Poslao: 04 Nov 2014 19:44
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24222
Citat:Project EXPLODE is ready to take on the remaining complex munitions in the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s storage. We are fine-tuning ourselves to get engaged in disposal by reflecting back on the previous experiences in disposal of complex weapons systems. The following three steps represent the main framework in which we operate taking a successful example of MLRS (Multiple rocket launch system) type M87 “ORKAN” 262mm we disposed of in 2012:
Disposing of cluster munitions was an obligation that stems from the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM); the Ministry of Defense of BiH and UNDP BiH have fulfilled the obligations set out in the Article 3 of the CCM, which was a major milestone for the country. Reflecting back on the earlier tasks and the lessons learned helps us in preparation for the coming challenges in the disposal of high hazardous munitions, rocket systems and other complex weapon systems.
Step number 1: Inspection
Before the disposal process can begin identifying and confirming the item designated for disposal must be done by cross checking technical documentation, assessing markings on the item and its distinctive visual attributes. Depending on the state of the item, the stability of the rocket fuel must be chemically tested to make sure that the weapon is chemically stable for disposal. The inspection tells us, among other things: a) the type and model, b) the condition of the item (including if it is armed or not), c) marking and serial numbers, d) gross weight, and e) the number of components. The information attained through inspection allows for the precise planning of the disposal process, including; transport, tools, and the overall security and safety of the process in the determined facility.
Step number 2: Demilitarization Plan
There are two main methods used for the disposal of munitions: One is OB/OD, Open Burning or Open Detonation, which is used when the item is unsafe to transport or handle. For this a “demolition range” is used to safely dispose of such items based on their specific properties. The second main method of disposal is reverse engineering (demilitarization) of the item. This always takes place in a specialized facility that is equipped with specific tools, appropriate storage and an ammunition processing building to safely proceed with the process. The majority of these facilities have an array of interchangeable tools and processing areas that can service different types of ammunition designated for disposal. Once the method for disposal is determined the items must be transported from the place of storage to the place of disposal. This has to be done if possible in the original cases and cradles that have a custom design to support the item during transport. Before disposal begins, the weapons system will be temporarily stored upon arrival until they are put on the disassembly line.
Step 3: Disposal
The MLRS system is best disposed of by the second method used in disposal; reverse engineering/ demilitarization in combination with open burning and open detonation for certain parts of the system. This process is conducted with pre-determined safety and security procedures that follow precise instructions on how to handle the stages of the reverse engineering process. In disposing of the MLRS system the following is arranged for disposal:
Disassembly line: once out of temporary storage the MLRS will be sent to the disassembly line where; the rocket body and warhead are dissembled, the starter engine is disassembled from the rocket body, the main engine is then disassembled, and the disconnection of other components of the warhead is then sorted for a second state of processing.
Disposal of individual parts: disassembling the warhead is a sub activity done in order to neutralize separate parts of the rocket. The main priority in the case of MLRS is to neutralize the warhead with cluster sub-ammunition. This is done by screwing off the fuse and removing its charges. The cluster sub-munitions is then removed and this sub-munitions is subsequently disposed of by open detonation.
Neutralization of the engine section: The final step in disposing of MLRS is completed by neutralizing the engine section. The entire engine is strapped to a test table whereby all fins and stabilizers are removes. The engine is then ignited to ‘burnout’ the remaining fuel. Once it is verified that there is no more fuel residue the scrap metal is made available for recycling.
Once the processes are finalized and a thorough verification process is conducted the opportunity to engage in new tasks can begin.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 05 Nov 2014 06:42
- raketaš
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 07 Nov 2013
- Poruke: 5367
Nego da pitam da li je netko vidio fotku ili film sa Orkan-2 , a da odotraga ima mehanizam za otvaranje aerodinamičkih kočnica , to je mehanizam, nazubljeni prstenovi krem boje navućeni preko lansirnih cijevi ,koji se vidi na ovoj fotki
Imam utisak da se na ZIL u zbog one Lunine surle nije mogao ispoštovati međuosni razmak . kao da su cijevi razmaknute , puno više nego na ORKAN u , a to bi značilo da se već u fazi konstrukcije odustalo od kočnica
Poslao: 05 Nov 2014 08:25
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24222
To onda znaci da rakete lansirane sa ZIL mogu ici samo maksimalnih 50 km ?
Poslao: 05 Nov 2014 08:46
- raketaš
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 07 Nov 2013
- Poruke: 5367
ray ban11 ::^
To onda znaci da rakete lansirane sa ZIL mogu ici samo maksimalnih 50 km ?
Ne baš u tom smislu , može se kod viših elevacija postići manji domet , ako je lansiraš vertikalno domet je nula metara i pada strogo vertikalno i tada je slika pogodaka bombica na cilju kružna .
Poanta je u tom kružnom posipu bombica kad je lansiraš pod kutom od 45-50 stupnjeva leti daleko ali je i ulazak u zonu cilja pod tim istim kutom oko 50 stupnjeva pa je posip izdužena elipsa i bitno se smanjuje vjerojatnost uništenja cilja.
Kod uporabe kočnica domet pada ali raketa prilazi zoni cilja pod strmijim kutem recimo 75-80 stupnjeva pa je posip na cilju ravnomjerniji.
E sad da se vratimo na početak , zašto onda ne lansirati raketu pod kutem od 80 stupnjeva imamo nešto manji domet ali pada sigurno vertikalno i ima idealan posip.
Problem je u tome što kod tih vertikalnih putanja raketa ulazi u stratosferu gubi stabilitet jer nema dovoljno zraka da je stabilizira , kod povratka iz stratosfere se tumba može letiti jedno vrijeme i sa repom prema naprijed ( malo karikiram ) . Na tim velikim visinama pušu jaki vjetrovi , a ona nestabilna , i vjetar je odnese par kilometara .
Pukovnik Divac je ( mislim ) 1990 godine radio doktorat na tu temu kob Bobe Jankovića i tu je sve detaljno obrazložio , možda uspijem iskopati doktorat jer je tada VTF pripadao Zagrebačkom sveučilištu i doktorat bi morao biti deponiran u nacionalnoj biblioteci.
Te kočnice su jedna od specifičnosti Vučurovih raketa i on je na tome zaista žestoko jašio, e sad kad je sjašio neki novi klinci misle da to ne treba.
Poslao: 05 Nov 2014 08:59
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24222
Koliko mogu da vidim kod ZIL-135 se onaj lanser podize /elevacija / maks. +65° ,stari Orkan je lanser dizao najvise od +56°.
Mozda je ovo kod Orkana 2 neki optimum za to sto ste naveli ?
Poslao: 05 Nov 2014 09:52
- vrabac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 4962
Znam da je neko pisao, možda Godar, ali nisam pazio na času pa vas molim da ponovite kakve su kočnice na onom mestu gde su Frankisti dobili rat, ovaj na Teruelu a kakve na brazilcima recimo. Samo ukratko.
Poslao: 05 Nov 2014 18:32
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24222
Jos nesto iz Iraka
Citat:A 262 mm rocket that had come out of its casing after it was reportedly abandoned in a field in Khalil, central Iraq, by Iraqi forces. The U.S. Army found U.N. tags on the missiles which they say are capable of delivering chemical or biological agents. — AFP
Poslao: 05 Nov 2014 20:14
- raketaš
- Stručni saradnik foruma
- Pridružio: 07 Nov 2013
- Poruke: 5367
ray ban11 ::^
Koliko mogu da vidim kod ZIL-135 se onaj lanser podize /elevacija / maks. +65° ,stari Orkan je lanser dizao najvise od +56°.
Mozda je ovo kod Orkana 2 neki optimum za to sto ste naveli ?
Na ZILU odnosno na LUNI je taj kut postavljen kao maksimalni upravo zbog tog razloga ..tumbanja na tjemenu putanje , ali zbog LUNE , a ne zbog Orkana , pretpostavljam da je netko vodio računa o tome i ograničio tablicama gađanja odnosno balističkom programom maksimalno moguću elevaciju za raketu 262 mm
Malo OT pitanje... čemu služe ona ogromna krila , stabilizatori na V-2 , a nema nikakve šine na lanseru ??? . dakle ona polijeće sa nultom brzinom i ima u mlaznici grafitna kormila koja je stabiliziraju dok radi raketni motor , nakon što se motor ugasi negdje u startosferi ona leti defakto u bazvazdušnom prostoru i krila joj ne trebaju, jer je ne mogu stabilizirati , ona zaista leti sa repom prema naprijed , ali ulaskom u gušće slojeve atmosfere ona se aerodinamički stabilizira i kao kompletna raketa pada nosom na cilj.
Ta tema povratka iz stratosfere je veliki problem za nevođene rakete, one su ogromne dužine i užasno velikog momenta inercije po toj uzdužnoj osi , a slabo stabilizirane u rijetkim slojevima zraka. Njihova krila su neki kompromis .. da budu stabilne dok izađu iz lansera , za to su pramala , da budu stabilne i da ne smetaju kod maksimalne brzine od preko 1000m/s za to su prevelika i na kraju da uspiju to čudo stabilizirati u svemirskom vakuumu kod povratka u atmosferu za to su debelo pre mala