Poslao: 29 Nov 2010 04:58
- jazbar
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
- Poruke: 16142
- Gde živiš: Lublana
aerodrom ::Kinezi su sklopili jos jedan posao sa Venecuelom.
Ovog puta isporucice im 12 transportnih aviona Y-8:
Da podsetim: prethodno su im isporucili trejnere K-8, kao i osmatracke radare.
Polako ali sigurno ulaze na teren Centralne Amerike, u naftom bogatu Venecuelu.
Sa druge strane, Hugo je dobro procenio Ruse i zna da ce ga kad-tad ostaviti na cedilu. Primer Irana mu je dobro dosao.
Naprosto Rusija ne proizvodi takvih transportnih aviona i to je po meni glavni razlog kupnje kod Kineza. Čisto sumnjam da bi Rusi prestali surađivat sa Venezuelom, neznam iz kog razloga? Nema ni teoretske šanse. Prije obratno ako dođe desnica u Venezueli na vlast. Nema smisla uspoređivati islamske fanatike sa Čavezovim socialistima.
Poslao: 29 Nov 2010 08:51
- mean_machine
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 12606
Yellow Pinky ::Da mu uvodnici neće malo smetati pri pokretanju kanarda ?
Moguce da kanardi nisu pokretni.
Dopuna: 29 Nov 2010 8:51
su47berkut ::
Кина може да сарађује са Венецуелом,али нема користи нафта је Венецуеланска и Руска. Руси су платили 2 милијарде$ за истраживање и купили њихово нафтно предузеће тако да невидим како може да Кина купи нафту од Венецуеле када за извоз задужена Москва,а не Каракас,
Jel ti shvatas kakvu si glupost sada odvalio??? Verovatno nemas pojma sta znaci PDVSA za Venecuelu?
Poslao: 30 Nov 2010 10:45
- Pridružio: 16 Okt 2008
- Poruke: 2259
Na internetu su poslednjih dana ucestale diskusije o tome da kineska BVRAAM raketa SD-10 ima dvostruki, aktivno-pasivni, sistem navodjenja.
Ovo je tekst za koji se tvrdi da ga je objavio JANE'S Defence Weekly:
"China's SD-10 claimed to be a dual-mode AAM.
Robert Hewson Jane's Air-Launched Weapons Editor - Zhuhai, China
China's SD-10 medium-range air-to-air missile (AAM), as exhibited at Airshow China earlier in November, may be a considerably more capable weapon than was hitherto believed, Jane's understands.
Officials from the SD-10's manufacturer, the Luoyang Electro-Optical Technology Development Center (LOEC), said the missile was designed from the beginning to function with a dual-mode seeker operating in distinct active and passive radar homing modes. If so, the SD-10 is the first AAM to enter service with this acknowledged capability.
There have been suggestions that the latest AIM-120D Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) developed by Raytheon for the US Air Force and Navy has a similar dual-mode seeker capability. The full capabilities of the AIM-120D remain classified, but its development has been problematic and it has yet to enter operational service.
The SD-10 - the current production version is the refined SD-10A - has been cleared for service on the Chengdu J-10 and late-model versions of the Shenyang J-8 combat aircraft. By the end of this year the missile is expected to be operational with the PAC JF-17s of the Pakistan Air Force.
In lengthy discussions with LOEC at the 16-21 November Airshow China exhibition, the operating modes of the SD-10A were set out to Jane's in detail. The missile has an active terminal homing capability, which has been openly described since the first details of the SD-10 were made public in the middle of the last decade.
What has remained unspoken until now is the missile's claimed ability to home in on radar or electronic warfare emissions from the target aircraft, without support from the launch aircraft or use of the missile's own active seeker modes.
A LOEC official told Jane's that the passive mode was not intended to be the missile's primary targeting mode and cited the risks to friendly aircraft of relying on passive guidance alone. It is not clear if the SD-10A's seeker can continually alternate between active and passive modes in flight or if it makes a less sophisticated 'one time' switch.
In the past, Russian sources have given Jane's a detailed account of the assistance supplied by Russian design bureaus in the development of the SD-10. A LOEC official hinted that this co-operation is continuing when he noted: "We [LOEC] have the capability to make the seeker ourselves, but obviously we want it to be the best it possibly can." He confirmed that the missile still relied on some unidentified components that were sourced outside China.
Within Russia the AGAT Design Bureau has developed several dual-mode seeker designs which it only began discussing in public in 2009. Senior AGAT officials have remained vague when asked by Jane's about who paid for these development programmes, noting only that there is no Russian application and no Russian state support for them.
During the 1990s China also gained access to the 9B-1032 passive seeker developed by Avtomatika for the Vympel R-27P (AA-10 'Alamo') AAM. A melding of these two design inputs might explain how China arrived at its SD-10 seeker design. According to a LOEC official, the dual-mode capability was designed into the SD-10 from its inception.
An SD-10A missile (underwing) is part of the weapons suite of a Pakistan Air Force JF-17 at November's Airshow China. "
Poslao: 30 Nov 2010 12:07
- Pridružio: 14 Jun 2010
- Poruke: 1048
Odlican tekst @ aerodrom.Da li je moguce ovu raketu integrisati i na neki zapadni avion s obzirom da je dosta jeftinija od svoje konkurencije na zapadu,a predstavlja se kao konkurent ruskoj MR raketi R 77 i americkoj MR raketi AIM 120.
Poslao: 30 Nov 2010 12:36
- Besotted
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Nov 2006
- Poruke: 3782
- Gde živiš: Novi Sad
Bitno je da je integrisu ako je ikako moguce na nase avione, a ako ne eto nama alternative za koju do sada nismo znali.
Meni bi bilo jako cudno da su kinezi napravili tako dobre avione 4+ gen a da su zapostavili rakete za njih.
Kao sto se vidi iz prilozenog, ne da su ih usavrsili, nego po svemu sudeci postavljaju novi trend u raketnoj industriji.
Poslao: 30 Nov 2010 12:42
- Vlada78
- Moderator foruma
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
- Poruke: 12333
- Gde živiš: Srbija
Bilo je vec reci o ovoj raketi na forumu, i to kad je ministar bio u poseti Kini, ako se ne varam mislim da je o njoj pisao Besotted.
Poslao: 30 Nov 2010 13:04
- Pridružio: 14 Jun 2010
- Poruke: 1048
Bas sam na to i mislio.Da li bi se mogla integrisati na Gripen.Misleci na nas novi avion,a sve u cilju drasticnog smanjenja troskova koje bi imali sa preskupim zapadnim raketama.Razumeli smo se valjda sad i zasto sam to pitao.