Generalno su Francuzi puno utucali na američku armiju (i na mnoge druge). Američki artiljerijski kalibri su francuski, baterija isto, no da ne duljim.
Jedan od problema populističke istorije je da se samo nemački stormtruperi spominju kao veliko čudo, no sve ostale vojske su imale, slične i podjednako efikasne formacije.
Ček da ubacim nešto zanimljivo, 6. jun je.
Američki bataljon oklopne (mehanizovane) pešadije 1944.
Bojan, ako mu nije teško, da proveri da li je tačan dokument.
I opet o reformi marinaca.
Citat:Each rifle squad will get its own quadcopter mini-drone to scout ahead and a drone operator to run it. But the squad will shrink from 13 Marines (three fire teams of four plus a squad leader) to 12 (three fire teams of three plus a command team of squad leader, assistant squad leader, and “squad systems operator”). Every rifleman will carry the new M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR), complete with flash suppressor, instead of the lighter and less powerful M4 or M16.
Each rifle platoon will also get a specialist drone operator. They and the platoon leadership will also get the M27.
Each company headquarters will get an intelligence cell — making permanent an improvisation from Afghanistan and Iraq — as well as drone operators for reconnaissance, counter-drone specialists to defeat enemy reconnaissance, and logisticians to keep the company supplied.
Each battalion will gain a combat engineer platoon and reshuffle its weapons company. The number of anti-tank teams with shoulder-fired Javelin missiles will increase from eight to 12, and the Javelin’s range will increase with an upgraded control unit. But the number of the heavier (and older) TOW missile launchers will drop by half, from eight to four, and the number of 81 mm mortars by a quarter, from eight to six. The weapons company will also get Polaris MRZR offroad vehicles to help haul its heavy gear. Their personnel, however, will stick with the old M4 carbine.
Americki kalibri su Francuski osim 105mm koji je nemacki (uslovno). Tacnije kada je reseno da se razvija nova generacija artiljerisjkih orudje pocetkom 1920ih dat je uzor sta su minimalne zahtevane performanse.
Sva ta "uzorna" orudja su bila francuska, osim 105mm haubice leFH16 i A-U 75mm brdskog topa Skoda M15.
Vrlo verovatno, spominje CMC tako nesto. Kada sednem za racunar cu citiram.
Dopuna: 07 Jun 2019 15:35
Citat:Each company headquarters will get an intelligence cell — making permanent an improvisation from Afghanistan and Iraq — as well as drone operators for reconnaissance, counter-drone specialists to defeat enemy reconnaissance, and logisticians to keep the company supplied.
Već sam okačio link ka tekstu. Zapravo nije bitno da li će bi u komandi čete ili u pratećem vodu.
MAS 36 je nastao kao moderna puska ali i da prati kalibar Puskomitraljeza . Tek poslije 2 SR su masovno zazivjele , nije ih bilo dovoljno.
Berthier je nastala u 1 SR posto se za pusku Lebel ( najbolja puska svog vremena ) utvrdilo da je preglomazna i spora za punje je .
Mislim da je prepravljena na kalibar 7.5x54 pred 2SR.
A ova Lebelka sa bacacem granata ili bombi me podsjeca na tandjare i papovke koje su stajale po rovovima bas za tu namjenu.