimljivosti iz (vojne) istorije


Zanimljivosti iz (vojne) istorije

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25477

Napisano: 06 Apr 2019 17:34

Хероји априлског рата, толико година је сваки помен ових јунака био избегаван, њихово херојство се не сме заборавити!

Dopuna: 06 Apr 2019 17:39

Дали би се ова рондела могла врнути питам се?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 5918
  • Gde živiš: Esgaroth

Колико се сећам, када је средином '90-их први пут покренута прича око повратка те ронделе, већ у старту је било играња са распоредом боја. На крају је усвојено решење које је данас на снази...

Без обзира шта ко мислио о њој, она је била изузетна. Ипак, шансе да се врати су... па, рецимо као и да репрезентација Србије поново заигра у плавом... увек би се нашао неко ко би то видео као враћање југословенству... ми, једноставно, ни бисмо били ми кад не бисмо занемаривали историју...

  • voja64  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 10 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 25477

Sa fb grupe
World War 2 Eastern Front

Total divisions- 208, of them in the East- 154 (75% in the East), France- 38, Norway- 8, Balkans- 7, North Africa- 2.
Total panzer divisions- 21, of them in the East- 19 (90% in the East), France- 0, Norway- 0, Balkans-0, North Africa- 2.
Total personnel- 3,825,000, of them in the East- 3,300,000 (85% in the East); in France- 395,000; Norway- 95,000; Balkans- 70,000; North Africa- 35,000.
Total amount of tanks- 4,200; of them in the East- 3,680 (88% in the East); North Africa- 350; other theaters- 170.


Total divisions- 233, of them in the East- 184 (80% in the East), France- 29, Norway and Denmark- 13, Balkans- 5, North Africa- 3.
Total personnel- 3,818,000; of them in the East- 2,997,000 (80% in the East); France- 520,000; Norway and Denmark- 166,000; Balkans- 80,000; North Africa- 55,000.


Total divisions- 277, of them in the East- 194 (70% in the East), France- 44, Norway and Denmark- 17, Balkans- 15, Italy- 7.
Total personnel- 4,484,000; of them in the East- 3,345,000 (75% in the East); 1,139,000 across other theaters of war.
Total amount of tanks and assault guns- 5,305; of them in the East- 3,922 (74% in the East).


Total divisions- 280, of them in the East and northern Norway- 177 (62% in the East), France- 53, Italy- 26, Balkans- 24, southern Norway- 8.
Personnel deployment: in the East and northern Norway - 2,610,000 (62% in the East); France- 886,000; Italy- 365,000; Balkans- 290,000, Southern Norway- 90,000.

Za nas koji ne vemo Ingliš prevod sa googleta za koji se NADAM da je koliko toliko korektan,,
да ли сте знали да до отварања другог фронта у француској, до 80 % немачких снага је било на истоку?

22 јун 1941-операција барбароса, северна африка:
укупно подела-208, од њих на истоку-154 (75 % на истоку), француска-38, норвешка-8, балкан-7, северна африка-2.
укупно панцер дивизија-21, од њих на истоку-19 (90 % на истоку), француска-0, норвешка-0, балкан-0, северна африка-2.
укупно особље-3,825,000, од њих на истоку-3,300,000 (85 % на истоку); у француској-395,000; норвешка-95,000; балкан-70,000; северна африка-35,000.
укупна количина тенкова-4,200; од њих на истоку-3,680 (88 % на истоку); северна африка-350; други биоскопа-170.

1 јул 1942-немачка вожња у стаљинград, кавказ на кавказу, битке за северну африку:

укупно подела-233, од њих на истоку-184 (80 % на истоку), француска-29, норвешка и данска-13, балкан-5, северна африка-3.
укупно особље-3,818,000; од њих на истоку-2,997,000 (80 % на истоку); француска-520,000; норвешка и данска-166,000; балкан-80,000; северна африка-55,000.

1 јул 1943-битка код курска, инвазија на сицилију:

укупно подела-277, од њих на истоку-194 (70 % на истоку), француска-44, норвешка и данска-17, балкан-15, италија-7.
укупно особље-4,484,000; од њих на истоку-3,345,000 (75 % на истоку); 1,139,000 у другим позориштима рата.
укупна количина тенкова и јуришна топова-5,305; од њих на истоку-3,922 (74 % на истоку).

1 јун 1944-отварање другог фронта, совјетска операција багратион:

укупно подела-280, од њих на истоку и северној норвешкој-177 (62 % на истоку), француска-53, италија-26, балкан-24, јужна норвешка - 8.
распоред особља: на истоку и северној норвешкој-2,610,000 (62 % на истоку); француска-886,000; италија-365,000; балкан-290,000, јужна норвешка-90,000.

  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 5918
  • Gde živiš: Esgaroth

Свет је мали... или...?

Иако сам га колико-толико скратио, овај текст то свакако није... па ипак, мислим да ће бити забавно прочитати...Citat:... Squadron Leader Archie Liggat...

... one day in October 1990... Archie, together with colleagues, was on quick reaction alert (QRA)duty on that particular day in the Falklands. The men were primed to react if needed while they waited in a special crewroom next to a hangar with two fully armed Phantom FGR2s. On the day in question, Archie and his colleagues had been made aware of a special request from the Argentine government concerning a large section of Antarctic ice, part of the renowned Wilkins Ice Shelf, which had broken off and was drifting around the South Atlantic seas...

As the aircraft to be used for these observations, a Lockheed C-130 Hercules operated by the Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aerea Argentina or FAA), had limited range, permission had been sought by the Argentines to fly across the Falkland Inner Conservation and Management Zone (FICZ). Since this would be the first such flight by an aircraft of the FAA after the war of 1982, the issue was a contentious one. Nonetheless, the United Kingdom government had agreed to the flight on condition that the C-130, as it crossed the FICZ, was accompanied by two RAF Phantoms...

So it was that the two QRA Phantoms took off on that spring Falklands day to intercept, identify and escort the Argentine aircraft. The plan worked just as arranged and it was not long before Archie, as pilot of the number one QRA aircraft, held formation on the left side of the C-130. When in position, he noted that the Argentine aircraft, apart from insignia and camouflage paintwork, was similar to the RAF C-130s...

Suddenly, Archie was struck with an idea; an idea which he discussed with his navigator who seemed quite amused by the preposterous proposition. For while in formation they’d spotted that their charge was one of the FAA’s two KC-130s, a type of Hercules based on the US Marine Corps variant used for in-flight refuelling. Archie decided to ease his twin throttles forward to reposition the Phantom; he wanted to be fully visible to the Argentine flight deck crew. He then dropped his left hand from the twin throttles to the fuel panel below. With his eyes still watching the Hercules, Archie’s fingers felt carefully for the in-flight refuelling probe switch... As the device, normally flush with the fuselage by the pilot’s cockpit, broke out of its housing the movement signalled a standard silent procedural message interpreted by aviators as: “I’d like some fuel please!”

The response from the Hercules’ flight deck crew was immediate: both of the pilots’ heads whipped round to stare at their escort. Meanwhile, several other crew members, their facial expressions quizzical, began to crowd against side windows...

... one of the Hercules’ men grinned at the Phantom crew and gave a thumbs up sign. Thus encouraged, Archie manoeuvred back-wards to adopt the standard refuel ‘wait’ position. After a moment or two, to his astonishment the Hercules’ refuel drogue gave a slight lurch before it began to emerge from the hose drum unit. As the fuel line slowly extended, Archie followed it back and started to move to a refuelling position. At this juncture, however, the Hercules’ captain must have decided that the prank had gone far enough: the hose jerked to a stop, paused, then was reeled swiftly back into its housing. Archie now eased his twin throttles forward to resume his former position abeam the Hercules’ cockpit. When there, he dropped his oxygen mask briefly to make an exaggerated glum expression. The reaction from the Hercules’ crew was intriguing: even more faces appeared at the side windows, all smiling broadly...

... the Hercules’ captain raised his coffee cup in salute, a sign which Archie construed to mean ‘no hard feelings’. He therefore retracted his refuelling probe and held a slightly wider formation... For the next hour or so Archie maintained this position while the formation flew on the planned course...

In the autumn of 1992... Archie was posted to RAF Valley as officer commanding 234 Squadron...

... when issues concerning Argentina arose although, as some ten years had elapsed since the Falklands War, efforts were underway to normalise relations. As part of that process, a new Argentine air attaché had been appointed, a colonel who was in the throes of introduction to personnel at various Royal Air Force stations around the country, including RAF Valley...

... the colonel eventually arrived... To accompany the colonel, smartly-uniformed members of the air attaché’s staff were joined by a group of senior Royal Air Force officers. In contrast, Archie and his men wore their normal day-to-day flying suits. When Archie made suitable introductions, he was relieved to see that the colonel was an affable fellow who chatted freely with everyone present. Maybe it was all the more of a surprise, therefore, when the colonel suddenly stopped speaking to stare, mouth agape, at a badge he’d just spotted on Archie’s flying suit. The badge, innocuous enough so Archie thought, revealed the achievement of 1,000 flying hours in a Phantom.

“Have you ever been to the Malvinas?” asked the colonel. An embarrassed hush descended on the room.

“Yes, sir. On several occasions,” said Archie, “though we called the islands something else.” He glanced nervously around the room. Some of the senior Royal Air Force officers scowled their disapproval.

“On several occasions?”

“Yes. I was detached there to fly Phantoms.”

“Interesting,” said the colonel. After a pause he went on: “I’ve flown there myself, actually.”

“You have?”

“Indeed. That is…in a manner of speaking.”


“It must have been about three years ago. I was on board a C-130 which had permission to overfly the Malvinas — the first FAA aircraft to do so since the war. We had to be escorted by a couple of Phantoms, one of which pretended to need an in-flight refuel from our C-130.” The colonel laughed and went on: “It was all a bit of fun, of course. But it broke the ice, so to speak, and the C-130 captain was willing to play along up to a point.”

At once, Archie beckoned one of his students, whispered a message which sent the student scurrying off to return after a moment or two with Archie’s flying logbook. Thumbing hastily through it, Archie found a particular page with a photograph loosely inserted. He extracted the photograph and showed it to the colonel whose face, as he studied the picture, at first looked shocked, then bemused, amused and amazed. “This is you…?” said the colonel. “Yes, sir. I was on duty that day — I was the Phantom pilot who pretended to need an in-flight refuel.”

“My God…” The colonel stared at Archie then, in a spontaneous act, clapped him on the shoulder, shook his hand vigorously and grabbed him in a bear hug. Now, in an escalating spirit of munificence, the colonel fumbled in his pocket to pull out a small leather pouch which contained a medal from the Argentine air academy. Without further ado, the colonel solemnly pinned the medal to Archie’s flying suit before... he stepped back and saluted...

when the colonel and his party made moves to leave, he came up to Archie to shake his hand warmly. “Goodbye, my friend. Please pay a visit to the Argentine air academy one day, huh?”

“Thanks, sir. That would be…” Archie suddenly noticed the way the colonel was looking at him. When the colonel nodded and turned around to leave, Archie was left with the distinct impression that he knew all along who Archie was. He could never be sure, of course...

  • Gama  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 4389

Inspirisan knjigom „Mitovi srpske istorije“ odlučih se da dodam beskonačnom spisku mitova još jedan mit.

Danas je Međunarodni dan pismenosti pa da spomenemo jedan od mitova koji bije naš jezik. Naime, internetom kruži tekst koji je navodno izgovorio Stefan Nemanja, osnivač dinastije Nemanjića, o jeziku. Tekst ovog citata glasi:

Citat:„Čuvajte, čedo moje milo, jezik kao zemlju. Riječ se može izgubiti kao grad, kao zemlja, kao duša. A šta je narod izgubi li jezik, zemlju, dušu?
Ne uzimajte tuđu riječ u svoja usta. Uzmeš li tuđu riječ, znaj da je nisi osvojio, nego si sebe potuđio. Bolje ti je izgubiti najveći i najtvrđi grad svoje zemlje, nego najmanju i najneznatniju riječ svoga jezika.
Zemlje i države ne osvajaju se samo mačevima nego i jezicima. Znaj da te je neprijatelj onoliko osvojio i pokorio koliko ti je riječi potrao i svojih poturio.
Narod koji izgubi svoje riječi prestaje biti narod.“

Ovo lepo zvuči. Uklapa se kao kamenčić u velikom mozaiku današnjih prilika. U eri interneta, i u doba kada naš jezik prožimaju reči iz stranog jezika, sve to zvuči proročanski ako se uzme u obzir da je te reči izgovorio Stefan Nemanja pre sedam vekova. Sve je to lepo ali ima jedan… jadac. A koji je to jadac 😊 ?

Problem je taj što ne postoji jedan izvor koji bi posvedočio te reči. Štaviše, ovakvo rezonovanje da je jezik odrednica nacionalnog identiteta nije karakteristično za srednji vek, već za mnogo kasniji period, kraj 18. i početak 19. veka u vreme buđenja nacionalne svesti. Da je Stefan Nemanja tako razmišljao, verovatno bi Srbi bili prvi narod koji je utemeljio ideju nacionalizma pre svih naroda.

Odakle je ovaj citat pripisan, pogrešno od strane nacionalista, Stefanu Nemanji?

Autor ovog apokrifa je Mile Medić, a ovaj tekst objavljen je 1998. godine u knjizi „Zavještanje Stefana Nemanje“. Znači, radi se o književnom delu, fikciji, novijeg datuma. Vremenom, književno delo postaje više od toga, a ime autora se zaboravlja. Na kraju ostaje samo zaveštanje, koje je, navodno, izgovorio Stefan Nemanja.

  • Stručljak-Penal
  • Pridružio: 27 Avg 2018
  • Poruke: 10916

Internet je postao meka za razne prosipače znanja. Svašta može da se tu nađe. I to u svakoj oblasti koja postoji. Svedoci smo i ovde raznih teorija, ideja, pametovanja. Malo malo pa iskoči po neki genije (na svu sreću omasti gajtan brzo).

Ja ima problema sa bratom (zapravo jako dragom mi osobom u životu, odrasli zajedno) koji je vjerujući teoretičar.

  • Gama  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 4389

Nedavno sam kupio knjigu Dejana Ristića "Mitovi srpske istorije". Toplo preporučujem ljudima da pročitaju. Odabrano je 20 mitova o kojima se priča, a koji su zapravo falsifikati: tipa da li smo jeli zlatnim viljuškama, da li je Gavrilo Princip napisao one reči, da li je major Dragutin Gavrilović izgovorio one reči pred poslednji juriš, itd...

  • Stručljak-Penal
  • Pridružio: 27 Avg 2018
  • Poruke: 10916


Svaka Ristiću čast što se upustio u nešto gde retko ko zalazi, ali sam ubeđen da prosečni konzument (za koga je napisano, ovo nije za naučnike) neće ni da pogledea njegove radove. Još nosi leptri mašne, fićfirić.

Bitku su predali oni velikani, kojima je bilo zanimljivije da se angažuju nacionalno no da budu naučnici. Danas se par časni izuzetaka bori sa navalom pomahnitalih mitomana. Pitam se Gamo dal ćeš ovim da izmamiš neke ovde.

  • Gama  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 4389

Svaki napor protiv pseudoistorije, i pseudonauke uopšte, je koristan.

Bez obzira što neće svi da pročitaju tu knjigu, iako je napisana razumljivim jezikom, ostaće tu da neko drugi pročita kasnije.

Nadam se da će izleteti neki lik Smile.

  • Stručljak-Penal
  • Pridružio: 27 Avg 2018
  • Poruke: 10916

Drago je meni zbog knjige. Risitić je zanimljiv lik (i ja nosim leptirke, imam desetak komada). Drago mi je što se upustio u ispravljanje onoga što je započelo kada je bio brucoš, a i pre.

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