Poslao: 19 Nov 2008 17:26
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 22 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 396
- Gde živiš: Zemun
@mean machine
Upravo zato nisam ništa komentarisao, nego sam se poslužio citatom.
Internet prevod na engleski:
Citat:Unexpectedly arrived on max -2005 from The [baranovichey] MiG-29[BM] with the onboard of " 06" it became one of the sensations of airshow. Sufficiently closed Belorussia decided clearly to demonstrate and into everybody's hearing to state, that the republic was capable in short periods and with the relatively small financial expenditures of creating the highly effective aviation complexes, capable on the equal of resisting contemporary western analogs. Appearance MiG-29[BM] in Zhukovskiy did not remain not noted by numerous foreign delegations, which visited exhibition. This is not amazing: taking into account experience, which obtained in the last ten years the Belorussian aviation specialists with preparation and deliveries of former Soviet military aviation equipment abroad (into [t].[ch]. also of fighters MiG-29), completely probable that to potential foreign customers can be proposed the analogous version of the modernization of their ' [MiGov]'. On the combat capabilities the pasts modernization in [Baranovichakh] MiG-29[BM] are sufficiently close to proposed now [RSK] of ' [MiG]' for the export MiG-29[SMT], and on the price they can prove to be substantially cheaper. In this case, in contrast to Russian MiG-29[SMT], ' Belorussian of [modernizirovannye]' they already for several years actually perform in VVS of their country, what in a number of cases is the substantial argument in customer, who selects one or other proposal or another on the market.
Poenta je da su Belorusi sa dosta manje sredstava napravili verziju koja je, naravno ne bolja, ali uporediva sa SMT.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 19 Nov 2008 18:44
- zixo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23404
- Gde živiš: Beograd
I zanimljivo da su kasnije uklonili sistem za popunu gorivom u vazduhu. Za sada modernizovano samo 5 aviona. Vlado imas li ti neki noviji podatak?
Poslao: 19 Nov 2008 20:01
- mean_machine
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 12566
VLADA-M. ::@mean machine
Upravo zato nisam ništa komentarisao, nego sam se poslužio citatom.
Internet prevod na engleski:
Citat:Unexpectedly arrived on max -2005 from The [baranovichey] MiG-29[BM] with the onboard of " 06" it became one of the sensations of airshow. Sufficiently closed Belorussia decided clearly to demonstrate and into everybody's hearing to state, that the republic was capable in short periods and with the relatively small financial expenditures of creating the highly effective aviation complexes, capable on the equal of resisting contemporary western analogs. Appearance MiG-29[BM] in Zhukovskiy did not remain not noted by numerous foreign delegations, which visited exhibition. This is not amazing: taking into account experience, which obtained in the last ten years the Belorussian aviation specialists with preparation and deliveries of former Soviet military aviation equipment abroad (into [t].[ch]. also of fighters MiG-29), completely probable that to potential foreign customers can be proposed the analogous version of the modernization of their ' [MiGov]'. On the combat capabilities the pasts modernization in [Baranovichakh] MiG-29[BM] are sufficiently close to proposed now [RSK] of ' [MiG]' for the export MiG-29[SMT], and on the price they can prove to be substantially cheaper. In this case, in contrast to Russian MiG-29[SMT], ' Belorussian of [modernizirovannye]' they already for several years actually perform in VVS of their country, what in a number of cases is the substantial argument in customer, who selects one or other proposal or another on the market.
Poenta je da su Belorusi sa dosta manje sredstava napravili verziju koja je, naravno ne bolja, ali uporediva sa SMT.
Vidis meni to bas nije najjasnije. Belorusi navode da njihov unapredjeni MiG-29 moze da se naoruza sa KAB-500Kr bombom
ali gledajuci sliku kabine (doduse koja nije cela) ja vidim samo onaj mali ekran koji se obicno za radar.
Voleo bih da vidim sliku cele kabine jer ne verujem da se taj mali ekran (pitanje je koja je uopste rezolucija istog) koristi za kontrolisanje KAB-500Kr bombe.
Sto se tice borbe u vazduhu tu su verovatno identicni.
Poslao: 19 Nov 2008 20:10
- zixo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23404
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Citat:Trebalo bi da ih ima više. Gore su slike aviona "03", "05", "06" i "07", a evo i "02" i "04".
Nisam siguran da su to svi modernizovani avioni.
Poslao: 19 Nov 2008 20:22
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 22 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 396
- Gde živiš: Zemun
Jester ::Postoji SMT sa i bez grbe.
Onaj avion sa brojem 918 je verzija SMT2 i namenjen je za izvoz.
Poslao: 19 Nov 2008 20:23
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 22 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 396
- Gde živiš: Zemun
zixo ::Nisam siguran da su to svi modernizovani avioni.
Tako su predstavljeni.
Poslao: 19 Nov 2008 20:24
- zixo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23404
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Pa ako hoces da povecas dolet moze.