Kod poljaka su mi najdraze one njihove vjezbe slijetanja na obicne asfaltne puteve- cinimi se da to spada u obavezne godisnje vjezbe pilota. Gledao sam negdje slike kako 29ka slijece na takav autoput i fale joj mozda 3metra od krila do pocetka sume Pravi adrenalinski sport
Dopuna: 09 Maj 2009 22:41
Ovo bi danasnja show iznad Moskve,slike su jos vruce
I par slika,mada sam ih vec ovdje vidio na forumu al ja dodajem jos par detalja sa 99te godine...
Da li neko zna da li se nešto promenilo u opremljenosti pilota VVS,posebno pilota mig-29, da li sada imaju imaju neke uređaje kojima mogu da pokažu tačnu lokaciju u slučaju iskakanja?A da je tim za spašavanje krenuo po njih.Nešto kao što imaju nato piloti.Biper ili kako se već zove.
Israel Air Force test pilots are flying MIG 29 jets and conducting dogfights against the IAF's F-16 fighters, Channel 2 revealed Wednesday evening.
The MIG 29, developed by the soviets in the 1970s, is one of the best fighter jets used by eastern and Arab countries, as well as by Syria and Iran. It was developed to counter American-made jets such the F-16 or F/A-18.
The jets were loaned to Israel by an unnamed foreign country. The experiment is meant to prepare IAF pilots for missions where they might have to fight a foreign air-force.
"We tested them - we trained the IAF pilots against them," an unnamed IAF official said.
The IAF employs ten test pilots. The training of each costs about a million dollars, but the experience gleaned from the test pilots, the unnamed official said, "is priceless."
"You fly in places and in certain conditions in a way never attempted before," an unidentified test pilot said. "Once, a piece of the jet's body broke during an experiment but the crew managed to land it safely."
A test jet is just like a regular one, except for special sensors which cover literally every aspect of its mechanical and electronic systems and can be monitored from the ground for assessment.
An additional experiment conducted recently by the air force involved loading an F-16 with weapons to its utmost capacity, or "flight in a heavy formation," as the test pilot labeled it. The experiment was meant to measure the pilot's safety and the fighter's capability when it was carrying the maximum amount of armaments.
A jet so armed might be used in a long-distance sortie. The pilots interviewed would not name which foreign countries might be the targets of such sorties, but it was clear the main target of such an ambitious mission would be Iran's nuclear installations.
Sad me ne čudi što Rusi prodaji osiromašene verzije aviona,obzirom kakve mušterije imaju...
Ameri će voziti Suhoje a Izraelci Migove.Udarac za ova dva Ruska brenda pa i za Rusku državu koja to mora da sazna i pokuša da spreči.
Mogu da zamislim kako će Izraelci da prostudiraju letne mogućnosti MIG-29,i na osnovu toga usavrše svoje vazdušne borce.Mislimo o Izraelu šta hoćemo, ali kad im treba nešto oni dođu do toga.RESPEKT
Nešto mi izgleda da se polako priprema akcija u Iranu.....videćemo
Ovo nije ekskluziva , izraelci su vec trenirali sa bifsim istocnonjemackim avionima pre nego sto su prodani , kao i verovatno sa americkim MiG-ovima jos dok su bili operativni.
Verovatno sada moraju da istreniraju novoobucene pilote u realfight protiv MiG-29-ki.
Trpe Grozni ::Ovo nije ekskluziva , izraelci su vec trenirali sa bifsim istocnonjemackim avionima pre nego sto su prodani , kao i verovatno sa americkim MiG-ovima jos dok su bili operativni.
Verovatno sada moraju da istreniraju novoobucene pilote u realfight protiv MiG-29-ki.
Tacno, Amerika vec odavno posjeduje Mig 29S i neke koristi za obuku pilota, a izraelski piloti su redovni gosti na vjezbama i TOP GUN akademijama i Red Flag....nista novo.
Ima dosta aviona ali nijedan neizgleda u vazduhu kao MIG 29.Najlepši borbeni avion do sada.Sjajno deluje u poletanju, u oštrim zaokretima,brisanjcu pa onda penjanje.Pa još ti snažni motori,uživanje ih je gledati.Sjajni su i Suhoji i Fantomi,Miraži ali devetka....